The second cornerstone upon which the house of yoga is built is the Way. In the first chapter we use deep meditation to travel through the five paths; in the second chapter we start some very practical yoga methods to attain this meditation, and the wisdom that rides it. The two chapters together reflect yoga as a union of inner, mental methods and outer, physical methods or activities.
It's important to be clear about where we want our yoga to take us. What goal do we have in mind? The first important goal is nirvana. This is not some stupefied numbness, but refers rather to permanently stopping all our negative thoughts. Imagine yourself as a person who is simply not capable of getting angry, ever again.
After reaching this nirvana, we work further to become a holy being—something like an angel really—who sees all things and helps all people.
In fact, the Sanskrit word for “the Way” here is sadhana, which means “to reach” angels through our steady, daily practice. We reach them first by contacting them. We reach them secondly by becoming them.