The Master again summarizes the only way that we could reach the four bodies of an angel. In the end, the mind underlies all things— projecting everything we are aware of even ourselves. At the end, the mind then fulfills its true capacity, of seeing directly every one of these objects—past, present, or future.

In one final mental twist, we need to understand that even our understanding of how all this works is itself a projection: a mental picture presented to our mind when extraordinarily rare and powerful seeds break open.

The ideas presented in Master Patanjali's little book on yoga, especially the description of the powers that we've just covered, are coming from you. Whether you grasp these ideas to fulfill the destiny of this world, or whether it all seems a little far-fetched this afternoon, is also coming from you.

Understanding this emptiness of understanding itself has the effect of destroying billions of old negative seeds within our mind. This in itself takes us a long way toward the final goal: total purity.