There is a traditional list of eight low-level powers that we can use to help others in a limited way: the ability to shrink and pass through a crack, or to lighten your body and fly through the air—the types of powers mentioned earlier.
By this stage though we have reached the ultimate evolution of these powers, which is the second body of the angel: billions of different physical forms that we send out. Imagine the ability to appear as a pet dog to a lonely person, or even as their favorite television show.
Then imagine filling an entire world with different beings, all interacting with each other; plus all the things they use every day. For a finished yogi, the first is considered “small” stuff; the second is “lightweight.”
And so I really could be the last person left here who hasn't turned into an angel.
At the center of all these forms that the angel is sending out sits the “home” body. This is the third body, the paradise body, exquisite and indestructible. And she will never leave us, until we become her.