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Elaine L. Orr is the Amazon bestselling author of the Jolie Gentil cozy mystery series, set at the Jersey shore. “Behind the Walls” was a finalist for the 2014 Chanticleer Mystery and Mayhem Awards. The first book in Elaine's River's Edge cozy mystery series, “From Newsprint to Footprints,” debuted in late fall 2015. Elaine also writes plays and novellas, including the one-act, “Common Ground,” published in 2015. Her novella, “Biding Time,” was one of five finalists in the National Press Club's first fiction contest, in 1993. Elaine conducts presentations on electronic publishing and other writing-related topics. Nonfiction includes “Words to Write By: Getting Your Thoughts on Paper” and “Writing in Retirement: Putting New Year’s Resolutions to Work.” A member of Sisters in Crime, Elaine grew up in Maryland and moved to the Midwest in 1994.