STEVE SLOCUM took the adventure of a lifetime when he traveled with his family of five to Kazakhstan to become Christian missionaries.
During their five years there, they were often on the receiving end of the iconic Muslim hospitality. It left a lasting impression. Back in the states, Slocum resumed his engineering career, but grew uneasy with the growing levels of animosity towards practicioners of Islam.
In 2018, he founded a nonprofit called Salaam whose mission is creating mutual understanding between Muslims, Christians, Jews and other faiths. Salaam is religiously unaffiliated, and its first workshop led to the rector of All Souls’ Episcopal Church in San Diego, The Rev. Joseph Dirbas, to say “In a world full of division, ignorance and hate, Salaam builds the bridge of peace with education and fellowship as we share our stories and work for the common good.”
Slocum is a frequent speaker at churches and civic groups, and creates awareness events, mosque visits, and other connections through Salaam. Why Do They Hate Us? is his first book.