Dark Prism Personal Guide

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DARK PRISM and snakes - And lots of them. Yikes. What was I thinking??!

Everyone has something that scares the living crap out of them. My husband screams like a girl when he sees the teeniest tiniest spider. I'm not that crazy about them myself, but I can smack them with a bare hand for him. But snakes. . .

My fear (a mild word for how I really feel!) stems from waking up from my afternoon nap as a toddler to find my hysterical mother standing over me with a garden rake. A venomous boomslang (tree snake)from the vacant lot behind our house decided to curl up under my chin as I snoozed on my blankie in the shade of the oak in the back yard. Frankly, I was only scared out of my little mind because my mother was shrieking like a demented banshee, not because I was afraid of the long green thing cuddled up beside me. 

My mother, with the help of the old man next door, managed to hook the snake on the tines of the rake and toss it back into the field. (Personally I would have gone for stomping that sucker to death with the rake, but that's just me!) It was only years later that I realized how close I'd been to freaking death! Clearly, I wasn't bitten, since I'm alive to tell the tale. But the experience scared me for life. Fortunately I have a wonderful job where I can exploit these little life's experiences at will. 

(btw-South Africa has 35 venomous snakes, and 8 highly venomous snakes. That seems excessive for one country to me!)

I wanted to veer out of my comfort zone (and did I ever!) and write a straight paranormal. (as with snakes, paranormal. . .anything kinda freaks me out. But that's another story!) Since I already had an affinity for wizards (albeit T-FLAC/psi kick butt-take-no-prisoners-wizards) I decided to start there.

The Aequitas and the Omnivatics have been bitter enemies since the beginning of time. There's a lot of history and bad blood between them. Fortunately, the Omnivatics died out hundreds of years ago. . .Or did they? (Of course not, or I wouldn't have a book, I'd have a page!)

Jackson Slater is an Aequitas warrior, but foremost, he's a geologist. (this isn't a T-FLAC book for those who are asking) He's sexy, driven, focused and fabulous. His life's work is the tracking of mystical leylines which give(my)wizards their powers. I fell in love with Jack, and because I loved him, gave him my biggest fear. Snakes.

Sara Temple is also a wizard. A non practicing wizard. When she tries spells they always go horribly wrong. She thinks the whole wizard thing is stupid and dangerous, and she leaves well enough alone. She's living her life happily and magic free. Sara is focused, driven and sexy. (see how these two are exactly the same but completely different?! Lol) And because I adored Sara I made her an interior designer (which I used to be )

All well and good, you say, but did you HAVE to add snakes to the mix?

Well, I could have made the Omnivatics scorpions, or man-eating termites, or giant spiders, but none of those things creeped me out nearly as much as snakes!

So, yes. There are snakes in DARK PRISM. But that's just the scary part and some will be more scared than others reading about them. (my spider-terrified spouse, said "What's the big deal?" when he read the bits about the snakes. See? One man's spider is another woman's snake to paraphrase)

At its heart DARK PRISM is a love story about two people who were ripped apart and are unwillingly thrown back together to fight a mutual foe. 

I hope you have as much fun reading about Jack and Sara as I did writing them.

There's an excerpt and a slide show about DARK PRISM on my website. www.cherryadair.com Feel free to leave me your I %$#@^ HATE snakes message there. 

