So far we have attained three bodies: the “emptiness” body, which makes all the other ones possible, plus two physical bodies: one that we send out in infinite forms; and another that we stay in ourselves, within our heaven.

The fourth body then is the body of what our mind will become. Our sense powers take hold of objects and then report back to the mind. The mind, as we'll see more fully in the last chapter, is like a mirror, assuming the form or aspect of whatever the senses present to it. When you see a red apple, a part of your mind is in a sense imbued with redness.

It takes a split second for the mind to identify the objects presented to it—including organizing thought-sounds into thought-words. So in one way we're always a split second behind what's going on around us, but the principal character, mind, is so quick that we never notice.

In the last chapter we'll see how the true nature of every part of this process is that it's still coming from the mind. Understanding this allows us to reach the fourth body: the power to know all things.