What happens if we get good at managing our mental seeds? Remember first that only we can plant our own karmic seeds, and only we experience them when they sprout. (We can also do a good thing though as a group, and each person in that group plants a similar seed; this accounts for the prosperity and poverty that exist on opposite sides of our imaginary international borders.)

And so the Master says that “in your presence,” something good will happen. And that's why two people can experience the very same yoga class as either an exhilarating adventure or just a very sore neck.

The more thoughtful and steadily we work with our own seeds instead of trying to wrestle with bad men on a movie screen, the more obvious it becomes that now we are on the right track.

The first stage is the surprising: a person who's a problem at work greets you warmly. Then the obvious: almost everybody at work starts to smile at you. Next, the amazing: wars around the world suddenly end. Finally, the miraculous: the process of your body aging clearly stops, and begins to reverse itself.