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} /* PARTS */ h3, h4, h5, h6{ text-align:left; } h1, h2, h3.chapter, h3.likechapter, h3.part2, h4.chapter, h4.likechapter { text-align:center; } h2 span.label, h2 span.label, h3 span.label, h4 span.label, h5 span.label, h6 span.label{ font-size:90%; font-weight:bold; } /* CHAPTERS */ h2, h3.chapter, h4.chapter, h3.likechapter, h4.likechapter { margin-bottom : 6%; margin-top : 10%; /* border-bottom: 1px solid black; */ } h3.chapter, h3.likechapter, h3.part2, h4.chapter, h4.likechapter{ font-size:150%; } h5.sub-chapter, h4.sub-chapter, h3.sub-chapter{ text-align:center; font-size:120%; margin-top:5%; /* border-bottom: 1px solid black; */ } h2.part, h2.part1, h3.part2 { font-weight : bold; margin-bottom : 10%; margin-top:20%; } h3.part2{ /* border-bottom: 1px solid black; */ } .copyright-line{ font-size:90%; margin-left:1em; margin-top:1em; } /* SECTIONS */ .sec1, .likesec1, h3.ref-sec, h4.ref-sec, h3.dictionary-entry { margin-top : 5%; margin-bottom : 2%; } h5.sec1,h4.sec1, h5.likesec1,h4.likesec1,h5.ref-sec1{ font-size:130%; 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}*/ .bold { font-weight:bold; } .bolditalic { font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .catalog-data .title, .italic, .book-title, .journal-title { font-style:italic; font-weight:normal; } .small { font-size:80%; } .strike{ text-decoration:line-through; } .underline { text-decoration: underline; } .inline-mime { line-height:normal; } .inline-mime img { height:1em; vertical-align:text-bottom; } .icon img { height:2em; vertical-align:middle; } .marginal-number { font-size:90%; margin-left:0.4em; margin-right:0.4em; } /* BLOCK ELEMENTS */ p { text-indent:3%; margin-top: .3em; margin-bottom: .3em; } p.noindent{ text-indent:0; } .attrib { text-align : right; margin-right : 1%; margin-top : 0em; margin-bottom : 0em; } /*SPEECH*/ .speaker{ /*text-transform:uppercase;*/ font-size:90%; } .speech{ margin:0; padding:0; } /*LISTS*/ .enumerate5 {list-style-type:upper-roman;} ul { display: block; list-style-type: disc; margin-before: 1em; margin-after: 1em; margin-start: 0; margin-end: 0; padding-start: 40px; 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text-align : center; } dd.label{ text-align:right; } /* ARRAY*/ .array { margin-top : 2%; margin-bottom : 2%; } /* BOXES*/ div.box { border: 1px solid black; margin-left:4%; margin-top : 3%; margin-bottom : 3%; padding: 5%; font-size:90%; } div.box { border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black; } .boxed-text .title{ font-weight:bold; } /* EXTRACTS/DISPLAYITEMS */ blockquote.disp-quote, blockquote.verse-group { text-indent : 0em; margin:5%; } div.disp-quote_title { font-weight:bold; } div.poetry{ text-indent:0em; margin-left:3%; margin-top : 1em; margin-bottom : 1em; font-size:90%; } /*DEF LIST*/ table.def-list tr td .noindent { padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } span.label { padding-right:1%; } dl.def-list { border:none; } dl.def-list dt { margin: 0; /*padding: 1em;*/ border: none; } dl.def-list dd { margin-left: 8%; padding-bottom: 0.5em; } dt.term-head, dd.def-head{ font-weight:bold; } /*dd p, dd p.noindent{ margin:0; padding:0; }*/ dd p, dt p{ margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0; text-indent:0; } /*QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS*/ .answer-link{ text-align:right; font-size:90%; } .answer-option{ margin-left:2em; } /*FIGURES*/ div.fig span.label, div.table-wrap span.label { font-weight:bold; padding-right:2%; } /*to override bold above for mobi*/ div.table-wrap, div.fig { font-weight:normal; } div.caption { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:5%; } div.caption p{ margin-top:0; padding-top:0; } /*.fig .mime { padding:1%; }*/ .fig{ text-align:left; } /*LINGUISTICS*/ .linguistics, .linguistics-item{ padding:0; margin:0; } table.linguistics{ border:none; vertical-align:top; } td{ vertical-align:top; } /*TABLES*/ /*RULES, HEADER AND FOOTER*/ .table-wrap { margin-top : 3%; margin-bottom : 3%; text-indent : 4%; max-width:100%; } .table-wrap .title{ font-style:italic; } .table-wrap img { margin-top : 2%; max-width:100% } /*tgroup*/ /*use hr in epub2 as kindle won't display the borders*/ /*table.Tbl{ border-top:solid 1px; border-bottom:solid 1px; }*/ table.Tbl thead{ font-weight:bold; } /*TABLE FOOTER*/ div.table-wrap-foot { margin-top : 1%; margin-left:5%; text-indent : 4%; } div.table-wrap-foot p{ text-indent:0; } div.table-wrap-foot div.fn-group{ font-size:90%; text-indent:3em; border-top:none; margin-top:0; padding-top:0; } .table-wrap-foot_attrib, .fig .attrib { text-align : left; text-indent:5%; font-weight:normal; } /*CALS TABLES*/ table tbody tr td, table tbody tr th{ vertical-align:top; } thead tr th{ text-align:left; text-indent:0; } th{ font-weight:bold; background-color:#eeeeee; } td, th{ /* padding:0.5em;*/ margin:0.5em; border:none; } td p, th p{ text-indent:0; padding-top:0; margin:0; padding-left:0; } /*CALS table rules and alignment*/ .border-bottom{ border-bottom: solid 1px black; } .border-right{ border-right: solid 1px black; } .center{ text-align:center; } .right{ text-align:right; } .left{ text-align:left; } .top{ vertical-align:top; } .bottom{ vertical-align:bottom; } /*SPECIALISED CONTENT*/ /*case histories*/ div.case-sec { margin: 1em 0 0 0; border-top: solid 1px; border-bottom: solid 1px; } /*DICTIONARY*/ .dictionary-entry .author{ text-align:right; } /*PLAYS*/ span.character{ text-transform:uppercase; padding-right:1em; font-size:smaller; } div.play-line{ padding-left:4em; } div.part-line{ margin-left:10em; } .playtext{ padding:0.5em; } span.line-number{ padding-left:5em; font-size:90%; } diV.named-content{ font-weight:bold; padding:2em; } div.stage-direction, span.stage-direction{ font-style:italic; } div.stage-direction{ text-align:right; } /*div.stage-direction span.character{ font-variant:normal; }*/ dic.collation-notes div.title, div.commentary-notes div.title{ font-weight: bold; } div.commentary-note span.line-number, div.collation-note span.line-number{ padding-right:2em; padding-left:0em; font-weight:bold; } div.collation-note span.label, div.commentary-note span.label{ font-weight:bold; } /*CASE REPORT (ILR)*/ .keyword{ font-weight:bold; } .kwd-group{ padding:1em; } .case-name, alt-case-name{ font-size:105%; text-transform:uppercase; padding:1em; } .judges, .court, stage-name, case-number{ padding:1em; } .casehead{ text-align:center; padding:1em; } .casehead .fn-group{ text-align:justify; } /*ENDMATTER*/ p.bibitem, div.citation { margin-left: 2%; text-indent: -3%; padding-top:1%; margin-top:1%; } /*INDEX*/ .index-list{ margin-top:1em; } .index0 { text-indent:2em; padding:0; } .index01 { margin-top: 2em; text-indent:2em; } .index1 { text-indent:3em; padding:0; } .index2 { text-indent:4em; padding:0; } .index3 { text-indent:5em; padding:0; } .index4 { display:inline; } .see-also, .see-under, .see-also1, .see-under1 { text-indent:3em; padding:0; } .see-also2, .see-under2 { text-indent:4em; padding:0; } .see-also3, .see-under3 { text-indent:5em; padding:0; } /* LINKS */ a { color: blue; text-decoration: none; } a:active { color: blue; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: blue; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #993300; text-decoration: underline; } a.nounder { text-decoration: none; } svg { height: 100%; 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