Sara Jeannette Temple

MAIN STORY: Dark Prism

NICKNAME: Sara-mine (by Jack Slater Jr.)

HEIGHT: 5' 9"

HAIR: Glossy, blonde-streaked 

EYES: Velvety brown

BODY: Slender. Chic. Red polished toes

Smells of the girl next door citrus coupled with the ginger 

flower of a siren 

DRESS: Love high designer shoes. 

VOICE: Soft voice 

MARITAL STATUS: Engaged to Jack Slater Jr.  

CHILDREN: Baby on the way

PARENTS: Father:  Deceased Mother:  Deceased

Father was Omnivatic

Mother was Aequitas 

Father was a wizard but not Aequitas 

Alberto Santos is her foster father 

Carmelita Santos is her foster mom 

EMPLOYMENT:  An interior designer, fabric and colors are 

her skill set 



Fire is her power to call 

Powers are unpredictable Can shoot lightening  bolts 

Sunstone earrings that amp her powers 

SKILLS: Speaks French and Spanish

Knows first aid             

Has her small planes and helicopter license 

EDUCATION:  Went to college in London

Grant sent her to British boarding school 

Degrees in business administration and interior design 

Attended a regular boarding school instead of wizard school 

Grant tutored her in Spanish while in Spain and French while 

in Paris 

PERSONALITY & ATTITUDE: Cool, smart, brave, 

organized and meticulous. 

A magical misfit.  Magic not her forte 

Extremely stubborn.

Rarely ever intimidated 

Fear of magic’s backlash 

Gregarious, Miss Full Charge 

Shows her joy without restraint 

Strong sense of self preservation 


Nervous pacing

Chews her bottom lip

Her magic goes haywire when she is upset 

Has never been able to refuse a double dare 

She sometimes finds being diplomatic, exhausting 

Her ringtone for Grant was Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony 

No matter where she was in the world, her offices were always 



Loves clothes

Hates hospitals 

Hates feeling helpless

Hated using her powers 

Not crazy about flying at night 

Loves scary movies and even scarier books 

Has an unhealthy aversion to using her wizard powers 

Showering is one of her favorite things to do, especially when 


Prefers living as normal a life as possible but when magic 

serves her, she uses it 


Was a good girl in school 

She was 13 when her parents died Her parents were wizards 

but she was raised human 

William Roe (alter ego of Grant Baltzer) had been her prom 


Grant saved her life, extracted her from the house fire that 

killed her parents 

Her father gave her the small sunstone stud earrings for her 5th 


Grant taught her to dance and held her hair back while she 

puked after her very 1st bottle of cheap wine 


Mestizo Aequitas. ½ Aequitas and ½ Omnivatic 

First mixed breed in 3000 years 

Had never perfected her magic skills 

Lousy driver but never had an accident 

Grant taught her to fly a single engine plane 

Fought with her mother the day of the fire 

Hadn’t used her powers since her parents were killed 

The sunstone earrings amp her powers when necessary 

A wizard that didn’t believe in magic, except when it suited her

Was Grant Baltzer’s friend and business partner before his 


Had been pregnant with Jack’s baby when they were a couple 

2 years ago 

Miscarried her and Jack’s baby 2 years ago but Jack thought 

she had an abortion Her powers never worked the way they 

were supposed to,especially when stressed 

As a young girl she thought she may have accidentally caused 

the fire that killed her parents 


Pia is her assistant

Lifemate of Jack’s,  they are more powerful together than apart