But if the mind cant see itself, how then can I be aware of myself at all? How can I listen to myself think?

Take a moment to think about how you hear yourself think. Listen to the thoughts in your mind.

Now—a question. Are you the one who is saying what you hear? Or are you the one listening to what you hear? You see the problem.

We are indeed though undeniably hearing ourselves think. What's actually happening is that seeds from how we have treated others are going off in our mind and presenting thoughts to the mirror of our mind. We are not thinking our thoughts—the seeds are.

But if that's the case, am I forever to be simply a helpless witness of what the seeds present to me—whether it's the outside world or my own thoughts? What happened to free will?

Come on, that's what this whole book has been about. You can't control the present moment. It's happening to you. It's like dry cement.

But you have every power and right—and you must use this power and right—to select what new seeds you plant in the garden of your mind.