The Note F Sharp (F# )

This is a sharp sign.

When a sharp sign is placed in front of a note it raises the pitch of the note by one semitone. Thus the note F# is one semitone higher than F.

As with the flat sign, a sharp is always placed before the note.


Here is an example which makes use of the note F # in both the low and middle registers.

The Natural Sign

This is a natural sign.

A natural sign cancels the effect of a sharp or flat for the remainder of that bar, or until another sharp or flat sign occurs within that bar. Notice the alternation between F natural (F @ )and F # in the next example.


Now try this 12 bar Blues solo which makes use of sharp, flat and natural signs. There are no breath marks shown from the 9th to the 12th bar here, but take a quick breath in bar 10 if you need to.

The Dotted Quarter Note

A dot written after a quarter note means that you hold the note for one and a half beats.

A dotted quarter note is often followed by an eighth note.

40 O Come all Ye Faithful

This traditional Christmas song makes use of dotted quarter notes in bars 7, 12 and 19.