This account would never have been attempted or completed without the help and assistance from some very special people in my life. I do not have enough words to express my appreciation and how much I owe them all.
To Alli our youngest daughter, whose encouragement, enthusiasm and advice kept me on the right track. I quickly discovered with her help that I could express myself on paper and share my story.
To my daughter Rae, whose generous offer to transcribe my scribbles into print, I immediately accepted. Unable to feel the pen in my hand or move my wrist, my writing had deteriorated considerably since the stroke. I expressed my doubts on her ability, but she dismissed my concerns with a laugh.
‘I have spent twelve long years translating lawyers handwriting, there cannot be anything worse than that,’ she countered. Well I tested her skills to the limit and there were not many words that she was unable to decipher.
Thank you Rae, thank you Alli from the bottom of my heart.
To my husband Graham, who took over the typing of the next installment of memories and reflections. Then with Alli’s patient and willing tuition I became computer literate and was able to type the second half of the book all by myself.
To Nola, my good friend from Stroke Support Group, who was my first mentor and gentle critic, and for her positive and intelligent comments on my work.
To all my other dear friends I met through the Croydon Stroke Group who helped me on my journey of recovery.
Finally to the rest of my family and friends whose support and interest in my ramblings kept me from flagging and gave me the determination to complete this task with humour and a light heart.
Thank you all so much,