The Note Low C

Low C is written just below the staff on a short line called a ledger line.

The note low C is the lowest note on the flute. Low notes can be difficult to control at first, so don’t worry if you can’t sustain the low C note at first. Like all other aspects of flute playing, it becomes easier with practice. The following example makes frequent use of the low C note.


The C Major Scale

The C major scale starts and ends on the note C. Play the C major scale in the next example and listen for the Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do sound.

51 C Major Scale

Key of C Major

Songs written in the key of C major do not require a key signature, as the key of C does not contain any sharps or flats. The following song is in the key of C major.

52 Silent Night
53 Arkansas Traveller

Here is a traditional folk melody in the key of C major. Once you have learned it, try transposing it to the keys of F and G.

54 Scarborough Fair

Although this song uses notes found in the key of C major, it is written in the key of D minor and is based on the Dorian scale or mode, which is derived from the C major scale.)