The remainder of the evening had gone well. The Joint Chiefs stayed within the conference room and continued to review the reports contained within the transmission downloaded from the drone sent from NORAD. During this time General McCreary had also been active, advising Professor Enghult, the Conyers’, and Dr. Wilkins to prepare detailed reports outlining the modifications put into place in the primary bunker site to ensure their future survival, and hopefully those modifications would eventually be disseminated throughout all bunker systems within the United States and allied nations. The military technical staff immediately began modifications to the drone fleet within the complex required to withstand the extensive radiation outside the bunker. When the evening conference took place, the Bunker Site Commanders were advised that communications had been reestablished with NORAD, the satellite system remained intact, reconnaissance efforts were underway, and all satellites other than those of the United States were currently being jammed. They were further advised that this information was of the highest security level and not to be repeated. Tunneling operations to bunker 5 and restart of the power generation unit would continue as planned as well as the tour of Bunker Site 1, however, the inspection by the Joint Chiefs would be split into two groups. Although currently on lockdown, Level 20 would soon be returned to business as usual. They were given no other information beyond that until further definitive decisions could be made. No security issues of significance were reported, and President Andrews concluded the final group conference of the day.
“Gentlemen, when we know more from NORAD upon the arrival of the second drone tomorrow, you will be advised of our following course of action. Once reconnaissance has been completed by both the drone fleet and satellite imagery, we’ll have a complete understanding of what we are facing. The following day the Joint Chiefs and I shall make a final determination regarding our ultimate course of action. End transmission; Andrews out.”
President Andrews turned to General McCreary as the Joint Chiefs listened.
“General, I believe we’ve done all that we possibly can for today. I’d like to retire to my quarters for an hour or so prior to overseeing restart at 2400 hours. Please relieve the Joint Chiefs while you personally are to remain within the control room until my return, at which point you will then be relieved.”
Andrews then addressed the Joint Chiefs directly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen. Each and every one of us has a very long day ahead of us tomorrow and undoubtedly for the foreseeable future. I suggest that you all retire to your quarters, have a good meal, and get at much rest as you can. We all need to be 100% and at the top of our game. Once surface reconnaissance is complete, the following course of action we determine may very well decide not only our own fate but the very existence of the entire human race. If you dream, dream of contingency plans. Dream of our options. Let’s plan for the worst, and hope for the best. Meeting adjourned.”
“Yes, Mr. President” was heard repeatedly from all members of the Joint Chiefs, standing at full attention for their Commander-in-Chief. To a person they were as determined as he that they do everything within their power to see that occurrence was brought to fruition; that they would in fact survive this nightmare wrought upon the planet. The war had to end, and it had to end quickly before the planet was pushed beyond brink, beyond the point of no return. That reality was clear to all.
President Andrews rose and exiting the control room headed straight for his quarters. He had very little time left before he needed to return to oversee restart operations, and knowing this Linda already had his meal waiting. Although the Joint Chiefs would get some long needed rest, for at least the next ten hours for him there would be none. Information regarding the condition of the surface in all likelihood would be undertaken by Meehan immediately upon the return of the drone from Bunker Site 1 and reconnaissance operations completed within the next 24 hours. The true extent of the nuclear war wouldn’t be fully understood until all drones returned to NORAD and the data collated in conjunction with satellite imagery. The President somehow would find a way to get some sleep between those two events, but most certainly that wouldn’t occur tonight. In a sense he knew Professor Enghult and Dr. Lazzario could handle restart themselves, yet he would personally be on-site despite that. Nothing would be left to chance. Once exiting the conference room and looking down the main hallway, Andrews couldn’t help but notice that the Secret Service Staff was out in full force; four at the entrance to the control room and another four at the elevator. As he approached his quarters even more Agents were stationed outside, solid as rocks with a look of seriousness on their faces. The door to his own quarters, that of the First Family had no lock or keys, the Agents themselves were more impenetrable than any security measures that could ever be put into place. They also needed unimpeded access should the situation ever arise, but that threshold would otherwise never be crossed. As he opened the door he inexplicably turned and addressed them personally.
“Thank you, Agents.”
As the Delta Force Teams in the Dome hadn’t responded to his words, neither did the Agents. But once again his heartfelt words carried a great deal of weight. It was late now, at least on the surface. In the bunker time seemed endless; there was no night or day. The only sense of time was when the lighting was dimmed for what would otherwise be considered evening in order to give the occupants a semblance of normalcy. Immediately upon entering Linda approached him, looking into his eyes and gave him a long hug without any words being spoken. Andrews was concerned about how his wife had held up during her tour of the hospital, but she was more concerned about him. She knew Level 20 was currently on lockdown and that something very serious had happened. The flurry of activity upon her return could hardly be missed, nor could the four Agents armed to the teeth standing outside their quarters. After several minutes she finally let go of her husband; he needed that comfort as much as she did but he was the one to speak first. Holding her by the shoulders and at arm’s length, he looked directly into her eyes.
“How are you holding up?” he asked.
“Me, how am I holding up? How are you holding up?”
“A little tired. It’s been a long day and I have to return to the control room in about an hour and a half. I’ll have to spend most of the night there.”
“Good news or bad news?” she asked.
“Good news. NORAD survived the attack and we received their first drone. We’ve ordered them to start surface reconnaissance and somehow the satellite system survived intact. Now all we have to do is pray that we’re not attacked again. Where are the little ones?”
“Exhausted, fed, and fast asleep. They wondered where you were and I told them they’d see you when they wake up. Will they?”
“I should be back by then. We’ve decided to continue with restart despite the drone from NORAD. We’re going to go ahead with all of the plans we’ve put into motion despite everything else. We have to.”
Linda walked across the room and placed her husband’s dinner in the microwave as she asked, “Have you eaten anything at all today?”
“I had lunch earlier, but dinner wouldn’t hurt.”
“Well, let’s get you fed. Then it’s just you and me kiddo.”
Andrews looked at his wife knowing what she must have been through in the hospital, especially considering the fact that she’d just lost both of her parents, yet all she could do was show her concern for him. He felt guilty in a way, but was glad that he’d married her. “One in a million,” he thought. “How I found her I’ll never know.” As she prepared his dinner he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. It only took a few minutes to reheat the meal that she’d brought with her from the hospital, and he ate it at the kitchenette as if he hadn’t eaten in a month. She watched him silently, thinking the same thing to herself; how’d she ever found him. She decided not to trouble her husband with the sadness that she’d witnessed, and as he finished his meal she put the dishes in the sink; they could wait for later.
The meal had done him well and he felt somewhat tired for having it. Linda walked over to the sofa and pulled the quilt from the top of it that her mother had made for them when they were first married. Unfolding it she sat on the sofa as she patted it with her hand, inviting her husband to join her.
“Sit with me,” she said. “I’ll wake you when you have to go back.”
This was one battle the President didn’t want to fight. They laid together holding onto each other for what little time they had, her husband soon fast asleep not knowing if it would be the last time that they would ever be able to do so. Linda wept silently for all that had happened, but she was also thankful for the time that they did have together and also prayed they would somehow have more. Their brief time spent together seemed to be over in an instant as there was a gentle knock at the door.
“One moment,” Linda said as she rose, trying not to wake her husband. Opening the door she could see it was Agent Phillips.
“Pardon the intrusion, ma’am. General McCreary has just sent word from the control room that they’re preparing for restart and the President’s presence is required.”
“Thank you, Agent. Please advise the Chairman that the President will be there shortly.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Phillips replied as the First Lady gently closed the door and walked over to her husband. She nudged him awake as he slowly opened his eyes and came back to his full senses.
“Is it time already?” he asked.
“They’re waiting for you in the control room.”
“God, I feel like I could’ve slept forever.”
Linda kissed her husband on the forehead and then on the lips.
“Do you know how much I love you?” she asked.
He looked at her without responding.
“More than you’ll ever know.”
“And I you,” he said. “You’re my strength.”
As he collected himself and approached the door, he stopped and turned to his wife of fifteen years.
“Let the little ones know when they wake up I’ll be back in the morning to cook them breakfast.”
Linda could only nod and managed a slight smile, and as the door closed behind him she began to cry uncontrollably.
And again into the control room. It was fully staffed at this point with over twenty personnel continuously on duty. Veronica had remained and kept herself quiet, absorbing as much information about the bunkers as she possibly could. There was no doubt in the President’s mind why she had received a full-scholarship. She knew enough to realize that she didn’t yet know enough. Although she had taken the time to have eaten throughout the day, other than that she hadn’t stopped in her effort to absorb all that she could. Youth was also on her side, and with the devastation on the surface qualified personnel would be difficult to replace.
“General McCreary,” Andrews said. “Please report.”
“We’re ready for restart upon your orders, Sir. Professor Enghult assures me that we have green lights across the board and Dr. Lazzario concurs. All personnel on Level 15 are suited up and on standby.”
“Very well then, General. I’ll take over from here. You are relieved until 0800. I’d like you to get some rest, and that’s a direct order. You’ll be in complete charge until the arrival of NORAD’s follow-up drone tomorrow. After this evening I’ll retire to my quarters for some badly needed sleep so that I’m also at 100%. Tunneling operations are to proceed as is the tour of Bunker Site 1 for half of the Joint Chiefs. The other Joint Chiefs are to remain with you in the control room. Level 20 is to be removed from full lock-down. Should any situation arise requiring my attention you are to summon me immediately. Dismissed, General.”
“Sir,” McCreary replied as he saluted.
They were more than just colleagues; they were friends and more often than not disregarded protocol, especially when consulting in private. For General McCreary, to be so formal sent a very clear message. The President of the United States had his total, absolute, unyielding respect. For the President’s part it was a comfort to have such a person in which he could count on, no matter what the circumstance.
As General McCreary retired and closed the door behind him, he didn’t second guess his orders. He was exhausted and headed straight for his bed. He too would have a long day ahead of him.
Prior to speaking, President Andrews pulled up one of the chairs from another console and positioned it behind Professor Enghult and Veronica, who was sitting next to Professor Enghult with her own set of displays in front of her. Although much of this was new to her, she’d learned enough that should she see something go astray during the restart procedure she would bring it to the Professor’s attention, otherwise she would remain silent. This was only the first of five restart operations; the other four to proceed on a staggered basis within the other bunkers that went into shut down mode. As President Andrews continued to observe, he could see Dr. Lazzario’s face on one of the display monitors in front of Professor Enghult; he was in the control room on Level 15. Andrews turned to the Professor; it was almost 2400 hours.
“Professor,” he asked. “Are you prepared for restart and confident in the nuclear power generation unit being safely brought back on-line?”
“I am, Mr. President,” Enghult replied.
President Andrews then turned to the monitor displaying the control room on Level 15 and asked Dr. Lazzario the same question.
“I confirm, Mr. President,” Lazzario replied.
“Very well, gentleman,” Andrews said. “Please proceed with restart operations at your discretion.”
“Dr. Lazzario,” Enghult said. “Please bring the power generation unit up to five percent capacity.”
With those words President Andrews could see Dr. Lazzario pressing various switches and turning various dials. As he did the monitors in front of both Enghult and Veronica began to display a variety of data indicating the status of the unit. Although not completely familiar with the information being displayed, the President thankfully saw green lights as opposed to red warning lights indicating potential problems.
“Very well, Dr.,” Professor Enghult said. “I’m seeing positive restart with no indications of any anomalies. Let’s continue at 5% capacity for the next two hours with continuous diagnostics, both visual and computerized prior to increasing output to 15%. Are we in agreement?”
“Agreed, Professor. We’re seeing green lights across the board here too.”
“Two hours it is then, Dr.” Enghult said looking at his watch.
Listening to their conversation President Andrews pulled up his chair and placed it in a position so that he could observe the monitors in front of both Professor Enghult and Veronica. He began to absorb all of the displays, not being completely unfamiliar with diagnostics dating back to his days as a Pilot. Placing his trust in the Professor and his reassurances from Dr. Lazzario during his inspection earlier that morning, he sat back and allowed the professionals to complete the task they knew so well. Time passed quickly and for a moment Andrews felt himself dozing. He must have been as he suddenly heard Professor Enghult speaking to him.
“Bringing her up to 15% capacity, Mr. President. Total integrity of all systems confirmed visually and diagnostically.”
“Please proceed, Professor,” Andrews said.
Four hours in and again the procedure repeated itself.
“Prepared to bring the unit up to full 25% capacity, Mr. President. Complete integrity of all systems confirmed visually and diagnostically.”
“At your discretion, Professor.”
Two hours later and the nuclear power generation unit was running at the required 25% capacity necessary to operate all systems within Bunker Site 1 and was ready to be switched over from the battery backup system. The President looked at Professor Enghult and repeated the words that had been said to him recently.
“And the lights won’t even flicker. Correct?”
“That is correct, Mr. President.”
“Proceed with transition from secondary to primary power system, Professor.”
Prior to doing so Enghult consulted once more with Dr. Lazzario and then turning to the President said, “Transitioning power supply now, Sir.”
Two minutes passed while Professor Enghult switched from monitor to monitor, some visualizing various areas of Bunker Site 1 over the internal camera system.
“Are we ready to proceed, Professor?” Andrews asked as his curiosity overtook him.
“Sir, we’ve already transitioned over to the primary power supply,” Enghult answered.
“I’ll be damned, Professor. You were correct, the lights didn’t even flicker. Well done to you both, and you as well Miss McCreary.”
“Thank you, Mr. President. We’ll continue to monitor all areas and systems within Bunker Site 1 for the next several hours, but in effect the restart procedure is complete with a high degree of confidence.”
“Very well. I’ll remain on-site until General McCreary arrives.”
Veronica was proud to have played, even if just a small role in the restart procedure, but despite that she’d learned a considerable amount of knowledge. With four more units having to undergo the same procedure, with bunker 5 being the next on the list, what she’d learned was indispensable. General McCreary had woken early with the desperately needed rest long overdue, most especially after these past several days. Not quite 0700 hours, he arrived early ready to relieve the President. If Linda had thought her husband was tired earlier, to General McCreary he seemed completely exhausted. As Andrews rose from his chair he suddenly reached over and grabbed onto it for support. It didn’t escape McCreary’s attention as the President quickly recovered.
“Are you alright, Mr. President?” the General asked with a degree of concern.
“I’m fine, Phil. Just a little sleep deprivation. Maybe I’ve been sitting too long; my mistake. Things went well with restart. Picture perfect in fact. We’re currently running on primary power generation and Professor Enghult assures me all is well. If you don’t mind he can give you a detailed rundown, I think I’d better head to my quarters.”
McCreary’s concern for the President’s health wasn’t lessened.
“By all means, Sir,” he said.
“Phil. I need to be 100%. That means eight hours of sleep after I keep a little promise I made last night. I know I don’t need to ask if you can handle things. Proceed with our plans for tunneling operations and the tour of Bunker Site 1 for half of the Joint Chiefs. Take Level 20 off lockdown and advise the Bunker Site Commanders that restart has been successfully completed. Summon me if any issue arises requiring my attention, and should the follow-up drone from NORAD arrive earlier than expected begin recognition code confirmation and download of their transmission immediately prior to my arrival. Other than that once my head hits that pillow give me eight hours; I need my full faculties about me.”
“Consider it done, Mr. President.”
Andrews walked to the door as General McCreary opened it for him. Although unnecessary the Chairman nodded to Agent Phillips still on duty, indicating that he accompany the President to his quarters; Linda would take over from there. Once entering their now Spartan quarters Linda seemed shocked at her husband’s obvious exhaustion but he quickly perked up, requiring more effort than he led on. True to his word he cooked breakfast for the four of them, and once finished apologized to his daughter’s for having to retire, explaining that it had been a very long night. Linda had prepped them earlier and they understood. As she led him to their room and helped him undress he almost fell over again. Pulling back the covers she placed him under the comforter, kissing him gently on the forehead as she did so.
“I’m used to tucking in the children, darling, not my husband,” she said with a slight stab at humor. “Sleep now. I love you,” she whispered.
She wasn’t quite sure he’d even heard her before he fell fast asleep, and she quickly brought Rebecca and Marissa to Margaret, having promised them they could play in the Oval Office for the day. Returning to their quarters she opened the door to their bedroom so she could hear her husband and then took a seat on the sofa. She would watch over her husband silently for the next eight hours. Linda could physically see the toll that the past several months had taken on him; the emotional toll she could only imagine. Sitting there alone she was like a lioness guarding her lair; Lord help anyone who even attempted to enter that room. As the hours passed she also found herself dozing and put her faith in the alarm clock to wake her if she fell asleep, having decided to cook her family a full meal before he had to return to the control room. She knew the second drone would arrive from NORAD at some point later in the day and it was weighing heavily on her husband’s mind. The First Lady must have fallen asleep as suddenly she heard the alarm go off, hitting the snooze button quickly wishing not to wake him. As she rose she gently closed the door to the bedroom and checked in with Margaret, who assured her that the children were doing just fine.
“Let them know that they can look forward to a home cooked meal,” she said as she quietly began to prepare dinner. It took almost two hours when suddenly the smell of the food cooking woke her husband, who startled her as he was suddenly at her side. He looked like a new man; the full eight hours of sleep had done him well.
“Where is everyone?” he asked.
“Don’t worry, the kids are with Margaret and they’ll be back shortly. Are you hungry?”
“Famished,” he said.
“Good. Why don’t you jump in the shower and get dressed. I’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re done and we’ll sit down and eat as a family before you have to go back.”
“Has General McCreary called at all?”
“About an hour ago,” she replied. “He just wanted to see how you were doing and let you know everything was fine. They don’t expect the drone from NORAD for at least two more hours. He also said to let you know that the Vice Chairman and Chiefs of Staff Rodriguez, Pichton, and Walsh are almost done with their inspection.”
“Good,” he said heading for the shower. “I won’t be long. Then I’ll get the kids and we’ll eat before I have to get back. I almost feel guilty.”
“Don’t,” Linda replied. “You’re only human. Don’t be too long; twenty minutes and everything will be ready. I’ll have Margaret bring the kids back, that way you’ll have time to get dressed.”
“Okay,” he replied noticing it was 1600 hours. There would be much to do when he returned to the control room. Once that drone arrived some serious decisions would have to be made. The President, refreshed as he was would have to ponder their options with a clear head to determine their next course of action. For now he would trust McCreary. After calling over to Margaret’s office, the First Family sat down together and had a quiet and enjoyable meal by themselves. Having lived in the White House for the past three years Linda discovered that she hadn’t lost her cooking skills. For that brief period of time all was well, any thoughts of a serious nature temporarily put aside. Yet dinner was over all too soon and the President said his goodbyes, arriving at the control room by 1720 hours. He was 100%. Entering he could see that all of the Joint Chiefs were in full attendance; the tour of Bunker Site 1 complete. Immediately he directed his attention to General McCreary, who was glad to see his old friend so refreshed.
“General, your report if you please.”
“Sir, the drone hasn’t yet arrived from NORAD, however, we anticipate its arrival within the next two hours. Professor Enghult and Veronica; pardon me he said correcting himself, Miss McCreary, continued to monitor proper operation of the power generation unit for four hours following transition and have since retired. All systems are functioning properly, and Dr. Lazzario and his staff have taken over on Level 15 from this point forward. The Joint Chiefs designated to tour Bunker Site 1 have completed their task and tunneling operations to bunker 5 have begun. The dozers outside of the bunkers are functioning properly and all waste materials from tunneling operations are being dispersed with no difficulties encountered. Level 20 has been removed from lockdown per your instructions and there have been no reports of any security issues within any of the bunkers. The reports from Dr. Wilkins, the Conyers’, and Professor Enghult detailing our operational modifications have been prepared and are ready to be uploaded to the drone once it arrives. The military technicians have begun modifying our own drone fleet within the complex and anticipate that they’ll be fully able to withstand the radiation levels on the surface within 24 hours. In effect, Mr. President, all is well and we simply await the arrival of the drone.”
“And the 1400 conference with the Bunker Site Commanders?”
“Completed and uneventful, Mr. President.”
“How are the preparations proceeding in anticipation of restart of the power generation unit in bunker 5?”
“I’m informed that we again have green lights across the board diagnostically and visually and we’re only waiting to proceed once 48 hours have passed. It will be accomplished well before interconnection so we’ll be fully protected should anything go wrong.”
“Very well, General,” President Andrews replied as he turned to the Joint Chiefs. “Ladies and Gentleman, you are temporarily relieved and will be informed immediately upon the arrival of the drone from NORAD. You are to return forthwith upon its arrival. If you feel the need to eat, relax, or visit the Commissary, please feel free to do so. Temporarily dismissed,” Andrews concluded.
The President knew they were also human and a brief respite would do them well. He’d take over from here, at least for the time being. After saluting, the Joint Chiefs filed out of the conference room one by one, even including General McCreary, but their absence would be a brief one. During that time awaiting the drone’s arrival, President Andrews reviewed the reports to be included in their response to Meehan. It wasn’t quite two hours before the drone arrived. The Corporal manning the communications console looked over and informed the President.
“Sir, I have indications of a drone just having arrived on landing pad 1.”
President Andrews responded without showing any emotion whatsoever; he was again all business.
“Very well, Corporal. Advise the Joint Chiefs and Professor Enghult to return to the conference room immediately and then begin transmitting the confirmation codes on a duplicate basis.”
“Affirmative, Sir.”
Within five minutes Professor Enghult and the Joint Chiefs were in the control room, overly relieved at the second drone’s arrival. It was 2000 hours; not quite four days since the war had begun.
“Recognition codes confirmed on a duplicate basis, Mr. President,” the Corporal said. “What are your orders, Sir?”
“Download the transmission and have it stream live, Corporal.”
“Beginning live transmission stream, Sir.”
As with the previous drone, Meehan’s face appeared clear as a bell. President Andrews knew the integrity of the data transfer the prior day had been completely accurate and that duplicate confirmation of the data could be completed following the live stream. Everyone in the room was completely riveted in anticipation of what Meehan had to say. During his first transmission he seemed somewhat dejected, not knowing whether Bunker Site 1 survived the attack, yet now appeared relieved and it showed on both his face and in his voice. He must have been in the control room at NORAD as they could all see a large amount of activity behind him. And so he began his response to the President’s directives that had been included in the first drone’s return.
“Mr. President and Members of the Joint Chiefs. The return drone sent from your location has arrived safely. Immediately upon its arrival the data included in your transmission was downloaded and reviewed. Its arrival confirming the survival of Bunker Site 1 was immediately announced throughout NORAD, and I cannot express to you the extent that it has increased our moral throughout the complex. Your survival was a Godsend and has given all of us the hope so desperately needed. That being said, I shall now advise you of our actions according to your directives.”
“During the time between the drone’s initial dispatch and its return, modifications to the fleet at NORAD has continued around the clock. We now have over 300 drones operational and in all likelihood modifications to the remainder of the fleet will have been completed, bringing us back to full capacity. As we speak we’ve already begun triple tiered flyover of the entire continental United States utilizing 200 drones accompanied by refueling tankers. Once collated, the information will provide us with three-dimensional imaging of the surface, radioactivity levels, weather pattern analysis, and a fairly good idea of those bunkers which survived the attack. Despite multiple warheads having hit the United States, I am informed by our scientific teams that undoubtedly there will be areas where our cameras will be able to get a visual. The drones will be running continuously throughout the evening using infrared and thermal imaging technology at approximately Mach Six. Once returning to our location the data will be downloaded using multiple landing platforms and collated by our computers within the complex. All data retrieved will be included in the following drone dispatched to your site. An additional 20 drones have been allocated in order to accomplish your secondary directives, leaving NORAD with over 150 drones ready at a moment’s notice to become airborne for defensive measures should we again be attacked.”
“In regards to your secondary directives, drones have been dispatched to the primary bunker sites in The United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan, advising them of our situation and that they hold off on any offensive actions unless otherwise advised. Drones have also been dispatched to Area 51 and the bunker complex in Virginia. An additional drone has been dedicated to a low flyover of the missile fields in the Dakotas, but this only represents 50% of our overall land based nuclear capabilities. Twelve drones have been dispatched to both the Atlantic and Pacific and mobile sonar buoys have been dropped advising our two dozen submarines to hold their current positions 100 miles off the coast and await further orders. Once accomplished those sonar buoys will head out to sea and advise the remainder of the Naval Fleet to rendezvous at the locations previously designated. Should the four missing food convoys pick-up the encrypted directives, they are advised to take as many vessels under tow as possible and head towards southern Australia; the remainder of the fleet to be scuttled after rescuing all personnel to the best of their ability.”
“We are continuing to jam all satellite communications other than our own, however, know that at a moment’s notice with the satellites having been grouped in sets of three that our signal strength is now strong enough to both send and receive transmissions to all bunkers, allied nations, our entire Naval Fleet, and our missile fields throughout the Nation. Even going under the worst-case-scenario that only our submarine fleet survived, that alone leaves us with over 1,300 nuclear warheads at our disposal. That is unlikely; undoubtedly a large majority of our widely dispersed land based missile silos have also survived intact.”
“With the realignment of our satellites through our clandestine laser transmission system, global reconnaissance has already begun and those satellites are also attempting to locate our Naval Fleet as well as the food convoys. We’ve had a bit of contention here amongst our scientific teams as to whether our adversaries have the ability to pick-up those laser transmissions and what risk that might pose as an instigation to a further attack. Risk analysis seems to think that our adversaries have very few if any land based missiles left in their arsenals, but then again those subs are still out there and capable of doing a tremendous amount of damage. Our environmental team believes that should any more weapons in significant numbers be deployed based upon what we already know, that we are truly looking at an extinction level event. Believe me, Sir, in all my years I have never been involved in such a heated discussion and had to make a determination based upon those possibilities. I have no wish to disregard, countermand, or supersede your directives. By the same token I had to make a decision. When we initially signaled our satellites using laser transmission technology, we were uncertain as to whether or not Bunker Site 1 had survived. Despite sending that transmission up until this point no further attacks have occurred, but that doesn’t mean that our adversaries are incapable of picking-up on our transmission. Our science teams assure me that they are unable to do so, and believe me, Mr. President, they were grilled. A decision had to be made, and that decision rests fully on my shoulders. The decision I made is the following.”
“One additional drone was dispatched to the remote transmission point enabling download of all data contained within our active satellites, allowing for a complete picture of how many nuclear weapons actually detonated planet-wide. Without that knowledge, should you and the Joint Chiefs decide that retaliatory action is in our best interest in order to ensure our survival, then those orders will be carried out. But also please be aware of this; I had to take our environmental team seriously, that quite possibly should we retaliate we’d effectively be committing mutual suicide. Downloading the data if picked up by our adversaries could quite possibly be an instigator to a further attack, but without this information we’ll only be able to provide you with half a picture. As we speak the drone is already on-site at the remote location and will begin downloading the data contained within the satellites at 0200 tomorrow and immediately return to our location. Combined with the information obtained through drone reconnaissance we’ll be able to provide you with a full and complete picture enabling you to make an informed decision as to your next course of action. Allowing for the flyover time and collation of data from both sources, you can anticipate the follow-up drone at approximately 2200 hours tomorrow evening. Should you decide to override the satellite system and initiate a retaliatory or pre-emptive strike, you currently have that ability from your location.”
General Meehan’s face suddenly became even more serious. Although over 1,000 miles away from the primary bunker site, he may just have well been in the same room with the President and face to face as he spoke.
“Mr. President. I have taken it upon myself to send that drone in order to download the information from our satellite system. That is directly in conflict with your prior orders. I will not make any excuses. Should you decide to relieve me of my command, it would be right and proper. Should that not be the case, we stand ready here at NORAD to follow through with your following directives no matter what they be. Your humble servant. End transmission.”
As the screen went blank everyone in the control room remained completely silent, wondering what the President’s actions would be. They didn’t need to wait long as he didn’t even consider consulting with the Joint Chiefs; his decision would be his and his alone. Even General Meehan was surprised. President Andrews addressed the Corporal at the communications console.
“Corporal, begin recording return transmission.”
“Affirmative, Sir,” the Corporal replied, his voice wavering slightly. “Recording return transmission now, Mr. President.”
The President likewise responded to General Meehan as if they were in the same room, his face as serious as had been Meehan’s.
“General Meehan. We have received your follow-up drone and the Joint Chiefs and I have reviewed the information contained within your report. I thank you for carrying out our directives as indicated. Very often once elected, a President thinks about his legacy and how he will be remembered. What we are currently faced with I have to wonder whether there will be anyone left to remember us at all. A pre-emptive or retaliatory strike is always an option, yet towards what end if it does not assist in our continued survival? No Sir, General Meehan, you are not relieved of command. You are to continue with our directives and are also to download the data from the satellites from the remote location only. You are not to do so from NORAD itself, putting the complex at risk. Its existence is critical to our survival. We shall include in our return transmission the reports outlining the modifications instituted in the primary bunker site and look forward to the following drone at 2200 hours tomorrow. At that point the Joint Chiefs and I shall make a definitive decision as to our following course of action based upon a complete picture. We thank you for your efforts, and I wish you to personally express to all of those at NORAD our undying gratitude that is felt by myself, the Joint Chiefs, and those within Bunker Site 1. We look forward to your following transmission. Carry on. President Andrews out.”
Again speaking to the Corporal, the President ordered him to upload the three reports under Professor Enghult’s supervision and once confirmed immediately send the drone on its return trip. He then turned to General McCreary and the Joint Chiefs, mapping out their evening.
“Ladies and Gentlemen. The members of the Joint Chiefs who have not completed the inspection of Bunker Site 1 will do so tomorrow as scheduled. We shall now adjourn to the conference room prior to the final group meeting of the day with the Bunker Site Commanders, at which point excluding Admiral Pichton you will all be relieved until 0600 tomorrow. Once Professor Enghult oversees data upload and dispatch of the drone back to NORAD, he will then join us and provide a full briefing on our ongoing efforts regarding tunneling operations and restart of the power generation unit within bunker 5. I would ask you to please proceed to the conference room; General McCreary and I shall join you momentarily.”
McCreary hung back as the Joint Chiefs took their seats at the conference table, knowing that the President wanted to speak to McCreary privately as the General remained silent until Andrews spoke.
“Did we do the right thing, Phil?”
“Sir, if those environmental teams are correct in their assessment and we do decide to pre-emptively launch our own missiles, we might as well aim them at ourselves. Are you concerned about General Meehan?”
“I think I would have done the same thing in his position with the information he had, so no, I’m not. You know the phrase, ‘everyone’s dispensable’. I’ve learned of late that it’s not quite true.”
“I’ve known him most of my life, Mr. President, and there’s not a better man to be found.”
“General, let’s hit the conference room and concern ourselves with the ensured survival of Bunker Site 1; beyond that tomorrow decides everything.”