*Jung postulated that there was a contrasexual archetype in everyone; this was the animus in women and the anima in men. According to this theory, woman’s thinking, assertiveness, and spirituality were attributes of her animus, a less conscious part of her psyche than her feminine ego. Animus thinking, by definition, is inherently inferior, which did not describe Athena or women whose superior function is thinking. Jung’s anima-animus theory attributes feeling and relatedness in men to their correspondingly less conscious anima. Again, the exception is a man whose superior function is feeling.
*Wagner’s libretto inspired me to write Ring of Power. The main characters are the same archetypes that I had described in Goddesses in Everywoman and Gods in Everyman, now seen within the context of dysfunctional family psychology.
*The name Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom. The Church was built to honor the Divine Mother in the sixth century C.E. by Eastern Christians. It became a Muslim mosque and is now a museum. Roman Christians claim it was dedicated to a minor virgin martyr, Saint Sophia, rather than built in honor of the Divine Feminine. The fate of this magnificent edifice parallels that of goddesses and women. Hagia means “holy” in Greek, and was once a title of respect for wise and respected older women; it has been denigrated to “hag.”
*“To the woman, he said, ‘I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.’” Genesis 3:16.
*At eight or nine, a girl has definite ideas, trusts her perceptions, speaks up, and is self-confident and unself-conscious, which are Artemis qualities; by adolescence, she has become tentative and self-conscious. (Findings from the Harvard Project on Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development, in Lyn Brown and Carol Gilligan, Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.)
*Married to the immortal Zeus, Hera was not literally the widow. The winter ritual of Hera the widow was mythically based on those times when she withdrew from Zeus in grief over his behavior, wrapped herself in deepest darkness, and wandered to the ends of the earth and the sea. Hera’s rituals honored the phases of women’s lives as maiden-wife-widow.
*From Daniel Levinson’s study of successful men. Each had a woman who believed in them and in their dream, whom he called a “vision carrier.” Cf. references in chapter notes.1