We have to get out of the mind-set that says telling a lie is only wrong if there's a good chance you can get caught at it. Or that it's only wrong because our parents said so, or our teachers at school, or because some religion says so.

The more we begin to understand seeds, the more clear it becomes that doing good things is not just right, but also the only way to get what we want—including what we want for everyone else.

If we work hard at telling the truth, then everyone else begins to be honest with us too, all the time. (Yet please remember the time gap: seeds need time to ripen, although the sheer understanding of how seeds work speeds this up wildly.) And then anything we ever undertake—be it a new business, a new relationship—just “automatically” works out.

Money karma can be amazing. Money isn't made at a federal facility somewhere. The value of the world economy—every single cent of it—is created by respecting other people's things. Give it a serious, prolonged try. You'll be laughing all the way to the bank.