Chapter 35

French words/phrases

au pair – Directly translated the phrase means “on even terms” but in common modern use refers to a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family’s responsibility for childcare as well as some housework in return for the opportunity to learn the host family’s language and usually also receive a small monetary allowance or stipend.

café au lait – Directly translated, this is the French term for “coffee with milk”. The meaning of the term differs between Europe and these United States of America; in both cases it means some kind of coffee with hot milk added, in contrast to white coffee (fr. café crème), which is coffee with room temperature milk or other whitener added.

en route – while on the way, while traveling

Jargon or other terms

Came out with a bullet – A cliché insider term in the music industry that refers to song ratings. When a song debuts as a top 100 hit song it “comes out with a bullet.” Etymology is murky, but likely has to do with the fact that only top 100 Billboard Chart songs had a “bullet” next to the printed song title when such ratings were printed on paper.
