The inner wheels, or chakras, begin as choke points, but the very act of focusing upon them with understanding releases the tightness of the two side channels wrapped around them.

Think of the inner wind, or prana, within the three main channels as being a certain fixed amount, like the air inside a toy animal made of long thin balloons. If you squeeze the tummy, the legs get fatter.

If you work on a choke point with thoughts of knowledge and caring for others, inner wind leaves the side channels that caused the choke point in the first place. The chakra then becomes a center of radiance and high spiritual realizations.

Using this method, we can release a radiant, white, honeylike substance within the chakra at the tip of our head. This triggers worldly powers, and then divine ones. Again, all the powers ultimately support and also spring from a clear understanding of the seeds as they create the world.

Within the chakra at the heart lies an indestructible drop of consciousness, infinitely smaller than the tip of a needle. Herein lies the storehouse of billions of seeds, projecting forth our life. When this chakra heart is opened, ultimate love bursts forth as crystal light.