others say it was a lesbian who struggled as a cop tried to get her through the crowd to his squad
car that inspired the resistance. The most dramatic account has a burly Stonewaller tossing a
metal garbage can filled with empty liquor bottles through a police car window.

Whichever story you prefer, what happened next is not in doubt. Stonewall patrons said no. They
attacked the eight cops, driving them back into the bar, where they sought refuge. The angry
throng laid siege to the bar as NYPD reinforcements arrived on the scene. In no time, a crowd,
estimated at over 2000, was waging a pitched battle with more than 400 cops. The riot lasted all
night and less massive skirmishes occurred for the following two nights. Arrests and injuries were
numerous. Mayor Lindsay had his photo op… but it was not what he had bargained for.

The impact was immediate and enduring. Gay activists, energized by the event, stood alongside
blacks, women, college students, and anti-war protestors in demanding an end to oppression.
Hundreds and then thousands of gay and lesbian organizations sprung up across the U.S. and,
by 1987, the movement was able to mobilize 600,000 people to march on Washington, D.C.,
demanding equality.
1970 National Guard kills four Kent State students and two Jackson State students.
1970   Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton writes to South Vietnam's National Liberation Front (NLF) and
offers to send a battalion of Panthers to help fight American invaders.
1971 Abbie Hoffman writes Steal This Book.
1971 1200 prisoners seize control of the maximum-security facility at Attica.