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academic expectations, and Athena, 137
Achilles, 11, 141
Act III, 195–204
activism and spirituality, 190–91
Adam and Eve, banishment of, 53
addiction: substance, 164, 179; process, 179; psychology of, 109
Adonis, 169
adoption, by childless women, 162
aegis, etiology of, 19
Aeschylus, 10, 16
affirmative action, xx
affluence, time of, 195–96
afterlife, questions about, 56
Age of Pericles, 16
aging: and declining faculties, 167; denial of, 126
AIDS, 181
Alchemical Goddess, 127, 128, 129–30
alchemists, medieval European, 169
alcoholism, 109
Alcoholics Anonymous, 164, 179–80
Allison, Ralph, 52
Alphabet Versus the Goddess, The, 40
Ama-no-Uzume. See Uzume
Amaterasu, myth of, 103–104
Amazing Grace, 34
Amenhotep III, 84
American Psychiatric Association, xx
American Woman, The, xix
Anath, 39
Anchises, 169
Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, 103
Anderson, Sherry Ruth, 30, 35, 191
anima, xxi n
animus, xxi n
Aphrodite, xxi, xxvii, xxviii, 61, 65, 126, 128, 129–30, 156, 168–74; alchemical power of, 130; as archetype, 170–71; birth of, 168; as choicemaker, 171; as courtesan, 171; crone-aged, 172–74; Cypriot sanctuaries of, 116; and dove, 117; drive for fulfillment in, 163–64; lovers of, 169; in marriage, 174; power of, 168; sensuality of, 172, 173; shadow side of, 172
“Aphrodite consciousness,” 130
Apollo astronauts, 181
Apollo, 10, 61, 63; birth of, 132–33
archetype: of circle, 177; of creativity, 171–72; of crone, 203; “enough is enough,” 78, 98, 203; of eternal girl, 163; of father’s daughter, 13, 141, 142; of good mother, 117, 157–62; of huntress, xxi; of integration and inner wisdom, 68; of intuitive and psychic wisdom, 44–66; of Kali/Sekhmet, 90–92, 96–98; of lover, xxi; of meaning, 61–62; of mother, xxi, 57–62; of practical wisdom, 11, 203; of wife, 152–56, of witch, 57. See also goddess
archetypes: activation of, xxi; bodhisattvas as, 111; categories of, 127–31; as committee, xxiv-xxv; contrasexual, xxi n, defined, xxi, xxiv; inner conflict among, 125–26; qualities of, 127–31; relationship-oriented, 128; as seeds, 201–202; woman’s role and, 126
Ares, 61, 169
Artemis, xxvii, 126, 132–39, 169; achievement focus of, 161; attributes of, 133; crone-aged, qualities of, 134–35, 136–37; as goddess of waxing moon, 48, 132; Hestia as aunt of, 61; the huntress, xxi; image of, 134; lesbian, 135; lessons for, 138; maiden aspect of, 132; and marriage, 135; realm of, 132; as virgin goddess, 65, 127, 128
Arthurian legend, 115
Asherah, as Great Goddess, 39–40
Ashtoreth, 39
Assumption of Mary, 118
At the Root of this Longing, 34
Ath-enna, 18
Athena, xxi, xxvii, 116, 126, 140–47, 169; achievement focus of, 161; and aegis, 18–19; archetype, identification with, 19–21; birth of, 8, 11, 140; crone-aged, 143–46; defense of authority by, 141; Hestia as aunt of, 61; identification of with patriarchy, 10–12; image of as warrior, 140; logical women and, 141; means orientation of, 141; practical wisdom of, 203; in pre-women’s movement era, 145; as urban resident, 144; as virgin goddess, 65, 127, 128; wisdom, as goddess of, 11 authenticity: personal, 192; sanctuary for, 178
Avalokiteshvara, 111
Baal, 39
Babd, 95
Babylonian mythology, 38
Baldwin, Christina, 194
Bancroft, Ann, 29
Baring, Anne, 39
Basque language, 16
Bates, Kathy, 78
Bateson, Mary Catherine, 22
Baubo, xxvii, 79, 99–102, 121, 166, 204; myth of, 100
bear mother, as symbol, 135
being oneself, subjective experience of, 201
belly dancing, 105
belly laugh, 79
Bill of Rights, 182
Birth of Venus, 168
Blofeld, John, 110–11
blood mysteries, xiii–xiv
bodhisattva: as archetype, 111; of compassion, forms of, 112
Bodhisattva Archetypes, 111
Bodhisattva of Compassion, 110–11
body, as temple, 63
Bond Between Women, The, 90
Botticelli, Sandro, 168
Bradley, Marian Zimmer, 115
broomstick, witches and, 58
Brown, Lyn, 137n
Brünnhilde, 13, 20–21
Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, 189
burnout, 158
C.G. Jung Institute, xx
Cahill, Sedonia, 164
Caldicott, Helen, 10
Calling the Circle, 194
Call of Service, The: A Witness to Idealism, 111
Campbell, Caryl, 94
Camphausen, Rufus C., 101
Canaan, 39–40
cancer: impact of, 93; support groups for, 180–81
Carter, Jimmy, 191
Cashford, Jules, 39
cathedrals, siting of, 116
Catherine of Genoa, 28
Catherine of Siena, 28
caves, symbolism of, 55
Celeus, 100
cell phones, 150
centering: Hestia as goddess of, 69, 79, 144, 203; household work as, 66; wisdom of, 66–67
Ceres. See Demeter
Cerridwen, 3
Chalice and the Blade, The, 16
change, circumstances of, xviii
Chartres Cathedral, xxiii
chemistry, between two people, 169
Chenrezig, 112
childbearing, 158;
goddess of, 133
childhood, wonder of, 165
children: of crone-aged Athenas, 144; development of empathy in, 111; introverted, 148–49; loss of, 181; relationship with, 135–36
choicemaker: conscious, 170–71; taking stock, 197; in third phase, xvii–xix
Chokmah, 37
Circle of Grandmothers, 176
circle: archetype of, 177; in collective unconscious, 177; composition of, 178; egalitarianism of, 186; as reenactment, 177; sacred dimension of, 185; as sanctuary for authenticity, 178, 187; as spiritual and emotional foundation, 189
Civilization of the Goddess, The, 15, 21
civilization, Greek tradition of, 14–15
Clan Mothers, 189
Clare of Assisi, 28
Clement of Alexandria, 102
Cloister Walk, 34
Close to the Bone, xviii, 26, 92, 93
Co-dependence, 182
codependency, 91, 108–109, 154, 158, 181; and compassion, difference between, 109; functional, 198
Coles, Robert, 111
collective unconscious, 200; archetypes of, xvii, xx–xxi; circle in, 177
Commission on the Status of Women, xix
committee, archetypes as, xxiv–xxv
common sense, maternal, 190
community, commitment to, 189
compassion, 80, 203; in action, 111, 119; as androgynous attribute, 113; difference from codependency, 109; defined, 108, development of, 108, 113; goddesses of, 77, 108–120; lack of in Greek mythology, 109; as spiritual task, 109; as vehicle for healing, 114. See also Kuan Yin
Composing a Life, 22
conferences, women’s spirituality, 180
consciousness, inwardly-focussed, 148
consciousness-raising groups (CR), xx, 179, 185, 192
consensus, decision-making by, 182
Constantine, conversion of, 42
Constitution: framers of, 182; Nineteenth Amendment to, 184
Coptic Museum, Cairo, 41
Council of Clan Mothers, 182–83, 189
Council of Ephesus, 118
Council of the Community, 182–83
craftswomen, crone-aged, 143–44
Craighead, Meinrad, 29–30
creative work: “Aphrodite consciousness” in, 130; partnering in, 156; recovery and, 164
creativity: archetype of, 171–72; conscious choices and, 170–71
Crick, Francis, 9
crone: archetypes, cultivation of, 203; as aspect of triple goddess, 157; compassionate, 120; connotation of, xii; goddesses, qualities of, 178; juicy, xv–xvii; phase of life, xiv-xv, 153, 157, 190; radicalism in, 82; rituals, 180
Crone Chronicles, 215
Cronus, 7–8, 63, 147, 168
Crossing to Avalon: A Woman’s Midlife Pilgrimage, xxiii, 115
crossroads, 47, 132, 155–56, 159–60
Crow Mother, 95–96
Cultural Creatives: characteristics of, 192; “core” group of, 192; issues for, 192; wisewomen as, 191–92
Cultural Creatives, The: How Fifty Million People are Changing the World, 191
culture, stereotypes of, xx
Cunneen, Sally, 117
Czestochowa, Black Madonna of, 118
Dalai Lama, 112
daughter: archetype of father’s, 11, 13; mother’s, 143
Davies, Steve, 40
death, goddess of, 93
Decade of the Women’s Movement, 185
decades, fifth and sixth, 195–96
decision-making, consensus, 182
Declaration of Independence, 183
Declaration of Sentiments, 183
Declaration of the Rights of Women, 183
Demeter, xxi, xxvii, 50, 61, 79, 100, 106, 126, 127, 129, 157–62, 169; crone-aged, 158–59, 161–62; at crossroad, 159–60; drive for fulfillment in, 163–64; image of, 157; as mother of Persephone, 163. See also Demeter and Persephone, story of
Demeter and Persephone, story of, xxiii, 48, 50, 100, 106. See also Demeter; Persephone
Demetra, George, 49
denial, 91, 180; fantasies as, 197 depression, 91, 157, 158, 160, 164 “Destruction of Mankind, The,” 85 Diana, 116. See also Artemis Dionysus, xxvii, 63 diversity, integration of, 80–81 divorce, 150, 199; Hera and, 153; of older wives, 153–54
dog, black, as symbol, 49
dove, as symbol, 117
dreams: return of dead in, 56; woman companion in, 5
drum, as sacred ritual instrument, 104–105
Dukakis, Olympia, 199–200
Dumazi, 93
Durant, Ariel, 9
Durant, Will, 9
dying, stages of, 54
Dylan, Bob, 112
Earth, photographs of, 181
earth cycles, 87
ecology: deep, 29, 188;
global, 192
ego, function of, 69
Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 118
Einstein, Albert, 9
Eisler, Riane, 16
El, 38
Eleusinian Mysteries, 102, 115, 157
Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 204
Elizabeth I (Queen of England), 141
EMILY’s List, 20
empathy, 111–12
empty nest syndrome, 150, 158–59, 199
energy: maternal, 160; replenishing, 198; wheel of, 178
Enlil, 38
“enough is enough” archetype, 78, 98, 203
Equal Rights Amendment, xx, 185, 191
Erda, 3, 13
Ereshkigal, 92–95
Eros, 65
Esalen, 135
Etruscan language, 16
Eumenides, 11
Euripedes, 17
experience, aliveness to, 172
failure, personal feeings of, 203
family psychology, dysfunctional, 13n
Fates, in classical Greek mythology, 86
father’s daughter, archetype of, 11, 13
fear, transpersonal, 60
Feminine Face of God, The, 30, 35–36
Feminine Mystique, The, xix, 199
feminine: connection to, 143; sacred, 187; spirit, independent, 133
feminism: agenda of first two waves of, 187; first wave, 183–84; as movement, xii; personal and political, 184–85; spiritual, 185–88; second wave, 184–85; third wave, 185–88
fertility: and spontaneous laughter, 102; symbol of, 95
fifty: becoming, xi; number of women over, xxix, 190
figurines, of Baubo, 101
Findhorn, 135
fire: hearth, 62–63; sacred, 64–65; transformative power of, 62
Flinders, Carol Lee, 34, 76
focus, Latin meaning of, 65, 148
Four Quartets, 204
Fox, Matthew, xvi
Franklin, Rosalind, 9, 10
Freud, Sigmund, 107
Fried Green Tomatoes, 78
Friedan, Betty, xix, 199
frog, as symbol, 49
fundamentalism, Islamic, 170
fundamentalists, position of women among, 31, 170
Furies, 10
Gaia (Earth), 17
Galland, China, 90, 96–97
Garfield, Charles, 193
gender roles, postwar, 184
genitals, representations of female, 101–102
Gilligan, Carol, 137n
Gimbutas, Marija, 15, 16, 21–22, 99–100
girls: development of, 137n; as primary direct victims, 97; sexual availability in, 171
“give-back” time, 196–97
glass ceiling, 142
gnosis, meaning of, 26–27, 45
gnostic Christians, 25;
egalitarianism of, 43–44; place of women among, 43
Gnostic gospels, 41–42
Gnostic Gospels, The, 42
goddess: alchemical, 127, 128, 129–30; archetypes, xi, xv, xxii; of childbirth, 133; forbidden aura of, xxii; of grain, 157–61; of hearth and temple, 147–51; of hunt and moon, 132–39; lack of word for in Hebrew, 37; of love and beauty, xxi, 168–74; of marriage, 152–56; of meditative wisdom, 61–70; of mirth, 77, 106; and monotheism, 38–40; of mystical and spiritual wisdom, 25–45; of pestilence, 86; of practical and intellectual wisdom, 6–24; triple, aspects of, xiii, 18; of war, 86; of wildlife, 132; of wisdom and crafts, 140–47; worship, ubiquity of, 15. See also archetypes; goddesses; triple goddess
goddesses: of compassion, 77, 108–120; evolution of, 126; of healing laughter, 99–107; of mirth, 77, 106; transformative wrath, 77, 78, 82–98; virgin, 65, 127, vulnerable, 127–28, 129. See also goddess
Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, 21
Goddesses in Everywoman; A New Psychology of Women, xx, xxi–xxv, 48, 62, 69, 125, 126, 131
Gods in Everyman, xxv
golden rule, 111–12
good mother, archetype of, 117
Gorgon sisters, 18
grain, goddess of, 157–62
grandchildren: arrival of, 196; relationship with, 135–36
grandmother: as competitive role, 159–60; as title, 189; as traditional role, 199
Grandmother Circle, 190
Grandmother Lodge, 189
Grandmother’s Circle, The, 215
Grandmothers of the Disappeared, 97
Graves, Robert, 15
Great Goddess, 15–16, 157–58; aspects of, 86, 87; as personification of Earth, 18
Great Law of Peace, Iroquois, 182
greater source, connection to, 201
Greece: in fifth century B.C.E., 16–17; legal position of women in, 17
Greek mythology: Fates in, 86; lack of crone archetypes in, xxvii; Medusa in, 18–19; wisdom in, 3
Greek Myths, The, 15
growth centers, 135
Guanyin. See Kuan Yin
Guardian Angel Day, 93
guns, availabilirty of, 92
Hades, 8, 50, 61, 163, 165
hagia, derivation of, 25n
Hagia Sophia, 25n
Han, Thich Nich, 122
Harding, Elizabeth U., 88
Harding, Esther, 65
Harvard Project on Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development, 137n
healing laughter, goddesses of, 99–107
health, decline in, 167
hearth: as center of Greek life, 148; of Hestia, 178; and temple, goddess of, 147–51
Hebe, 153
Hebrew Goddess, The, 40
Hecate, xxiii–xxiv, xxvii, 3, 46–60, 71, 116, 139, 153, 157; affinity with Artemis, 138; and death, 47; as feared witch, 57–60; as goddess of waning moon, 48–49, 132; as goddess of trivia, 49; and Hestia and Sekhmet, 160–61; as midwife, 47, 53–55; three-way perspective of, 46; wisdom of, 4, 60, 79, 138–39, 160–61, 165, 171, 172; as wisewoman archetype, 48; as witness, 51–53
Hector, 141
Heilbrun, Carolyn G., 76
Henry VIII (King of England), 141
Hephaestus, 11, 168, 169
Hera, xx–xxi, xxvii, 58, 61, 116, 126, 128, 129, 152–56, 169; as bonding force, 154; crone-aged, 155–56; drive for fulfillment in, 163–64; negative power of, 154; and seasons, 152; as widow, 152, 152n, 155–56
Hera complex, 154
Hermes, 61, 157, 169
Herodotus, 16
Hesiod, 8, 17, 48
Hestia, xxvii, 3, 61–70, 126, 147–51, 169, 172; as archetype of meaning, 61–62; as centering archtype, 69, 79, 144, 203; crone-aged, 149–51; finding time for, 150; and Hecate and Sekhmet, 160–61; inviolateness of, 147; lack of persona of, 147; mythology of, 63–64; ritual space of, 64–65, 66–67, 150; as Self, 61; and Shekinah, 67; siblings of, 147; as Vesta, 65, 148; as virgin goddess, 65, 127, 128; wisdom of, 4, 138
hierarchical relationships, 187
Higgins, Henry, 170
“High Mariology,” 118
Hildeard of Binen xvi–xvii, 28
Hippocrates, 16
History of Civilization, The, 9
holidays, responsibility for, 197
Homer, 50, 102
Hopi religion, 95–96
Hopkins, Patricia, 30, 35
hormone replacement therapy, xxvi
hormone shifts, xxvi, 69, 174
hospice volunteers, 54
hospitality, sacred, 147–48
hot flashes, as “power surges,” xv
humility, 134
humor: bawdy, 105; without wisdom or compassion, 79. See also mirth
Hundredth Monkey, The, 186
Hunt, Jane, 183
Hymn to Demeter, 50, 102
I Ching, 55
Iliad, 141
Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen, xvi
imagination, use of: for Hestia, 71; for, Hecate, 71–72; for Sophia, 72; for Metis, 72–73
Immaculate Conception, 118
In Search of Mary, 117
inadequacy, feelings of, 149
Inanna, 92–93
incest survivors, 181
independence, sexual, 170
indigenous, defined, 181–82
individuation process, 200; in Jungian analysis, 26–27
Indo-European languages, 16
infertility, 158
inner self-helper, 52, 70
Innocent IV (Pope), 57
Inquisition, 57
integration and inner wisdom, archetype of, 68
intimacy, lack of, 142
intuitive and psychic wisdom, goddess of, 46–66
Irenaeus, 43, 44
Iroquois: Confederacy, 182, 183; Great Law of Peace, 182; model of governance, 182–83, 187
Ise Shrine of Amaterasu, 104
Isis, 116; black, 118; temple of, Philae, Egypt, 116
Jesus, 42, 117
John Paul II (Pope), 118
Joseph, Jenny, xviii
Joseph, Tony, 22
Judeo-Christian theology, cosmology of, 38
Julian of Norwich, 28
Jung, Carl Gustav, xvii, xxi n, xxii, 5, 44, 200
Jung Foundation, 41
Juno. See Hera
Jupiter. See Zeus
kachina dolls, 95
Kagura dance, 104
Kali, xxvii, 78, 82, 88–92; complex, 90; description of, 88; as Divine Mother, 88; myth of, 88–90. See also Kali/Sekhmet
Kali, 88
Kali complex, 90
Kali-Ma. See Kali
Kali/Sekhmet, 166, 203; archetype of, 90–92, 96–98
Kannon. See Kuan Yin
Karnak, Egypt, 84
Kennedy, John F., xix
Keuls, Eva, 17
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 112
knowing, oracular means of, 55
Kojiki (“Records of Ancient Matters”), 103
kore (nameless maiden), 163, 165
Kuan Yin, xxviii, 80, 81, 110–14, 203; compassion of, 145, 171; image of, 110, 113–14
Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 54
Kurgan tribes, 39
Kwannon-Sama. See Kuan Yin
Language of the Goddess, The, 21
Lasker Award, 9
laughter: healing, 105–107, 204; as physiological release, 107; shared, 105–106; spontaneous, 102
law school, admission of women to, 31
Lazarus, Emma, 119
Leighton, Daniel, 111–12
lesbian women: Artemis archetype in, 135; and Hera archetype, 153
Leto, 132, 133
Levinson, Daniel, 169n
life: phases of, xiii, xi–xii, xiv–xv, 115, 157; inner-directed phase of, 198; soul-satisfying, xvii; third phase, 32–34
Life magazine, xix
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 124
linguistic research, 21
listening, 198
living alone, 149.
See also solitude
logical women, and Athena archetype, 141
love: and beauty, goddess of, 168–74; falling in, 171–72
lover, archetype of, xxi
Lubell, Winfred Milius, 99, 101, 102, 103
Luke, 117
Macbeth, 209n3
McClintock, Mary Ann, 183
Macha. See Morrigan
Macy, Joanna, 29
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), 91
Mahayama Buddhism, 112
Mahishasura, 88–89
maiden: archetype of, xxi; as aspect of triple goddess, 157; nameless (kore), 163, 165; as phase, xiv, 153, 157
Malcolm, Ellen, 20
male control, maintenance of, 170
Man in Full, A, 9
Marduck, 38
marriage: characteristics of alcoholic, 180; decline of, 153; goddess of, 152–56; Hestias in, 149; psychological well-being in, 153; Sophia in, 35–36; as source of identity, 153
Mary Magdalene, 42
Masters, Robert, 85
masturbation, 173
maternal energy, loss of focal point of, 160
matron phase, xiv, 153, 157
Matthew, 117
May-December relationships, 174
Mead, Margaret, xvi, 183
medical school, admission of women to, 31
Medicine cards, 55
Medicine Eagle, Brooke, 189
meditation, xxii, 65–66, 122, 150
meditative wisdom: access to, 66; goddess of, 61–70
Medusa, 18–19, 141
Meeting at the Crossroads: Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development, 137n
men, fear of menopausal women in, xxvi
menarche, in Native American tradition, xiii
menopause, xii–xiv, 199; felt as loss, 158; passing through, xii–xiii; potential energies of, xi; psychic shifts in, xv; symptoms of, xxvi; as transition to third phase, xiii, xxv–xxvii; variability of, xii–xiii
mental functioning, decline in, 167
mentoring, 23, 138
Merrell, Bill, 31
Metamorphosis of Baubo, The, 99
Metanira, 100
Metis, xxvii, 3, 140; as archetype of wise counsel, 19, 23–24; in belly of Zeus, 6–18; characteristics of, 20; as crone archetype, 21–23; demonization of, 18–19; the goddess, 7–8; remembering, 143; swallowing of, 8–10, 17–18; wisdom of, 4, 23–24, 79, 144, 171, 172, 203
metis: derivation of, 6; as form of diplomacy, 7; in third life phase, 24
Michelangelo, 37, 115
Midler, Bette, 106
midwife: as feared witch, 57–60; frog as totem image of, 49; function of, 53–54; Hecate as, 47, 53–55; as medium and psychic, 55–57; and moments of truth, 60; as priestess of Great Mother, 54
Million Moms March, 92, 188
Millionth Circle, The, 186, 193
Minerva, 116. See also Athena
mirth, 79–80; goddesses of, 77, 106. See also humor
misogynist attitudes, identification with, 12
Mists of Avalon, The, 115
Molecules of Emotion, 9
monotheism: body in, xxiii; goddess and, 38–40; longevity of patriarchal, 36
Montserrat, Spain, 118
moon: full, Selene and, 48, 132; goddess of, 7, 132; phases of, xiii, 48; waning, Hecate and, 48–49, 132; waxing, Artemis and, 132
Morgaine, 116
morphic field, 206n4; human, 200; shift in, 188
morphic resonance theory, xxviii, 186
Morrigan, 95–96
Moses, 38–39
Moses, Grandma, 173
mother, archetype of, xxi, 157–62; as aspect of triple goddess, 157; to oneself, 166
“Mother of Whippers,” 95–96
Mother Teresa, 112
Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, 96–97
Mother’s Songs, The: Images of God the Mother, 30
Mott, Lucretia, 183
Mount Tamalpais, 62
Ms. Foundation for Women, xx
Ms. magazine, 5
multiple personalities, 52
My Fair Lady, 170
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, 49
Mysteries of Thesmorphia, 102
mystics: in religious orders, 28;
closet, 30
Myth of the Goddess, The, 38
Nag Hammadi, gnostic scriptures at, 26, 41
narcissism, 109
National Organization for Women (NOW), xx
National Rifle Association, 92
“national treasures,” in Japan, 4
Native American tradition, 189; menarche in, xiii; post-menopause in, xiv; wisdom of, 182. See also Hopi religion; Iroquois
Neith, 18
Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, 113
Newsweek magazine, 119
Nihongi (“The Chronicles of Japan”), 103
Ninshibur, 93
Nisumbha, 89
Nobel Prize, 9–10, 112
nonrecognition, of women, 37
Norns, 87
Norris, Kathleen, 34
Novello, Antonia, 92
nuclear arms race, 186
numinosity, defined, 27
Oceanus, 7
Odysseus, 11
O’Keeffe, Georgia, 136
Olson, Tillie, 22, 173
On Death and Dying, 54
Oresteia, 10
Orestes, 10
organizations: community-based, reliance of on women, 119–20; support of protective, 138–39
Osiris, 118
Our Lady of Guadalupe, 118
outrage, 78–79, 82–98
Over the Hill, 199–200
owl, as Athena’s familiar, 140
Pagels, Elaine, 42
parents: aging, 108; care of, 197; death of, 33–34; expectations of, xviii
passions, unconventional, in later life, 173–74
patriarchy: changing, 192; identification with, 12; impact of, 187; maintenance of, 170; successful daughter of, 141
penis envy, xix
performances, persona, 144
perimenopause: as phase, 68; physiology of, 19; symptoms, 150
Persephone, xxi, xxvii, 126, 127, 129, 157, 163–67, 169; abduction of, 50; crone-aged, 165–67; as maiden phase, 163–67; in marriage, 166; as queen of the underworld, 165. See also Demeter and Persephone, story of
Perseus, 11, 18
persona, 27, 144
personality, archetypal underpinning of, 125
Pert, Candace, 9, 10
pestilence, goddess of, 86
phases of women’s lives, in Virgin Mary, 115
Physicians for Social Responsibility, 10
Pietà, 115
Pincus, Caroline, 55
Pius IX (Pope), 118
Pius VII (Pope), 57
Pius XII (Pope), 118
Pluto, 92
pomegranate seeds, 163, 164
Pontus (Sea), 17
Poseidon, 8, 61, 63, 157
possession: by rage, 87–88; by Kali, 90
postmenopausal zest (PMZ), xvi
practical wisdom, goddess of, 6–24
prayer, 35
“Precepts of Ecclesiastical Discipline,” 43
pregnancy: late, 161–62; teenage; 158 preparation, psychological, 202 present moment, ability to be in, 172, 202 Price, Carol, 92
Proserpina. See Persephone
Protestant Christianity, lack of goddess in, 117
Proverbs, Book of, 37
psyche, inherent potentials in, xvii
psychic abilities, use of, 56–57
psychotherapists, 164; as embodiments of Hecate, 52
Ptah, 38, 83
puberty, xxvii; and Aphrodite, 137
puella eterna, xiv, 163
Pygmalion, 170
Quan Am. See Kuan Yin
Quispel, Giles, 41
Ra, 83, 85
rage, possession by, 87–88
Raktavira, 89
rape survivors, 181
raven, as symbol, 95
Ray, Paul H., 191
reality, facing, 51
recovery movement, 179–80
Redmond, Layne, 104–105
Reforming Franciscans, 59
Reign of the Phallus, The: Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens, 17
“Reimagining God” conference, 59–60
relatedness, sacred dimension of, 188
relationships, dysfunctional, 180
religious orders: Hestias in, 149; importance of, 28
retirement, 143, 199; as void, 197
retreats, 150
Revelations, Book of, 42
Rhea, 7, 63, 147
ridicule, fear of, 44
Ring of Power, 13n
Ring of the Nibelung, 3, 13
Roberts, Bernadette, 30
Roe v. Wade, 170
Roman Catholic church, Virgin Mary in, 110, 114–15, 117–19; and witchcraft, 57, 59; women in, 31
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 184
Rosen, Ruth, 179, 185
Runes, 55
RV organizations, 135
Sabbath, observation of, 67
sacred feminine, 177
sacred fire, 147
sacred grove, 39, 40
Sacred Grove Women’s Forest Sanctuary, 189–90, 215
sacred marriage: archetype of, 154; ritual, 152, 153
Sacred Pleasure, 16
St. Andrews, Barbara, 32
Saint Anne, 117
Saint Francis, 122
sanctuary, 61, 151, 178, 187
Santa Maria in Aracoeli, 116
Santa Maria Maggiore, 116
Santa Maria sopra Minerva, 116
Sappho, 48
Sarandon, Susan, 92
Saraswati, 3
Schaef, Ann Wilson, 180
Secakuku, Alph, 95
seed: archetype as, 201–202; going to, 199–201
Sekhmet, xxvii, 78, 81, 82–88, 109, 121, 145; as healer, 86; and Hestia and Hecate, 160–61; myth of, 85–86
Sekhmet/Kali. See Kali/Sekhmet
Selene, as goddess of full moon, 48, 132
Self: archetype of, xvii; concept of, 200
self-acceptance, 203
self-recognition, joy of, xxiv
Seneca Falls, New York, 183, 184
Seneca nations, 182
Setki, 86
Seventy Deities of Heaven, 39
sexism, 142, 179
sexual availability in girls, 171
Shakespeare, William, 209n3
Shekinah, 3; and Hestia, 67
Sheldrake, Rupert, 186, 206n4
Shiva, 88, 89
Shlain, Leonard, 40
Siddhartha Gautama, 112
Siegel, Bernie, 92
Silences, 22
sisterhood, sense of, 179
Sistine Chapel, 37–38
solitude, 198; need for, 151; as sanctuary, 61
Sophia, 3, 25–45; as archtype of spiritual wisdom, 4, 26–27; as Divine Feminine, 25; as gnostic Christian, 40–44; Greek meaning of, 25; and marriage, 35–36; as mystic, 27–30; in Old Testament, 36–38; as spiritual leader, 31–32, 79; wisdom of, 172, 203
Sophocles, 17
Southern Baptist church, 31
Spiegel, David, 181
spirituality: and activism, 190–91; goddess-connected, xxiii; movement, women’s, xxii, 59, 180, 185–88; receptivity to, 45; and Sophia, 203
Spring, Cynthia, 194
Stanford Research Institute, 191
Stanford University, 180
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 183
Starhawk, 59
Statue of Liberty, 80, 119–20
Steinem, Gloria, xx, 70, 82, 112, 124
Stewart, Martha, 145
Stieglitz, Alfred, 136
Stone, Merlin, 14, 103
strategy, mastery of, 141
Stuart, Gloria, 172–73
suburban housewife syndrome, xix
suburban ideal, 184
suffragettes, 183–84
Sumbha, 89
Susanowo, 103
synchronicity, 44
talking stick, 182
Tanit, 116
Tao, 27, 200
Tara. See Kuan Yin
Tarot, 55
tea ceremony, Japanese, 67
temenos, 187
temple sanctuary, 147–48
Teresa of Avila, 28
Tertullian, 43
Tethys, 7
Thebes, Egypt, 84
Theogony, 8, 17, 48
theology graduate school, admission of women to, 31
theology, viriditas, xvi
theory: animus-anima, xxi n; Freudian, xix–xx; morphic resonance, xxviii, 186
third phase of life, task of, 32–34
Thucydides, 16
time: as asset, 196; liminal, 47; limited, 178
Titanic, 173
Titans, 7, 8, 17, 48, 63
Towanda, 78
traditional religion, familiarity of ritual in, 33
transformative wrath, goddesses of, 77, 82–98
transition: threshold of major, 47; to empty nest, 159
treaties, nuclear non-proliferation, 186
trees, funeral, 49
triangle, inverted, as symbol, 95, 101
trickster figure, 102
trinity, masculinity of, 117
triple goddess, 152; archetype of, 187; destroyer aspect of, 95; maiden aspect of, 132; third face of, 200; three aspects of, xiii, 157; transformation of, 115
twilight, as Hecate’s time, 55
unconscious: overwhelmed by, 164; personal and collective, 92
Underhill, Evelyn, 30
underworld: captivity in, 50–51; descents into, 50–51, 92–93; in old age, 167; as personal and collective unconscious, 55; queen of, 163–67
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 191
University of California at Los Angeles, 21, 22
University of Utrecht, 41
Uranus (Sky), 7, 17
Uranus, 168
Uzume, xxviii, 79, 81, 103–107, 121, 166, 204; myth of, 103–104
Valkyrie, The, 13
Venus. See Aphrodite
Vesta. See Hestia
Vestal Virgins, 65, 148
victimization, 91, 154, 164
victims, girls as, 97
Virgin Goddesses, 65, 127, 128–29, 156; shared qualities of, 148
Virgin Mary, 80, 114–19; apparitions of, 119; Assumption of, 118; as black madonna, 118; as goddess of Christian era, 115–17; image of, 110; as Mother of God, 118; in New Testament, 117; as return of the goddess, 117–19
Virgin Queen. See Elizabeth I
virginity: physical, 127; psychological, 127, 128
“vision carrier,” 169, 169n
Vulnerable Goddesses, 127–28, 129
Wagner, Richard, 3, 13
Walker, Barbara G., 19, 57, 59, 116
war, goddess of, 86
Warning, xviii
Watson, John, 9
Weavers of Wisdom: Women Mystics of the Twentieth Century, 29
Weil, Simone, 30
Weird Sisters, 87, 209n3
Western culture, historical treatment of women in, xxviii
When Drummers Were Women, 104–105
When God Was a Woman, 14
When Society Becomes an Addict, 180
widowhood, 150, 152n, 155–56, 199
wife, archetype of, xx–xxi, 152–56
wildlife, goddess of, 132
wisdom and crafts, goddess of, 140–47
Wisdom Circles, 189, 193
Wisdom of Solomon, 38
wisdom, 71; in childhood, 3–4; indigenous, 181–83; mystical and spiritual, 25–45; pragmatic, 140; transformative wrath tempered by, 83, 91; types of, 4
wisewomen: archetype of, 3; circles of, 177–92, 188–90, 193; as cultural creatives, 191–92; initiation ritual for, 189; phase, xiv–xv; precursors of 179–81
Wisewomen’s movement, 190–91
witch: archetype of, 57;
epithets for, 58
Witch of Newbury, 58
witchcraft, motivations for accusations of, 58
Wolfe, Tom, 9
women: current opportunities for, 11; demonization of, 18–19; inner drives of, 128; legal position of in classical Greece, 17; legal position of in nineteenth century, 183; lionhearted, 96–98; ordination of, 31–32; postmenopausal, aging body in, 105; violence against, 190–91
Women of Wisdom, 190, 215
women’s: circles, 150; lives, phases of, 152n, 153; role and archetype, 126
women’s movement, xix–xx, xxix, 133, 153, 164, 195; decade of, 185; global, 185; history of, 179, 183–86
Women’s Mysteries, 65
Women’s Reality, 180
Women’s Rights Convention, First, 183–84
women’s spirituality movement, xxii, 59, 180, 185–88
Women’s Spirituality, Seattle conference on, 59
women’s suffrage movement, 184
Woodman, Marion, 2
workshops, women’s wisdom, 135
World Split Open, The: How the Modern Women’s Movement Changed America, 179, 185
World War II, 47, 184
Wotan, 13
wrath, heart-motivated, 96
Wright, Martha Coffin, 183
yew tree, symbolism of, 49
yoga classes, 150
Yoni, The: Sacred Symbol of Female Creative Power, 101
Zeus, xxvii, 3, 6, 7–8, 10, 61, 132, 140, 157, 163, 168; as archetypical philanderer, 153