page ornament

Chapter 19

In the following days, as Thanksgiving approached, I did my best to put out the fire I’d started with the twins. I put the blame squarely on myself, even though it made me squirm—I didn’t want to draw any more attention to them. Hopefully they believed my PMS story. I was grateful that my tinted glasses helped hide my fear, though I knew Geoffrey would never let anything happen to me.

Then I moved on to square things with everyone else. Ashleigh forgave me the easiest, since she knew my past. Still, my behavior had been abysmal, and I wanted to make it up to her—and everyone else—somehow.

Pepper had discovered more information about the link, and we were able to use that to jump-start our relationship. “It seems as though roller-coaster emotions are a side effect, but then, what girl doesn’t have ups and downs, really?” she told us on break one night.

Lack of intimacy was still a major stumbling point for Geoffrey and me, and while we both agreed to take it one step at a time, I wasn’t one for baby steps. It was either all or nothing with me. I did my best to behave, but he wasn’t exactly innocent, either. We’d fallen into a secret routine where we’d sneak off behind the stage or up to the top tier. We found that I’d literally get a contact high from his venom, which enhanced my senses and strength. While we relished our stolen moments, eventually we had to spill the beans to Pepper, after she caught me lifting a fully loaded case of rum as easily as if it were a shoebox. Her raised eyebrow of suspicion was targeted at me, so I caved.

“Pepper, it’s not her fault. I was being very persuasive earlier.” Geoffrey tried to sound so suave—which he really was, but we both got lectured.

“You two need a hotel room, I swear. I try warning you and you’re like two teenagers, totally hormonal!” But then she got serious. “Just be careful, both of you.”

Her scolding made me try harder to behave. I valued her concern and her friendship, and I didn’t want to jeopardize it.

Tonight was no different. The crowds were larger because the colleges were closed for Thanksgiving break. The cash registers were ringing Ashleigh’s favorite holiday sound. The DJ started up his set as I let my feet lead me to the darkest corner, knowing he was already there.

“Pepper’s going to scold us again—you know that, right?” I said, feeling his cool hands skim underneath my shirt, leaving a simmering trail of want and desire.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he purred into my ear. His flavor and scent danced on my tongue as my hands wove into his hair, pulling him closer. My heart kept beat with the DJ’s bass line, hard and heavy, as his arms held me tighter. My senses were so attuned to our surroundings—the music, the sway of other bodies, and the literal aroma of sex, that I gave into the desires that I was halfheartedly trying to restrain. I opened my eyes, gasping for a breath as he did.

Megan, your eyes.

What? I asked, relishing the pleasure of his body pinning me to the wall with increasing pressure. His desire was growing—and not just across the link, where I could see my reflection. My eyes had taken on an eerie silver glow, both equal in color. Now that’s interesting… Where were we? Oh, yeah. You’re mine! My words only flamed his desire. Teasing wasn’t fair.

“Who says I was teasing?” he said, then his lips crushed mine.

We were by an upper level exit door, leading out to the rooftop. Together as one body, we pushed open the handle and slid out the door, leaving the overheated club behind. Though the cold air whipped around us, we were burning hot. His lips found my neck as his deft fingers found my hips, securing me to him. Our kiss started as any other; his sweet venom was an intoxicating indulgence, his razor- sharp teeth gently tugging and adding the slightest amount of exquisite torment. And that’s when it happened.

I’d completely forgotten—at break I’d bitten my tongue, hard enough to draw blood. It was still seeping blood now, and the salt lingered in my own mouth. His change was instant. Suddenly his own mouth flooded mine with burning venom as he found the wound.

His arms wrapped around me, like iron rebar framework. He had one arm tightly encircling my waist, and his other hand found the back of my neck underneath my hair. His fingers clamped down into a vice grip. The amount of pressure he held me with was a warning, but what was really frightening was the escalation of desire for each other. The more he held me in place, the more essence of him I drank in. I pulled him closer, if that was possible. His hands were fused to me, and as he pulled more and more on the wound, I realized that the pain he was inflicting didn’t matter. A small part of me that wasn’t totally lost to reason began screaming that something was off. His natural instincts had kicked in, and the circle we were locked in wasn’t going to end unless one of us stopped—and soon. But the link was so alive—so acutely painful, yet the bliss was immeasurable.

If I hadn’t tempted him, none of this would’ve happened. I didn’t want him dragging himself over the coals for this. With that in mind I found his chest, placing my hands against him, and pushed as hard as I could, but his body wasn’t giving. Physically, I couldn’t do anything. The link was my only hope of ending this.

Geoffrey! I called, trying to break through to him, but he was already beyond hearing my plea. Stop! Now! I mentally screamed at the top of my lungs.

His eyes flashed opened and our lips unlocked as he pulled his face away a few inches. We both gasped for air, and our eyes were locked for what seemed an impossibly long second. His expression was fierce and calculating, revealing the predator that he was. He stood still as a statue, not even breathing, and through the link I felt him cut off his senses one by one. But his stillness wasn’t what scared me. Looking at his eyes, a shiver of fear ran up my spine. They were jet black, without any hint of blue.

“Geoffrey…” I backed away slowly with my hands raised up. I eyed the ledge around the roof, desperately hoping to find an escape ladder. I squared myself off as I pivoted around, feeling around behind my back to find the door handle.

I’d never seen that crazed look in his eyes before, but through the link I could feel his struggle to rein in the monster that was threatening me. He commanded his muscles to take a step back, giving me room. With each dragged step, he was trying to give me the ability to flee, but strangely, I felt no fear of my own. I kept my lips shut tightly so as not to let out the deadly blood scent again. The wound was strangely numb, and I felt as though my tongue was swollen. I couldn’t talk even if I wanted to.

We’ll get through this. I know you won’t hurt me, I kept repeating through the link. Slowly, the tension subsided.

I need to leave… now. Get inside, stay safe, he growled across the link. Then he moved away slowly towards the ledge, walking backwards as if the beast within would not allow him to take his eyes off of me. A gust of wind and powdery snow caught his hair, showering him in crystal flakes as he took one last look at me and dropped from sight.

I collapsed to my knees, breathing heavily. The silence wrapped around me as I gathered my strength. The elements reminded me of where I was. I got up slowly and went inside. A blast furnace of heat welcomed me inside as I made my way down to the main floor. I made sure my glasses were in place as I found a tray and started picking up empty glasses in a daze.

Ashleigh found me first. “Darling! There you are! Will you please help Dawn out? She’s getting slammed.”

“Sure,” I slurred out.

“What happened to you?” she asked, looking at me funny.

“I bit my tongue,” I stuttered and moved quickly to the bar, not wanting to explain.

“How? I never see you eating any more.”

“I tripped and bit myself, clumsy me.”

Pepper said another side effect of my link with Geoffrey was I’d lose my appetite for human food. It was getting hard to keep making excuses for not eating, and Ash had noticed.

I jumped in behind the bar, keeping Dawn from drowning in the onslaught of orders. I didn’t make eye contact and simply listened to her call out the orders instead. In no time we’d caught up.

“Whew, thanks. I don’t know where they all came from,” she said, patting me on the back as I restocked the glasses. It was then that I noticed I was breathing hard. I glanced up. There were faces in the crowd that weren’t thirsty for alcohol—and their cross-hairs were clearly set on me. Dawn was the one who finally told me why, without realizing it.

“Hey, did you bite your lip or something? It’s bleeding pretty good.” She tossed me a bar towel, and I wiped my mouth. The crimson color saturated the fibers as the moment stood still. They can smell it. Oh, my God. Holy crap, they think I’m the entrée. Shit! Most of the regulars had caught a glimpse of me with Geoffrey, but now he wasn’t here to warn them off and my blood was screaming at them.

I didn’t want Dawn to get caught in the middle, so I dashed out towards the bathroom, hollering back to her. “I bit my tongue earlier. I’ll be right back.”

But I had no idea where I could go, and my mind was racing as panic sunk in.

Megan! his voice called across the link. I blinked and there he was, standing in front of me, a barrier of steel against the oncoming bodies.

In the midst of strobe lights and blaring music, he snarled at them, “She’s mine. Back down! You understand what the consequences will be if you don’t heed my warning!” His words flowed so fast that it appeared to be a passing conversation, and they gave us a wide berth through the crowd.

I noticed that we weren’t alone. Pepper and Tracy were at my sides and both guys, Robert and Mitch, made a back wall, encircling me completely. I wanted to know exactly what he meant, but now wasn’t the time to ask. I kept the towel over my mouth, and we made our way backstage.

“What happened?” I asked, still shaking.

“They could smell your blood, that’s what happened. If I hadn’t caused it to seep freely this wouldn’t have taken place.” He stroked my hair, holding me close until my heart slowed. The more I’m with you, the more danger I place you in.

So, his own words were going to beat him up? Not on my watch they weren’t!

“It takes two to be in a relationship,” I said as the others stared at him, waiting for an explanation. “Accidents happen.”

His comeback was quick. “But Megan, with me you have baggage. If you had a human boyfriend—like Chase—situations like this wouldn’t happen.” He paced back and forth, pinching his eyes closed, trying to push away his frustration.

I had to swallow the bile that came up on my neighbor’s name. “I don’t want Chase. He’s just a friend. There is nothing wrong with you. And please don’t make me vomit by trying to compare Chase to you. It’s like night and day.”

The others reacted with the same surprise as I had to his words. I sat down on a bar stool just inside the back curtains. I was beginning to bottom out from not only the adrenaline but also venom; the room began to spin.

“Geoffrey, we need to get her home.”

I felt Pepper’s delicate fingers on my wrist. “Megan, look at me.”

My glasses were still on. I refused to open my eyes. I didn’t want any more attention.

“I just want to go home.” I swallowed down the weariness that was hanging on me like a coat. I ran my hand through my hair. She gently took my chin and brought her eyes to mine.

“Megan, take off your glasses and open your eyes, please.” I could hear the others speaking and didn’t want to make a scene. I did as she asked. Geoffrey came from behind, his soft embrace a comfort as I leaned back.

“There, you happy now?” I pathetically growled at Pepper as the DJ announced last call. Her reaction was expected, so I slammed my glasses back on. Then she grinned like an excited child discovering a wonderful surprise.

“Your eyes! They’re rimmed with silver!”

I could tell this was another clue to the link and could almost see her in front of her computer, digging for more information, happy as a mad scientist.

Not mad, darling, just enthusiastic. Geoffrey’s words floated into my head as he asked, “Pepper, is she all right, though?” His words were beginning to take on a dreamlike quality.

“Yes. Her aura is her normal pink, but it’s changing, too.”

Great, pink. I hate pink.

“What does that mean?” he asked. The rising panic in his voice did nothing for the butterflies in my stomach.

“She’s changing; her very biological make-up is changing.”

“Oh, my God. Is she turning?” His fear for me was clear. He held me tighter to him, trying to protect me from what she was saying.

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what?” he asked.

“I don’t know the unknown,” she said as I fell down into a dark hole, holding on to the one thing I wanted to live for.
