I owe a debt of gratitude to my editor, Carly Gelsinger, who took my original and gently massaged it into something better, teaching me how to write in the process. I thank my nephew, Nathan Johnson of Nathan.works for closing his eyes and seeing an amazing cover that he then proceeded to create. Thanks to Teri Rider of Top Reads Publishing for believing in the project and guiding me through the process. I thank Aziz Purmul, founder of the We Love Our Neighbors Project, for his support and tireless efforts to promote friendship and peace. Thank you to Maaz Bajwa, lay imam of the tiny Ahmadi Community of San Diego, for the hours of fellowship and conversation about our dreams. Thank you to the Rev. Joseph Dirbas and his congregation at All Souls’ Episcopal Church, who believed in Salaam from the beginning and hosted our first event. I thank Safi and Eman Kaskas for their inspirational leadership in peacemaking and their example of mutual respect and working together as a couple. Thank you to Siddika Jessa, who answered a random Facebook message and has become a colleague and a friend. Last but not least, I acknowledge the humble and hospitable people of Kazakhstan, who showed me a better way.