If everything we ever experience is a result of how we treat others, then why do good people suffer? And why do people who cheat get rich?

It's crucial to realize that mental seeds act just like physical seeds. No one puts a corn seed into the ground and then stands there, expecting corn to pop up in a day or two.

Mental seeds are planted in the mind simply by our being aware that we are doing, or saying, or thinking something toward someone else. Seeds enter the storehouse and wait to be called up, like airplanes standing in line to take off.

Certain seeds, like priority flights, get to move ahead of the others in line; for example, if we have said something out of terrible anger, or done a kind deed with an intense understanding of how seeds themselves work.

In any case, it takes some time for the ripening process. It's very good to keep this in mind, since the time lag is deceiving and we can get discouraged. In actuality, anything good we ever do always comes back good. As does bad. When it seems differently, that's just an older seed taking off in between.