There are three crucial moments at the end, when we gain all four bodies.
The first is the last moment in which we are still not the angel: we are in what is called “the wisdom of the final instant.”To get here we have seen the ultimate directly, on the Path of Seeing, briefly. And then we have worked our way up through seven levels, using what we saw, and discriminating—in the sense of staying aware that even now the way things look to us is not the way they really are.
During three more levels we need no longer discriminate this way: we no longer have the seeds for things to even appear to us in the wrong way. This brings us to that final moment; we cross over; and in the next moment we have this new knowledge—the power to know all things—born from the last three levels.
For one split second, we sit in but one exquisite body, in paradise. And then, because of the prayer we have made for countless lifetimes—to serve others—we without a single thought appear on all worlds, angelic.