
Works by Walzer

1956 “The Travail of the US Communists.” Dissent 3: 406–10.
1957 “Hungary and the Failure of the Left.” Dissent 4: 157–62.
1958a “Politics of the Angry Young Men.” Dissent 5: 148–54.
1958b “When the Hundred Flowers Withered.” Dissent 5: 360–74.
1959 “Education for a Democratic Culture.” Dissent 6: 107–21.
1960a “A Cup of Coffee and a Seat.” Dissent 7: 111–20.
1960b “The Politics of the New Negro [sic].” Dissent 7: 235–43.
1960c “The Idea of Resistance.” Dissent 7: 369–73.
1961 “The Idea of Revolution.” Dissent 8: 180–4 (exchange with Tom Kahn).
1963a “Puritanism as a Revolutionary Ideology.” History and Theory 3: 59–90.
1963b “Revolutionary Ideology: The Case of the Marian Exiles.” American Political Science Review 57: 643–54.
1965 The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard.
1966a “Democracy and the Conscript.” Dissent 13: 16–22.
1966b “Options for Resistance Today.” Dissent 13: 318–19.
1967a “On the Role of Symbolism in Political Thought.” Political Science Quarterly 82: 191–204.
1967b “Moral Judgment in Time of War.” Dissent 14: 284–92.
1968a “Exodus 32 and the Theory of Holy War.” Harvard Theological Review 61: 1–14.
1968b “A Day in the Life of a Socialist Citizen.” In Obligations: 229–38 and Radical Principles: 128–38.
1968c “Dissatisfaction in the Welfare State.” In Radical Principles: 23–53.
1968d “Civil Disobedience and ‘Resistance.’” Dissent 15: 13–15.
1969 “Prisoners of War: Does the Fight Continue After the Battle?” American Political Science Review 63: 777–86.
1970a Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War, and Citizenship. Cambridge, MA: Harvard.
1970b “A Journey to Israel.” Dissent 17: 497–503.
1970c “The Revolutionary Uses of Repression.” In Essays in Theory and History: 122–36.
1971a Political Action: A Practical Guide to Movement Politics. Chicago: Quadrangle.
1971b “World War II: Why Was This War Different?” Philosophy and Public Affairs 1: 3–21.
1972 “On Arabs and Jews: Chimera of a Bi-National State.” Dissent 19: 492–9.
1973a “In Defense of Equality.” In Radical Principles: 237–56.
1973b “Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands.” In Thinking Politically: 278–95.
1974 Regicide and Revolution. New York: Cambridge University Press.
1975a “Consenting to One’s Own Death: The Case of Brutus.” In Beneficent Euthanasia, ed. Marvin Kohl, 100–5. Buffalo: Prometheus.
1975b “Terrorism: A Debate.” New Republic 173: 12–15.
1977 “Review of Taking Rights Seriously.” New Republic 176: 28–31.
1978 “Teaching Morality: Ethics Makes a Comeback.” New Republic 178: 12–14.
1979a “The Pastoral Retreat of the New Left.” In Radical Principles: 175–85.
1979b “The Moral Problem of Refugees.” New Republic 180: 15–17.
1980a “The Moral Standing of State: A Response to Four Critics.” In Thinking Politically: 219–36.
1980b Radical Principles: Reflections of an Unreconstructed Democrat. New York: Basic.
1980c “Review of Social Justice in the Liberal State.” New Republic 183: 39–41.
1980d “Political Decision-Making and Political Education.” In Political Theory and Political Education, ed. Melvin Richter, 159–76. Princeton.
1980e “Pluralism: A Political Perspective.” In Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, ed. Stephen Thernstrom, Ann Orlow, and Oscar Handlin, 781–7. Cambridge: Harvard.
1981 “Philosophy and Democracy.” In Thinking Politically: 1–21.
1983 Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality. New York: Basic.
1984 “Liberalism and the Art of Separation.” In Thinking Politically: 53–67.
1985 Exodus and Revolution. New York: Basic.
1986a “What’s Terrorism – And What Isn’t?” Dissent 33: 274–5.
1986b “Justice Here and Now.” In Thinking Politically: 68–80.
1986c “The Long-Term Perspective.” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 62: 8–14.
1986d “Toward a Theory of Social Assignments.” In American Society: Public and Private Responsibilities, ed. Winthrop Knowlton and Richard Zeckhauser, 79–96. Cambridge: Ballinger.
1986e “Pleasures and Costs of Urbanity.” Dissent 33: 470–75.
1987 Interpretation and Social Criticism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard.
1988a The Company of Critics: Social Criticism and Political Commitment in the Twentieth Century. New York: Basic.
1988b “Emergency Ethics.” In Arguing About War: 33–50.
1988c “Terrorism: A Critique of Excuses.” In Arguing About War: 51–66.
1988d “Socializing the Welfare State.” In Democracy and the Welfare State, ed. Amy Gutmann, 13–26. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
1989 “Citizenship.” In Political Innovation and Conceptual Change, ed. Terence Ball, James Farr, and Russell Hanson, 211–19. New York: Cambridge.
1989/90 “A Critique of Philosophical Conversation.” In Thinking Politically: 22–37.
1990a “Nation and Universe.” In Thinking Politically: 183–218.
1990b “The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism.” In Thinking Politically: 96–114.
1991a “Perplexed: Moral Ambiguities in the Gulf Crisis.” New Republic 204: 13–15.
1991b “The Idea of Civil Society: A Path to Reconstruction.” Dissent 38: 293–304.
1992a “The Idea of Holy War in Ancient Israel.” Journal of Religious Ethics 20: 215–28.
1992b “Scenarios for Possible Lefts: Where Can We Go?” Dissent 39: 164–71.
1992c What it Means to Be an American. New York: Marsilio.
1992d “The Legal Codes of Ancient Israel.” Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 4: 335–49.
1993a “Objectivity and Social Meaning.” In Thinking Politically: 38–52.
1993b “Exclusion, Injustice, and the Democratic State.” In Thinking Politically: 81–95.
1993c “Between Nation and World.” Economist (September 11): 51–4.
1994a Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad. Notre Dame.
1994b “Editor’s Page.” Dissent 41: 165.
1994c “Shared Meanings in a Poly-Ethnic Democratic Setting.” Journal of Religious Ethics 22: 401–5.
1995a “Response.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality, ed. Miller and Walzer, 281–97.
1995b “Education, Democratic Citizenship, and Multiculturalism.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 29: 181–9.
1996a “Minority Rites.” Dissent 43: 53–5.
1996b “On Negative Politics.” In Liberalism Without Illusions, ed. Bernard Yack, 17–24. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1997a On Toleration. New Haven: Yale.
1997b “The Politics of Difference: Statehood and Toleration in a Multicultural World.” In Thinking Politically: 168–82.
1997c “Blacks and Jews: A Personal Reflection.” In Struggles in the Promised Land: Toward a History of Black–Jewish Relations in the United States, ed. Jack Salzman and Cornell West, 401–9. New York: Oxford.
1998a “Pluralism and Social Democracy.” Dissent 45: 47–53.
1998b “Michael Sandel’s America.” In Debating Democracy’s Discontent, ed. Anita Allen and Milton Regan, 175–82. New York: Oxford.
1998c “Multiculturalism and the Politics of Interest.” In Insider/Outsider: American Jews and Multiculturalism, ed. David Biale, Michael Galchinsky, and Susannah Heschel, 88–98. Berkeley: University of California Press.
1999 “Drawing the Line: Religion and Politics.” In Thinking Politically: 147–67.
2000 “Governing the Globe: What Is the Best We Can Do?” In Arguing About War: 171–91.
2001a “Liberalism, Nationalism, Reform.” In The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin, ed. Ronald Dworkin, Mark Lilla, and Robert Silvers, 169–76. New York: New York Review Books.
2001b “Nation-States and Immigrant Societies.” In Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported?, ed. Will Kymlicka and Magda Opalski, 150–3. New York: Oxford.
2001c “Universalism and Jewish Values.” The Twentieth Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy. New York: Carnegie.
2002a “Can There Be a Decent Left?” Dissent 49: 19–23.
2002b “Five Questions about Terrorism.” Dissent 49: 5–16.
2003 “Is There an American Empire?” Dissent 50: 27–31.
2004a Politics and Passion: Toward a More Egalitarian Liberalism. New Haven: Yale.
2004b Arguing About War. New Haven: Yale.
2004c “A Liberal Perspective on Deterrence and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.” In Ethics and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Religious and Secular Perspectives, ed. Sohail Hashmi and Steven Lee, 163–7. New York: Cambridge.
2004d “Zionism and Judaism.” In Judaism and Modernity, ed. Jonathan Malino, 308–25. Burlington: Ashgate.
2005 “All God’s Children Got Values.” Dissent 52: 35–40.
2006a “Terrorism and Just War.” Philosophia 34: 3–12.
2006b “Commanded and Permitted Wars.” In Law, Politics, and Morality in Judaism: 149–68.
2006c [1977]. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. Fourth edition. New York: Basic.
2006d “Response to McMahan’s Paper.” Philosophia 34: 43–5.
2006e “Response to Jeff McMahan.” Philosophia 34: 19–21.
2007 Thinking Politically: Essays in Political Theory. New Haven: Yale.
2008 “Can We Choose Politically Between Right and Left?” In The Jewish Condition: Challenges and Responses, ed. W. Helmreich, M. Rosenblum, and D. Schimel, 33–8. New Brunswick: Transaction.
2009 “What Is ‘The Good Society’?” Dissent 56: 74–8.
2010 “Which Socialism?” Dissent 57: 37–43.
2012a In God’s Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible. New Haven: Yale.
2012b “The Aftermath of War: Reflections on Jus Post Bellum.” In Ethics Beyond War’s End, ed. Patterson: 35–46.
2012c “Should We Reclaim Utopianism?” European Journal of Political Theory 12: 24–30.
2013a “The Political Theory License.” Annual Review of Political Science 16: 1–9.
2013b “Becoming a Dissentnik.” Dissent 59: 104.
2013c “The Jewish Political Tradition: An Interview with Michael Walzer.” Fathom.
2014a “Response.” In Reading Walzer: 167–72.
2014b “Response.” In Reading Walzer: 222–8.
2015a [1977]. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. Fifth edition. New York: Basic.
2015b The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counter-revolutions. New Haven: Yale.
2018 A Foreign Policy for the Left. New Haven: Yale.
2019 [1971] Political Action: A Practical Guide to Movement Politics. New York: Penguin.

Edited and Co-authored

  1. Chomsky, Noam, Hans Morgenthau, and Michael Walzer. 1978. “Vietnam and Cambodia.” Dissent 25: 386–92.
  2. Howe, Irving and Michael Walzer. 1979. “Were We Wrong About Vietnam?” New Republic 181: 15–18.
  3. Miller, David and Michael Walzer, ed. 1995. Pluralism, Justice, and Equality. New York: Oxford.
  4. Rosenberg, Bernard and Michael Walzer. 1963. “King and Reuther for ’64.” Dissent 10: 300, 390–1.
  5. Rustin, Michael and Michael Walzer. 1965. “Labor in Britain: Victory and Beyond.” Dissent 12: 21–31.
  6. Schrecker, John and Michael Walzer. 1965. “American Intervention and the Cold War.” Dissent 12: 43–6.
  7. Walzer, Michael, ed. 1995. Toward a Global Civil Society. Providence: Berghahn.
  8. —. 2006. Law, Politics, and Morality in Judaism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  9. Walzer, Michael and Philip Green, ed. 1969. The Political Imagination in Literature. New York: Free.
  10. Walzer, Michael and Nicolaus Mills, ed. 2009. Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  11. Walzer, Michael and Martin Peretz. 1967. “Israel is Not Vietnam.” Ramparts 6: 11–14.
  12. Walzer, Michael et al., ed. 2000. The Jewish Political Tradition. Volume 1: Authority. New Haven: Yale.
  13. —. 2003. Volume 2: Membership.
  14. —. 2018. Volume 3: Community.

Other Works

  1. Ackerman, Bruce. 1980. Social Justice in the Liberal State. New Haven: Yale.
  2. Agnafors, Marcus. 2010. Justice Among Us: A Philosophical Analysis of Michael Walzer’s Theory of Justice. Linkoping University Press.
  3. Anderson, Elizabeth. 1990. “The Ethical Limitations of the Market.” Economics and Philosophy 6: 179–205.
  4. —. 2017. Private Government. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  5. Andre, Judith. 1995. “Blocked Exchanges: A Taxonomy.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 171–96.
  6. Anscombe, Elizabeth. 2006 [1939]. “Just War: The Case of World War II.” In Contemporary Political Philosophy, ed. Robert Goodin and Philip Pettit, 623–35. Oxford: Blackwell.
  7. Armstrong, Chris. 2000. “Philosophical Interpretation in the Work of Michael Walzer.” Politics 20: 87–92.
  8. —. 2002. “Complex Equality: Beyond Equality and Difference.” Feminist Theory 3: 67–82.
  9. —. 2012. Global Distributive Justice: An Introduction. New York: Cambridge.
  10. Arneson, Richard. 1995. “Against ‘Complex Equality’.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 226–52.
  11. Avineri, Shlomo and Avner de-Shalit, ed. 1992. Communitarianism and Individualism. New York: Oxford.
  12. Bader, Veit. 1995. “Citizenship and Exclusion.” Political Theory 23: 211–45.
  13. Balfour, Lawrie. 1999. “The Appeal of Innocence: Baldwin, Walzer, and the Bounds of Social Criticism.” Review of Politics 61: 373–401.
  14. Barry, Brian. 1984. “Intimations of Justice.” Columbia Law Review 84: 806–15.
  15. —. 1990. “Social Criticism and Political Philosophy.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 19: 360–73.
  16. —. 1995. “Spherical Justice and Global Injustice.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 67–80.
  17. Beer, Samuel. 1965. British Politics in the Collectivist Age. New York: Random House.
  18. —. 1970. “Political Science and History.” In Essays in Theory and History: 41–73.
  19. Beitz, Charles. 1979. “Bounded Morality: Justice and the State in World Politics.” International Organization 33: 405–24.
  20. —. 1980. “Nonintervention and Communal Integrity.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 385–91.
  21. —. 1999 [1979]. Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  22. —. 2014. “The Moral Standing of States Revisited.” In Reading Walzer: 61–82.
  23. Bell, Daniel. 1961. “Ideology and the Beau Geste.” Dissent 8: 75–6.
  24. Bellamy, Alex. 2004. “Supreme Emergencies and the Protection of Non-Combatants in War.” International Affairs 80: 829–50.
  25. —. 2000. [1960]. The End of Ideology. Cambridge: Harvard.
  26. Benbaji, Yitzhak. 2014. “Against a Cosmopolitan Institutionalization of Just War.” In Reading Walzer: 256–76.
  27. Benbaji, Yitzhak and Naomi Sussmann, ed. 2014. Reading Walzer. New York: Routledge.
  28. Bevir, Mark and J. Toby Reiner. 2012. “The Revival of Radical Pluralism: Associationism and Difference.” In Modern Pluralism, ed. Mark Bevir, 179–213. New York: Cambridge.
  29. “Beyond the Welfare State.” 1978. Dissent 25: 294–360.
  30. “Beyond the Welfare State.” 1980. Dissent 27: 37–50.
  31. Bloom, Alexander. 1986. Prodigal Sons: The New York Intellectuals and Their World. New York: Oxford.
  32. Bounds, Elisabeth. 1994. “Conflicting Harmonies: Michael Walzer’s Vision of Community.” Journal of Religious Ethics 22: 355–74.
  33. Bromwich, David. 1995. “Culturalism, the Euthanasia of Liberalism.” Dissent 42: 89–102.
  34. Calhoun, Laurie. 2001. “Violence and Hypocrisy.” Dissent 48: 79–85.
  35. Caney, Simon. 2005. Justice Beyond Borders. New York: Oxford.
  36. Carens, Joseph. 1987. “Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders.” Review of Politics 49: 251–73.
  37. —. 1995. “Complex Justice, Cultural Difference, and Political Community.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 45–66.
  38. —. 2004. “A Contextual Approach to Political Theory.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7: 117–32.
  39. Churchill, Winston. 1960. The Gathering Storm. London: Penguin.
  40. Coady, C. A. J. 2004. “Terrorism, Morality, and Supreme Emergency.” Ethics 114: 772–89.
  41. Coates, A. J. 2016. The Ethics of War. New York: Oxford.
  42. Cohen, Joshua. 1986. “Book Review: Spheres of Justice.” Journal of Philosophy 83: 457–66.
  43. Cohen, Mitchell. 1992. “Rooted Cosmopolitanism.” Dissent 39: 478–83.
  44. Cook, Martin. 2007. “Michael Walzer’s Concept of Supreme Emergency.” Journal of Military Ethics 6: 138–51.
  45. Cooney, Terry. 1986. The Rise of the New York Intellectuals. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
  46. Coser, Lewis. 1954. “Sects and Sectarians.” Dissent 1: 360–9.
  47. —. 1958. “Millenarians, Totalitarians, and Utopians.” Dissent 5: 67–72.
  48. —. 1974. Greedy Institutions: Patterns of Undivided Commitment. New York: Free.
  49. Coser, Lewis and Irving Howe. 1954. “Images of Socialism.” Dissent 1: 122–38.
  50. —, ed. 1974. The New Conservatives: A Critique from the Left. New York: Quadrangle.
  51. Crowder, George. 2013. Theories of Multiculturalism: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity.
  52. Daniels, Norman. 1985. “Book Review: Spheres of Justice.” Philosophical Review 94: 142–8.
  53. Den Hartogh, Govert. 1999. “The Architectonic of Michael Walzer’s Theory of Justice.” Political Theory 27: 491–522.
  54. De Wijze, S. 2007. “Dirty Hands: doing wrong to do right.” In Politics and Morality, ed. Igor Primoratz, 3–19. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  55. “Discussion: Thoughts on Democratic Schools.” 1976. Dissent 23: 65–71.
  56. Doppelt, Gerald. 1978. “Walzer’s Theory of Morality in International Relations.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 8: 3–26.
  57. —. 1980. “Statism Without Foundations.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 398–403.
  58. Dorman, Joseph. 2000. Arguing the World. New York: Free.
  59. Downing, Lyle and Robert Thigpen. 1986. “Beyond Shared Understandings.” Political Theory 14: 451–72.
  60. Doyle, Michael. 2014. “A Few Words on Mill, Walzer, and Nonintervention.” In Reading Walzer: 83–103.
  61. Dworkin, Ronald. 1977. Taking Rights Seriously. London: Duckworth.
  62. —. 1981. “What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 10: 283–345.
  63. —. 1983a. “To Each His Own.” New York Review of Books 30: 4–6.
  64. —. 1983b. “In Defense of Equality.” Social Philosophy and Policy 1: 24–40.
  65. —. 2011. Justice for Hedgehogs. Cambridge: Harvard.
  66. Dworkin, Ronald, Mark Lilla, and Robert Silvers. 2001. The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin. New York: New York Review Books.
  67. Eaton, Susan and Karen Scharff. 1979. “Organizing at the Grass Roots.” Dissent 26: 411–13.
  68. Erskine, Toni. 2007. “Qualifying Cosmopolitanism? Solidarity, Criticism, and Michael Walzer’s ‘View from the Cave’.” International Politics 24: 125–49.
  69. Etzioni, Amitai and Alyssa Bowditch, ed. 2006. Public Intellectuals: An Endangered Species? Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.
  70. Evans, Mark. 2009. “Moral Responsibilities and the Conflicting Demands of Jus Post Bellum.” Ethics and International Affairs 23: 147–64.
  71. —. 2012. “’Just Peace:’ An Elusive Ideal.” In Ethics Beyond War’s End: 197–220.
  72. Fanon, Frantz. 1963. The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove.
  73. Flacks, Richard and Nelson Lichtenstein, ed. 2015. The Port Huron Statement. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  74. Forrester, Katrina. 2014. “Citizenship, War, and the Origins of International Ethics in American Political Philosophy.” Historical Journal 57: 773–801.
  75. Fraser, Nancy. 1995. “From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a ‘Post-Socialist’ Age.” New Left Review 212: 68–93.
  76. Furedi, Frank. 2004. Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone? New York: Bloomsbury.
  77. Galston, William. 1984. “Review of Spheres of Justice.” Ethics 94: 329–33.
  78. —. 1989. “Community, Democracy, Philosophy: The Political Thought of Michael Walzer.” Political Theory 17: 119–30.
  79. —. 2010. “Realism in Political Theory.” European Journal of Political Theory 9: 385–411.
  80. Gandhi, Mohandas. 1997 [1910]. Hind Swaraj and Other Writings. New York: Cambridge.
  81. Gavison, Ruth. 2014. “Taking States Seriously.” In Reading Walzer: 40–60.
  82. Geary, Daniel. 2015. “The New Left and Liberalism Reconsidered.” In The Port Huron Statement: 83–94.
  83. Geertz, Clifford. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic.
  84. Geuss, Raymond. 2008. Philosophy and Real Politics. Princeton.
  85. Gill, Emily. 1987. “Walzer’s Complex Equality: Constraints and the Right to be Wrong.” Polity 20: 32–56.
  86. Glazer, Nathan. 1954. “Philistine Leftism.” Commentary 17: 201–6.
  87. Graubard, Allen. 1970. “One-Dimensional Pessimism.” In Beyond the New Left: 144–65.
  88. Green, Philip. 1976a. “Race and IQ.” Dissent 23: 181–96.
  89. —. 1976b. “IQ and the Future of Equality.” Dissent 23: 398–414.
  90. Gutmann, Amy. 1995. “Justice across the Spheres.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 99–119.
  91. Gutmann, Amy and Dennis Thompson. 1996. Democracy and Disagreement. Cambridge: Harvard.
  92. —. 2004. Why Deliberative Democracy? Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  93. Haller, William. 1966. “Review of The Revolution of the Saints.” American Historical Review 71: 953–4.
  94. Harrington, Michael. 1962. “The American Campus: 1962.” Dissent 9: 164–8.
  95. Hart, William. 2000. Edward Said and the Religious Effects of Culture. New York: Cambridge.
  96. Hartz, Louis. 1955. The Liberal Tradition in America. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  97. Hauck, R. J. P., ed. 2010. “Public Intellectuals: A Symposium.” PS: Political Science and Politics 43: 649–83.
  98. Hayden, Tom. 2005. The Port Huron Statement: The Visionary Call of the 1960s Revolution. New York: Avalon.
  99. Herzog, Donald. 2002. “How to Think About Equality.” Michigan Law Review 100: 1621–38.
  100. Hirschman, Albert. 2013 [1977]. The Passions and the Interests. Princeton.
  101. Honig, Bonnie. 2014. “Between Sacred and Secular? Michael Walzer’s Exodus Story.” In Reading Walzer: 146–66.
  102. Howe, Irving. 1954. “This Age of Conformity.” Partisan Review 21: 7–33.
  103. —. 1967. Steady Work: Essays in the Politics of Democratic Radicalism, 1953–1966. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  104. —, ed. 1970. Beyond the New Left. New York: McCall.
  105. —. 1976. World of Our Fathers. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  106. —. 1977. “Socialism and Liberalism: Articles of Conciliation.” Dissent 24: 22–35.
  107. —. 1982. A Margin of Hope. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  108. —. 1985. Socialism and America. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  109. Howe, Irving and Lewis Coser. 1955. “Authoritarians of the ‘Left.’” Dissent 2: 40–50.
  110. —. 1962. The American Communist Party: A Critical History. New York: Praeger.
  111. Hutchings, Kimberly. 2010. Global Ethics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity.
  112. Isserman, Maurice. 1987. If I Had a Hammer: The Death of the Old Left and the Birth of the New Left. New York: Basic.
  113. Jacoby, Russell. 2000 [1987]. The Last Intellectuals: American Culture in the Age of Academe. New York: Basic.
  114. Jumonville, Neil 1991. Critical Crossings: The New York Intellectuals in Postwar America. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  115. —, ed. 2007. The New York Intellectuals Reader. New York: Routledge.
  116. Kaplan, Shawn. 2011. “Unraveling Emergency Justifications and Excuses for Terrorism.” Journal of Social Philosophy 42: 219–38.
  117. Kateb, George. 2014. “Walzer’s Radicalism.” In Reading Walzer: 196–221.
  118. Kazin, Michael. 2013. “A Decent Leftist.” Dissent 59: 17–27.
  119. —. 2015. “Two Cheers for Utopia.” The Port Huron Statement: 39–49.
  120. Keat, Robert. 1997. “Colonization by the Market: Walzer on Recognition.” Journal of Political Philosophy 5: 93–107.
  121. King, Martin Luther. 2011 [1967]. The Trumpet of Conscience. Boston: Beacon.
  122. Kristol, Irving. 1972. “About Equality.” Commentary 54: 41–7.
  123. Krupnick, Mark. 1989. “The Critic and His Connections: The Case of Michael Walzer.” American Literary History 1: 689–98.
  124. Kymlicka, Will. 1989. Liberalism, Community, and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon.
  125. —. 1995. Multicultural Citizenship. New York: Oxford.
  126. —. 2002. Contemporary Political Philosophy. New York: Oxford.
  127. —. 2014. “Categorizing Groups, Categorizing States: Theorizing Minority Rights in a World of Deep Diversity.” In Reading Walzer: 129–45.
  128. Laslett, Peter and William Runciman, ed. 1962. Philosophy, Politics, and Society. Oxford: Blackwell.
  129. Larmore, Charles. 2013. “What is Political Philosophy?” Journal of Moral Philosophy 10: 276–306.
  130. Lazar, Seth. 2017. “Just War Theory: Revisionists Versus Traditionalists.” Annual Review of Political Science 20: 37–54.
  131. Levy, Jacob. 2014. “What it Means to be a Pluralist.” In Reading Walzer: 111–28.
  132. Lichtenberg, Judith. 2008. “How to Judge Soldiers Whose Cause is Unjust.” In Just and Unjust Warriors: 112–31.
  133. Locke, John. 1988 [1690]. Two Treatises of Government. New York: Cambridge.
  134. Luban, David. 1980a. “Just War and Human Rights.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 161–81.
  135. —1980b. “The Romance of the Nation-State.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 392–7.
  136. —. 2014. “Risk Taking and Force Protection.” In Reading Walzer: 277–301.
  137. Lucas, George. 2012. “Jus Ante and Post Bellum: Completing the Circle, Breaking the Circle.” In Ethics Beyond War’s End: 47–64.
  138. MacCaffrey, W. 1967. “Review of The Revolution of the Saints.” American Historical Review 71: 953–4.
  139. MacIntyre, Alasdair. 1981. After Virtue. London: Duckworth.
  140. Mayer, Robert. 2001. “Michael Walzer, Industrial Democracy, and Complex Equality.” Political Theory 29: 237–61.
  141. —. 2002. “A Walzerian Theory of Exploitation.” Polity 34: 337–56.
  142. McMahan, Jeff. 2006a. “The Ethics of Killing in War.” Philosophia 34: 23–41.
  143. —. 2006b. “Liability and Collective Identity: A Response to Walzer.” Philosophia 34: 13–17.
  144. —. 2006c. “Killing in War.” Philosophia 34: 47–51.
  145. —. 2008. “The Morality of War and the Law of War.” In Just and Unjust Warriors: 19–43.
  146. —. 2009. Killing in War. Oxford: Clarendon.
  147. —. 2014. “The Prevention of Unjust Wars.” In Reading Walzer: 233–55.
  148. Miklos, Andras. 2013. Institutions in Global Distributive Justice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  149. Miller, David. 1995a. “Introduction.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 1–16.
  150. —. 1995b. “Complex Equality.” In Pluralism, Justice, and Equality: 197–225.
  151. —. 2007. National Responsibility and Global Justice. New York: Oxford.
  152. Mulhall, Stephen and Adam Swift. 1992. Liberals and Communitarians. Oxford: Blackwell.
  153. Murphy, Michael. 2012. Multiculturalism: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.
  154. Nagel, Thomas. 1986. The View from Nowhere. New York: Oxford.
  155. Nardin, Terry. 2013. “From Right to Intervene to Duty to Protect: Michael Walzer on Humanitarian Intervention.” European Journal of International Law 24: 67–82.
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