As the Washington Evening Star wrote during the Bonus Army's stay in D.C., “These men wrote
a new chapter on patriotism of which their countrymen could be proud.”
1931   Nine black youths are put on trial for rape in Scottsboro, Alabama. The racist handling of the case
results in a national outcry and Supreme Court intervention.
March 5, 1933   Franklin Delano Roosevelt is sworn in as president thus beginning the first “One Hundred
Days” of the New Deal.
1934   Henry Miller writes Tropic of Cancer.
1935   Sinclair Lewis writes It Can't Happen Here.
“Not many singers could claim to have ‘suffered for their art’ as Billie Holiday,” says journalist Don
Atapattu. “Born Elinore Harris… Billie certainly knew torment. As well as growing up black in the
Jim Crow South; she endured sexual abuse; extreme poverty; homelessness; and a stint as a
prostitute before she began recording music at the age of 18. Later in life she would survive
chronic alcohol abuse, heroin addiction and regular beatings from the violent boyfriends her
masochistic streak subconsciously picked.”