We accept our lives for what they are and consider it is our power alone that has sculpted ourselves so far. Then a lightning bolt strikes us and suddenly all the parameters change. What we once were and what our lifestyles were are no longer relevant. Now we march to the sound of a different drumbeat. There are new boundaries to face and we must mould ourselves into these limits. It comes as a great shock when suddenly from one minute to the next we are who we are, and then we are not.
For all of those who have suffered a stroke, there is no choice about this condition. However, we do have a choice as to how we face it and live with it. We can accept it as an opportunity to discover new aspects of our personalities that now have the chance to express themselves. We need to say goodbye to the old self and let it go, accepting regretfully that it is no longer appropriate and embrace the new with all the promise of a greater, better person through this adversity.
My bolt of lightning arrived without warning on the eighth day of August, 2000.
I have written this record of my journey through recovery to enlighten, encourage and uplift others who identify with me that there is life after stroke, and with optimism and a sense of humour, life can still be a ball.