As you have been reading along, you have heard me mention the Sacred Rings and the Bliss therapies a few times. I have to say that these have been among the most effective and exciting innovative therapies that I have ever developed. This series of treatments is based on the wisdom of the ages, since I got the inspiration for them through a progression of divine messages over a period of the past 10 to 12 years.
This chapter introduces how I developed these therapies, how to use them, and what each one is best suited to achieve. In combination with a conscientious lifestyle, I have seen firsthand how these therapies can extend our lives, with the focus on maximizing the number of healthy years we enjoy.
In particular, the Ring of Air circuit (which I explain in this chapter) has shown incredible power to change people’s lives. For a huge majority of the unhappy, unfulfilled individuals who are suffering from a wide variety of emotional disorders, Air Bliss appears to help at least 90 percent of people overcome depression and manage themselves better just by activating the body points that correspond to the Ring of Air.
In addition to trials and research studies that I conduct with regard to all my products and therapies, I regularly receive lots of interesting feedback in the form of e-mails, letters, and testimonials. One woman recently wrote to me that her 60-year-old son who had been miserably angry and depressed all his life is now happy and at peace after beginning the practice of applying Air Bliss essential oils each morning and evening!
As I often say, nothing works in 100 percent of people. We cannot even be sure that someone is alive or dead without taking it to the Supreme Court! But as this book has been clearly demonstrating, conscientiousness begins with reasonable happiness, and Air Bliss is able to provide that foundation for those in need of it. This is one of the best first steps to becoming the dependable, productive, and creative individual you want to be and allowing you to have the energy and passion to do good for others.
Medical Intuition at Work Once Again
I believe that the inspiration for the advances made possible through the Five Sacred Rings came to me because I was in a unique frame of mind and in a position to test and refine them through my research and wide network of connections. These therapies are a natural extension of my medical training and my experience in energy work, holistic medicine, and aroma acupuncture. I must say that my skills in this life were ideally matched to put these therapies into motion.
Here’s the path I have been on. Over the past dozen years or so, I intuitively became aware of five human circuits, which I was told were to be called the Sacred Rings. Each one consists of a number of specific points in the human body that, when activated in sequence, provide relief from a wide range of human conditions and ailments.
From the point of inspiration, I worked with my inner guide to glean more and more details in order to understand fully and perfect each therapy. As I meditated and asked for further direction, I would be told by my guide the purpose of the ring that was being given.
My job was to define the exact acupuncture points and, except for the first one, to use my own intuition to determine the biochemical effect each ring would be able to influence. The first one, the Ring of Fire, was unique in that I knew what I wanted to influence. As the other Rings were given to me, my guide never indicated what the biochemical effect would be. I will discuss this further a bit later.
Enhancing DHEA with the Ring of Fire
The timing for this particular intuitive inspiration came just as I had begun researching DHEA. As you will recall from our previous chapters, virtually all the depressed patients that I have seen in my clinical days have had either low or deficient levels of DHEA.
As described earlier, almost all people gradually develop low or deficient levels of this important hormone, from a high point of DHEA at about age 25, and then gradually decreasing with age. By age 80, most people have less than 10 percent of what they had at age 30; and since DHEA deficiency is found in every known illness, there is a benefit in finding ways to keep this depletion from happening or rejuvenating it in individuals who are severely lacking it.
Taking DHEA is not an optimal way to replenish it, as it may stimulate activity in dormant cancer cells located in the breast, prostate, uterus, or ovaries. In general, if you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, it is not advisable to take this hormone. This is particularly true for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer, but DHEA is also not recommended for women suffering with uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids—or for men with prostate problems.
I had a feeling that natural progesterone should increase DHEA, so I tested it. Indeed, it did increase DHEA, but only at an average of 60 percent. While it sounds like a great advance, I soon realized that this method just did not do enough by itself to make a difference. Research showed that most people who are over 40 years of age have levels that are already 50 percent lower than the ideal DHEA levels. Normal levels should be in the range of 750 to 1,200 ng/dl in men and 500 to 980 ng/dl in women.
I reasoned that if these average patients would be starting at such depleted levels as 200, then even a 100 percent increase does not get us anywhere near the ideal levels that humans require.
It was at this point that the inspiration from my guide showed me the way. I was told that if I stimulated the points that connect the kidneys, gonads, adrenals, thyroid, and pituitary gland through a window of the sky point (there are 22 window of the sky points in acupuncture—these connect body and mind with the soul), then I could significantly raise the levels of human DHEA.
My challenge, then, was that since there is no point in Chinese cosmology that corresponds to the pituitary gland, I had to intuit it in order that this ring would become complete. Thus, the following series of points came to me, which I was told to call the Ring of Fire, and it has since proven effective in raising human DHEA levels, as well as helping migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, and depression—all disorders that are related to the fire element.
The Ring of Fire—Circuit Points in the Body
Results with Use of the Ring of Fire
Over a 12-week period, I found that stimulation of these points with 75 decibels of human DNA frequency (54 to 78 GHz), 3 minutes per pair of points daily, led to an average increase in DHEA of 60 percent (with a range between 30 and 100). This stimulation was done using the Shealy PainPro, which I talked about earlier. Incidentally, these patient results were in addition to what we achieved with the progesterone cream.
Later I discovered that a combination of vitamin C, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), molybdenum, and beta-1,3-glucan raised DHEA another 60 percent. For ease, I put this combination together and began offering a formula called Dr. Shealy’s Youth Formula, so patients could benefit from the right combination of these elements.
Furthermore, I also researched and tested the efficacy of magnesium chloride when applied transdermally (rubbed onto the skin). Sure enough, this also raised DHEA levels another 60 percent in the patients who tried it for this purpose.
Therefore, when these four techniques were applied together, DHEA was raised 250 percent over baseline, which was then enough to make a significant difference in the health of patients who were afflicted with obvious “fire” diseases.
These were some of the results we found when patients followed this regime:
Activating the Ring of Fire with Essential Oil
While the therapeutic benefits of electrical stimulation were proven, I still found that patients did not wish to spend the 18 minutes daily that this therapy required. Feedback from test subjects was that this was just too much effort for most people.
With that in mind, I have since created Fire Bliss, which is a mixture of essential oils specifically for activating the healing properties of fire energy in the human body. Use of this essential oil blend has the potential to help thousands of individuals who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, diabetic neuropathy, depression, and back pain. It is easily applied to the same circuit points listed above, but takes only about 30 seconds. I now call this approach transcutaneous acupuncture.
Another way to activate the Ring of Fire circuit is through listening to one of my CD recordings, which trains you to use your mind to trigger the healing power of this ring. It is basically an exercise for energizing the electrical battery of the body, since the Ring of Fire integrates the adrenals, chakras, and endocrine system.
Alternatively, you might consider a vigorous massage of these circuit points or tapping them to release their power. These methods take practice, but they can be quite effective for some people. Please note that each of these activation methods is possible for any of the five rings I have researched so far.
Inspiration for the Ring of Air
A few months after receiving inspiration about the Ring of Fire, my guide shared with me the Ring of Air, with the indication that this would stimulate “simultaneity of thought” (that is to say, it would raise one’s intuition) and advance consciousness for mental creativity, symbolic thought, and mystical insight. Clinically, I was told that it would help hearing and tinnitus, and it would also calm anger and heal rage. The guide also said that this ring would be useful for autism and Down syndrome when it’s used with the Ring of Earth, which he indicated would come to me much later.
As it turned out, I found that the initial details that came to me were just the tip of the iceberg for the incredible transformational change that the Ring of Air could actually produce once we started using and testing it.
The Ring of Air—Circuit Points in the Body
The Amazing Power of the Ring of Air
At first I wasn’t sure what the Ring of Air would impact. But when I started working to develop this idea, I said to my research nurse, Vera, “We need to find out what the Ring of Air does.”
So she asked me, “What do you want to measure?”
I blurted out, “Neurotensin. Call the lab and see whether they can measure neurotensin.” At the time, I did not know anything about neurotensin. This is one of those situations where my intuition downloaded the word. We did the tests and found that its levels increased by up to 600 percent after the stimulation of the Ring of Air with GigaTENS (electrical stimulation at 54 to 78 billion cycles per second).
At that point, I researched further and learned that neurotensin markedly interrelates with growth hormones and insulin, as well as prolactin, which is a milk-releasing hormone. Neurotensin coordinates digestion (especially of fat), and it is both antinociceptive (pain relieving) and neuroleptic (anxiety reducing, tranquilizing).
Indeed, there are neuroleptic drugs that are major tranquilizers used to treat psychosis or induce anesthesia. The original tranquilizer, Thorazine, was the precursor for many more that came after. The first significant modern neuroleptic, ketamine, is an anesthetic and tranquilizer, and I’d done some original animal work on its effectiveness for pain physiology in 1965. This was yet another one of the many examples in my life where points of reference came up again in different ways!
Activating the Ring of Air with Essential Oil
Notwithstanding the extraordinary therapeutic benefits that were possible through electrical stimulation of the Ring of Air points, patients still preferred not to spend all of 21 minutes per day on this therapy. Considering that the test subjects were either depressed or in some kind of pain (or both) to start with, I felt that it was necessary to try to develop an easier, quicker solution.
Thus, I set out to create an Air Bliss mixture of essential oils that could activate the same level of healing and improvement that we saw through electrical stimulation. In just 30 seconds, Air Bliss starts to work, and it has turned out to be far more powerful than we even expected!
Placing Air Bliss oil on these specific body points significantly helps in relieving depression and anxiety, and early reports show improvement in autism, Asperger’s syndrome, insomnia, and PTSD.
The Ring of Air’s Ability to Raise Oxytocin
Some years after my work with the Ring of Air and neurotensin, I had a sudden realization that this ring could also raise oxytocin. I have now proven this to be true. As with so many good things in my life that have been brought to me by my wife, Chardy, I think that this particular realization had just as much to do with her as it did with my own inner guidance.
Looking back over my own life, I have been blessed in so many ways, including a wonderful marriage of more than 50 years and exceptionally good overall health. The two are indeed intrinsically interrelated, as I have described in earlier chapters.
Being married to such a highly conscientious person as Chardy meant that I had to be pretty darn organized for all those years. She would not let any of us slack off for very long on nutrition, exercise, or taking responsibility for ourselves, before gently (or sometimes not so gently) suggesting a correction back to basics.
Up until 2010, I fully expected that we would both live out our conscientious lives on our farm in Missouri, happily continuing to enjoy our children and grandchildren when they would come to visit and feeding our favorite horses every day. Given the success of our lives and careers, I felt that I could handle anything life might bring.
What I did not expect was Chardy’s death. When she was suddenly given a very grave diagnosis, we pulled out every stop to try to restore her to health. I regret that she was unable to beat it, and I found that dealing with her loss was deeper and far more painful than I could have ever anticipated.
In the time since her passing, I have cried more than in the first 77 years of my life. I have used the Liss Cranial Stimulator more since her death than during the entire previous 25 years. It helps me immensely, as does Air Bliss, the essential oils mixture that I just described.
But here’s the connection and next step. It was just a few weeks after Chardy’s death, when I happened to find a few articles on oxytocin, the nurturing, bonding hormone. I instantly knew with such a strong intuition that seeing those articles had to be a download from my angelic guide, maybe even as a result of a nudge from Chardy.
Reading those articles, I came to realize that the Ring of Air must also raise oxytocin in the body, as well as neurotensin. I spent hours on the Internet, and finally found one paper reporting that oxytocin is released when neurotensin increases. I was so excited that I had difficulty sleeping that night.
Measuring and Proving the Connection to Oxytocin
It had been more than ten years since I first demonstrated that “Giga stimulation” (with the Shealy PainPro) of the Ring of Air strikingly raises neurotensin, but now I could see a natural link with oxytocin as well. Oxytocin is well known as the bonding or nurturing hormone, and I already knew that workshop participants almost universally reported feeling calm, relaxed, and detached after massaging, tapping, or applying Air Bliss to the Ring of Air points.
My research showed that oxytocin inadequacy has been reported in every known emotional and mental disorder, from autism, ADHD, addiction, depression, and OCD to schizophrenia. As was the case with neurotensin, it took me some time to find a lab for measuring oxytocin. Despite hundreds of papers on the general subject of, there seemed to be no commercial lab for testing human oxytocin levels. All the work had been done at universities, and I was finding the collection of data and measurement rather tedious.
Fortunately, I met Dr. Paul Durham through my friend Dr. Roger Cady. Roger’s son Ryan worked at Dr. Durham’s lab at Missouri State University. When I met with them, they agreed to do the lab tests for me at cost.
We began by measuring the oxytocin levels of ten volunteers, both before and after Giga stimulation of the Ring of Air circuit. Several days later, we measured oxytocin before and after the application of Air Bliss on the same points.
Giga stimulation of the Ring of Air raised oxytocin in eight of the participants—the same percent as our original findings with neurotensin! Air Bliss increased oxytocin in six of the participants.
Afterward, I evaluated the Air Bliss application in almost 100 individuals, and virtually all reported feeling calm, relaxed, and detached—free of anxiety. I expect this is a result of the combination of increased neurotensin and oxytocin.
It was then that I began a study of Air Bliss on the Ring of Air to test its effects on anxiety and depression, with a keen eye on raising conscientiousness, too. I reasoned that being calm, relaxed, and detached would allow a person to feel more at peace and able to focus on conscientiousness.
By this time, through everything I had seen and dealt with at the Shealy Pain Clinic for all those years, I sensed that the common root of all emotional problems was quite likely the result of oxytocin deficiency. This fit nicely with the findings that its treatments appear to help the gamut of emotional disturbances, including autism, ADHD, addiction, depression, OCD, and even schizophrenia. In one study I did there was a highly significant reduction in both anxiety and depression in 30 patients.
Patients’ Stories Highlighting the Ring of Air
Many positive things come to pass through the use of the Ring of Air. One I remember fondly was Bruce, a very busy 3-year-old who accompanied his mother when she came to see me about her own health problems. Bruce was a typical child with ADHD, climbing up onto the windowsill, moving quickly and continuously.
I turned on the RelaxMate glasses, and he was instantly attracted to them, putting them on and enjoying the flashing lights. He remained quiet for the remainder of the time his mother was in my office, and I knew that I could help him in a number of ways. In fact, I have many notes from parents confirming the benefit of the RelaxMate glasses and the Ring of Air, which has helped them tremendously to calm down their children and control ADHD.
Another example was an 8-year-old boy with autism who was brought to me, able to speak only about 50 words. I showed his mother how to stimulate her son’s body on the Ring of Air and Ring of Earth points, and within three weeks he was speaking 450 words. Within three months, he spoke fluently! Patients do not always experience such dramatic changes, but I have seen more than a few miraculous improvements in my many years in this field.
All ages can benefit from the Ring of Air therapy, which some people also use in combination with other products we offer. One particular war veteran has e-mailed me almost weekly about his experiences and those of his wife. Their example illustrates well how this kind of therapy can work for patients with serious challenges, so I asked him if I might quote him. This is the personal statement he sent back, which I very much enjoyed hearing:
I’ve been using the Air Bliss now for close to four weeks. I’m using it every night and am sleeping better, as is my wife. As far as the PTSD nightmares, I’ve had only one, and it was mild. I find that my mood is improving, as is my ability to concentrate. My instincts are becoming sharper again, which is a great help when doing community house calls to psychiatric clients.
He went on to describe how our products helped improve his life in a number of ways:
I usually meditate at night and use the Air Bliss and one of the other Sacred Rings. It’s amazing how that combination improves my meditation, which helps in my writing. The PTSD is a condition that has caused my family and me some uncomfortable moments. My wife gives the Air Bliss tremendous credit for the improvement in me. I agree and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. Thank you for your kindness and friendship.
The Air Bliss is close to being empty, so I will be ordering the next bottle. My wife uses the Ring of Water and gets a tremendous benefit from it. We both use the Liss Cranial Stimulator every morning, and I personally like to use it in my office prior to the day’s work. It really helps focus my mind.
The depression that can follow the PTSD nightmares is no longer an issue. It’s my opinion that your devices can be of great help, and there are no side effects (but a calm relaxed feeling). I use the RelaxMate glasses normally at night and like them also. They tend to bring my mind to a focused, relaxed place, where positive thought comes easily, as does prayer and meditation.
This particular man found that, in conjunction with other therapeutic products, he was experiencing a new lease on life and renewed interest in getting back to work.
His summary of the experiences with these products has elements that I hear often, but not usually with such eloquence and clarity. He said in closing:
As your devices are holistic in nature, I wanted to be more thorough in my reporting of the results in using them. The nature of man is as a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. The devices you have been guided to create have benefited me not only physically, mentally, and emotionally, but they are helping my wife. We speak often of the results we’ve had using these devices.
As of this writing, this man has continued to remain essentially free of PTSD for more than 18 months.
On any given day, I don’t know what queries and responses I might get by phone, by e-mail, or via my radio show. I spend time during my workday consulting with other professionals, and I am always pleased to hear from them when they have hands-on feedback to share. Recently, I received the following note that speaks to the power of Air Bliss to raise oxytocin and allow people to form greater emotional connections and natural bonds.
In the words of one of these individuals: “I am a psychotherapist and passionate about energy psychology. I find my work deeply rewarding, being able to routinely facilitate dramatic, positive change for my clients. I got a similar result with Air Bliss to your medical colleague who thought he was already coping well with stress until he actually tried Air Bliss. The oxytocin enables me to be even more deeply empathic with my clients. Thanks for the great product.”
Emotional Balancing with the Ring of Water
Moving on from the Ring of Air, the next ring I was given was the Ring of Water, which I was told by my guide was for emotional balance, edema, congestion, lowering cholesterol, and contacting the Christological heart—that is, the heart of the Christ consciousness.
When my guide mentioned the physical placements, I chose the appropriate acupuncture points. At that time, I also intuitively knew that it had to do with aldosterone, an adrenal hormone responsible for water and potassium balance.
Biochemically, the Ring of Water normalizes aldosterone when the body circuit is stimulated with GHz—that is to say, both high and low levels of aldosterone return to normal. The Ring of Water also helps with weight loss, but I figured out that it usually needs to be used in conjunction with the Ring of Fire in this case.
I now have shown that the Water Bliss essential oil blend also normalizes aldosterone. I can see already that it will be helpful in clinical situations where both high and low aldosterone levels are in need of being rebalanced.
When patients used GigaTENS on both the fire and water circuit points, they lost 8 to 11 pounds each week. But after a month or so, many of them discontinued the therapy because the process seemed to take too long (about 40 minutes each day). But of course, the essential oils take only a few minutes and work just as well.
Recently, a young woman used only Water Bliss, because she did not like the smell of Fire Bliss. She lost 25 pounds in four months and is continuing the daily routine, since it takes only 30 seconds to apply the oil. Another young man with tremendous swelling of his legs for many years has had amazing reduction in the swelling through the use of Water Bliss.
The Ring of Water—Circuit Points in the Body
Pain Control Using the Ring of Earth
My guide said the Ring of Earth was for physical re-creation and pain control, and that it would also help control addiction and seduction! He suggested physical locations for the circuit, and I picked out the corresponding acupuncture points.
He also said that this ring was useful to establish a magnetic contact with the earth, and that it would help patients overcome phobias; skin disorders; and seductions such as drug addiction, illusion, and possession. In addition, it would assist in redesigning the physical body. The Ring of Earth would also be useful for people with cerebral palsy, confusion, and physical pain.
I was also told that when the Ring of Earth is used with the Ring of Crystal, it would be beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease. My angelic guide said that both the Ring of Earth and Ring of Crystal were needed for these neurological disorders. Parenthetically he stated that, “with seduction, the kidneys, liver, and sexual organs are at risk.” I am not certain that this has any relation to the neurological problems!
The Ring of Earth—Circuit Points in the Body
Results with Use of the Ring of Earth
I discovered that stimulation with the same human GHz frequencies raises calcitonin, which is the thyroid-produced hormone that helps maintain bone integrity (reduces osteoporosis). Calcitonin is also 40 to 60 times as powerful as morphine for pain relief.
As such, I have seen it work so well sometimes that it is the most powerful pain reliever I have ever found. The essential oil blend Earth Bliss works well to activate this ring, and it just takes a few seconds to apply.
I have found that individuals who have a daytime temperature of less than 98.6°F when it’s taken orally may need to take iodine and stimulate the Ring of Fire to regenerate thyroid function in order for activation of the Ring of Earth to work. It also does help reverse osteoporosis.
A 45-year-old man who had suffered severe pain following a spinal injury obtained almost total relief of his pain the first time he stimulated the Ring of Earth. I know that Earth Bliss activates calcitonin, so I fully expect to receive many more similar reports of pain relief with these essential oils.
Reducing Free Radicals with the Ring of Crystal
The final ring, Crystal, came to me almost five years after the original Ring of Fire. As with the times before, my angelic guide provided me with the physical locations, and I chose the points. Through that process, the 13 points of the Ring of Crystal materialized.
My guide said that this circuit “regulates the overall energetic system and assists in regeneration.” But once again, I was slow in intuiting the neurochemistry … but then it came to me suddenly. I knew it had to be reduction of free radicals, since these by-products of excess oxidation tend to destroy cell walls.
I already knew how important it is to keep free radicals in the body at a minimal level, and was excited at the potential that the Ring of Crystal could deliver. All our cells reproduce within a seven-year cycle, but they need a healthy place to grow. There is little point in the rebirth of healthy baby cells if they are only born into an unhealthy bath of free radicals! In such a toxic environment, these poor new cells don’t have a chance and end up being reproduced, as they’re already wrinkled and worn. I expected that the Ring of Crystal could help clean up this messy situation that’s caused by too many free radicals, and so it did—an amazing 85 percent reduction in free radicals!
The Ring of Crystal—Circuit Points in the Body
Results with Use of the Ring of Crystal
I found that daily stimulation of the Ring of Crystal with GHz leads to 85 percent reduction in free radicals within three to five days—which is by far the best decrease in free radicals of anything I have seen or found.
Even more exciting, we now have 12 months’ worth of follow-up data showing that Crystal Bliss essential oil blend reduces free radicals by 80 percent in the long term! I don’t know of anything that is as effective as the Ring of Crystal for reducing free radicals. Some strong fruit concentrates reduce free radicals by 43 percent, and there is no evidence that the otherwise beneficial antioxidant supplements actually reduce free-radical output in the urine. Incidentally, you can purchase test kits called Oxidata online for the malondialdehyde measurement. Malondialdehyde is the breakdown product of free-radical destruction of cell walls, which are made of fat. That fat becomes a waste product excreted in the urine.
This brings us full circle to the connection to true longevity! Through stimulation of the Ring of Crystal, I could see that free radicals were lowered by 85 percent within three days, and I suddenly knew that if we stimulated the Rings of Fire, Earth, and Crystal in people who otherwise have good health habits, we should live an average of 140 years! This is truly the fountain of youth for the conscientious person—delivered in three easy-to-activate circuits.
Reviewing Activation Methods for the Sacred Rings
Before closing this chapter then, I want to remind you that these five rings can be activated in a number of ways. First, if you have invested already in your own Shealy PainPro, you can use this small device to electrically stimulate the points on your body that correspond to the circuits for that specific ring. Sadly, though, because most people did not want to spend the time to use this device—and because of the tedious U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements each year—I stopped manufacturing the Shealy PainPro as of December 2012. (Tedious would be the kindest way I could describe the FDA.)
But don’t worry if you haven’t got a Shealy PainPro. The second activation method is easier anyway: You can activate these rings by listening to one of my CD recordings that guides you in using your own mind to release the healing power of each ring.
The third and fourth activation methods that you might consider are a moderate massage of these circuit points or tapping them to release their power. These methods each take practice but can be quite effective for some individuals.
The fifth method is to use one of my five essential oil blends, which many patients find to be the quickest and easiest way to activate these circuits, namely Fire Bliss, Air Bliss, Earth Bliss, Water Bliss, and Crystal Bliss. Our offices in Missouri fill online and phone orders every day for these oils and other supplements that people find helpful in maintaining optimum health. This approach is now called transcutaneous acupuncture, a name I have found that is acceptable to physicians.
Coming Soon—The Ring of Life
Recently, I was very happy to receive initial details about a sixth circuit called the Ring of Life, and, as of this writing, its specific oil appears to be the strongest yet in affecting mood and potentially reducing the stress response. But for now, you’ll just have to stay tuned on that matter.
At this point, it is a good time to return to our discussion of conscientiousness, because I’d like to share with you a number of life-changing lessons in spiritual healing and boosting conscientiousness that have truly transformed my own life.