Until the long, long night is over
His weary way he makes
And watches when he wakes
And there at rest upon the cover
Sees his hands, both left and right
Worn-out servants, wooden, tight
And he chuckles
Softly, not to wake his knuckles.
Undaunted, they’ve worked hard and true
When most have had enough
For they’re still strong and tough.
There’s even more that they could do.
But though these faithful vassals stay
They’d like to rest and turn to clay
And say goodbye
To serfdom, for they’re drained and dry.
Softly, not to wake his fingers
The old man laughs again
And life’s long winding lane
Seems short, and yet the night still lingers
On and on … And children’s hands
And young men’s hands, and old men’s hands
Look just like these when all the sands
Of time have gone.