It's crucial to realize that the simple act of understanding a thing can transform its very condition. People who truly understand external physical elements like water can, through that act of understanding, change the water into something solid and walk upon it. By understanding the sense power of vision, they can see around the world, or cure the blind.

All such transformations are possible only because all things are as they are at the mercy of one other thing. And this is the fact that no thing ever begins or ends. Nor does it pass through any other stage, like staying.

Focus your mind upon the exact moment you read this … word. But there was a part of this moment when you started to see the w, and a later part of the moment when you finished seeing the w.

And so on, infinitely. We can't be seeing what we're seeing, because there's no point where we started to see it. If we do see words— and we do—then it can be only because our mind has placed them down here upon the page.