“He didn't invent ‘method acting’ (Stanislavsky did), but he made the term familiar around the
world, revolutionizing the actor's art with his natural, tortured and spontaneous early
performances,” Seiler says.

As Jack Nicholson once said of Brando: “He gave us our freedom.”

Speaking of freedom, Brando's reach far exceeded the stifling limits of stage and screen. He
marched in support of fair housing, participated in anti-nuclear rallies, spoke out about the plight
of Native Americans, and famously bowed out of the lead role of a film (The Arrangement) to
devote himself to the civil rights movement.

“In the aftermath of the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. one of the most total commitments
made to Dr. King's work by anyone came from Academy Award winning actor Marlon Brando,”
wrote Louie Robinson in the May 1968 issue of Jet magazine.

“If the vacuum formed by Dr. King's death isn't filled with concern and understanding and a
measure of love,” Brando declared on national television, “then I think we all are really going to
be lost here in this country.”

“He is considered by many to be… the man who changed the style of the movies, the most
influential and widely imitated actor of his generation,” concluded Grobel. “He is one of the select
artists who will doubtless be remembered into the next century.”