
The dog wasn’t quite sure where Megan had taken them. The sign they’d passed that read WELCOME TO GALVESTON ISLAND meant nothing to her. She couldn’t read. She only knew that the place smelled like fish and salt and had big water that crashed onto the sand and that she was having a ball! A beach ball!

While Megan and Seth lay baking in the sun, Brigit and Blast ran up and down the beach chasing the seagulls. The dog knew her chances of catching one of the birds was small, but she didn’t care. It was still fun. What wasn’t fun was the crab who’d pinched her nose when she’d gone to sniff him. She’d swung her snout and flung that nasty creature right back into the bay.

Another day, she and Blast found a dead fish in the dunes. It smelled disgustingly wonderful, so they took turns rolling on it. Megan and Seth didn’t even make them take baths afterward, just encouraged them to romp in the waves, which the dogs had fun doing anyway.

They even went for a ride on a boat. At first, Brigit and Blast slid around the deck as the boat pitched from side to side, but eventually they got their sea legs—all four of them.

When Megan and Seth packed up all their things and loaded Brigit and Blast into the backseat of Seth’s car, Brigit knew the vacation was over. As the motion of the car moving up the highway lulled her to sleep, Brigit wondered what lay ahead for them when they returned to work. Would they get to play chase? Take down a bad guy?

The only thing she knew for sure is that a new adventure always awaited them.