As they follow the central channel up the body, the two side channels twist around it at certain spots, like vines. This creates choke points that obstruct the flow of winds within the central channel, thus hindering the sweet and wise thoughts linked to these winds.
During the development of the inner channels within the fetus, pressure builds up at these choke points, and secondary channels spurt out from them. Looking down the spine, these are seen radiating out like the spokes of a wheel. Thus they are called chakras, from the Sanskrit word for “wheel.”
The first wheel to form in the womb is at the navel. Eventually an entire network develops, and the very structure of our skeleton, blood vessels, and nervous system forms around the channels, like ice around the contours of a twig. This means that any physical ailment we ever have can be traced to the channels, and cured, with understanding.
Turning this understanding upon the chakra at the neck allows us, in time, to overcome even the need to eat. We gradually control all five physical senses, which are tied to five secondary winds such as the “turtle” wind, responsible for hearing and related to our turtle-shaped liver.