When a range of notes have similar tonal qualities, they are described as being in the same register. On the flute there are three registers as shown. All the notes you have learned up to this point have been in the low register. Don’t worry if you don’t recognise the higher notes shown here yet. You will learn them later in the book.
This new D note is one octave higher than the previous D note. An octave is the range of eight notes between a note and its next repeat higher or lower.
Practice alternating between D in the middle register and the C just below it, as shown in the following example. This involves changing from six fingers on the flute for D, to three fingers for C. Practice this movement slowly at first.
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29 | In Olden Days |
This song features both the new D note and the low register D. If you have trouble changing between the C and D notes in this song, practice the previous exercise some more until you are confident with the change.
Up to this point, all of the notes you have learned have been in the low register of the flute except for the note D in the middle register which you have just learned. When playing notes in different registers, try to keep the tone as even as possible between registers.
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The next three notes you will learn are E, F and G in the middle register. These notes use exactly the same fingering as E, F and G in the lower register. These notes will sound more easily if you purse your lips slightly in a manner similar to whistling.
Try to avoid turning the flute inwards, as this will cover up more of the tune hole, making the sound muffled. It may help to blow a little harder, but the most important factor is the position of your lips.
31 | Alternating Between Low and Middle Registers |
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To become familiar with the new notes, say the names of them to yourself as you watch the written music.
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Here are two more examples which make use of the notes E, F and G in the middle register.
34 | Red River Valley |
35 | The Lonesome Piper |