As a culture, we tend to think that we know more than people did before us because—well—we know more things. But there is also knowing a thing well: knowing how it really works. If we know this one thing, then knowing all the things there are to know, across the breadth of the ocean of this entire universe, becomes no more than stepping over a puddle of water.
Please don't be fooled by life, and by the small-minded people of the world, by skeptics, into believing that you are not capable of this, of becoming an actual angel, who sees all things and helps all living creatures.
This little book on yoga has lasted for two thousand years, because it works. In our modern times the ideas you've studied here may not be widely discussed or accepted, but if you're honest with yourself, you have to admit they make a lot of sense.
It's not just that these ideas may apply to some small part of your life. They are pointing you to your entire destiny—to the very reason you came into this world—and now it's up to you to fulfill that destiny.