Beware the Kleptomaniac
Who knows not wrong from right
He’ll wait until you turn your back
Then steal everything in sight:
The nose from a snowman
(Be it carrot or coal)
The stick from a blindman
From the beggar his bowl
The smoke from a chimney
The leaves from a tree
A kitten’s miaow
(Pretty mean you’ll agree)
He’ll pinch a used teabag
From out of the pot
A field of potatoes
And scoff the whole lot
He’ll rob the baton
From a conductor on stage
All the books from the library
Page by page
He’ll snaffle your shadow
As you bask in the sun
Pilfer the currants
From out of your bun
He’ll lift the wind
Right out of your sails
Hold your hand
And make off with your nails
When he’s around
Things just disappear
F nnily eno gh
I th nk th re’s one ar und h re!