Chapter Three:
Why Understanding the Physiological and Biological Causes and the Sensitivities of Empathic People is Important
How do you feel after reading the previous two chapters? Have you noted some of the same behaviors in yourself or gained a deeper understanding of why you are an empath? By this point, you may be wondering why it is important to understand all this. You may even be eager to start learning how you can control it. This chapter will give you that explanation and provide closure to all that you now know about why you are an empath. As you have learned, being empathic is rooted deep within you and it is not something that you can change. Therefore, you must learn how to control it so that you can lead a happier, more fulfilled life.
Why the Empathic Experience is Different than a Conscious Experience
Take a moment and consider the way that you would learn a new skill. To keep things simple, imagine how you would learn to throw a ball if you had no experience, as if you were a child. To learn that skill, a conscious decision is made to undergo that learning experience. Even people who are naturally inclined at sports would need to first make the conscious decision to pick up that ball and practice.
Once the decision is made, by either saying or thinking, “I want to learn how to toss a ball,” the physical manifestation of the want is made. A child would start to practice throwing the ball, aiming for a target or another person. Even though the practice period may be shorter for some than others, it is always the same progression of making a conscious decision and then physically manifesting what you want into existence.
When an empath experiences emotion, it is not a learned skill. In fact, it never occurs as something conscious and willing. A child cannot decide to be an empath and then physically manifest it in their lives. This is because an empath does not make a conscious decision to feel an emotion. When you are an empath, the experience begins uncontrollably, deep within your subconscious mind. This is the reason that people who do not know they are empaths may seek medication or question what is wrong with them. They may not have healthy relationships, because they seem to lash out in anger or feel great sadness at times and cannot explain it.
You see, within the mind of an empath, the physical manifestation of the emotion that is being experienced occurs before the conscious decision to feel it. Empath’s minds quickly analyze a person that is in the vicinity and then mirror their emotion, before the empath has decided that they want to feel that way. The first step to learning to control these emotions is accepting that what happens first is beyond your control. After acceptance, know that the next reaction is up to you. Once you realize what is happening within your own mind, you can start to take the steps to control it.
The section that follows will teach you those necessary skills to begin controlling your empathic nature. As you embark on this journey, know that it is a long one that requires strength and willpower. You will not be able to block out the emotions of all those around you overnight, nor will you immediately start to push the emotions of others out of your mind the moment that you experience them. Trust, however, that these abilities will come with time.
You are truly gifted as an empath and it is going to take this training for you to see it. As you read into the next section, be prepared to challenge yourself and overcome obstacles. This will not be easy - but if you want to be in control of your gift instead of it controlling you, then the long process will be well worth it when it pays off in the end.