
Copyright © 2015 by Dave Coverly


Henry Holt and Company, LLC

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Coverly, Dave, author, illustrator.

Night of the living worms: a Speed bump and Slingshot misadventure / Dave Coverly.—

First edition.

pages        cm

“Christy Ottaviano Books.”

Summary: Jealous of his brother, Early Bird, who always gets the worm, Speed Bump

embarks on an adventure with his best friend Slingshot.

ISBN 978-0-8050-8886-1 (hardback)

[1. Birds—Fiction. 2. Sibling rivalry—Fiction. 3. Brothers—Fiction. 4. Best friends—Fiction.

5. Friendship—Fiction. 6. Humorous stories.] I. Title.

PZ7.1.C684Ni 2015        [Fic]—dc23        2014043846


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First hardcover edition 2015

eBook edition October 2015


eISBN 9781627795517