16-03 Dissect ignition waveforms to help with ignition diagnostics.
Depending on the control device, a transistor or MOSFET, the voltage drop will be different. Since technicians have no way of knowing which control device is in use, a rule of thumb is that 0.5 volts ±0.2 volts is a good specification. As the dwell period nears its end, a slight increase in the ground’s voltage drop is normal. The rise is because of the effect of counter-electromotive force (CEMF) from current flowing through the coil’s windings, increasing resistance. If the voltage initially fails to reach almost zero, it points to high resistance in the primary circuit, reducing primary current flow, which affects coil output. A failing transistor can be spotted here.
Furthermore, poor/corroded connections at the coil or high resistance in the power feed wire to the coil or in a conventional ignition system’s pitted points are all potential causes of high resistance. If a concern is suspected, lower the scope’s voltage settings to zoom in on the voltage line. Choose a setting of 1, 2, or 5 volts to see the voltage drop more clearly. The lower the setting, the more apparent any fault will be. If the voltage is seen to be erratic or jumping, suspect a weak transistor in the ICM or bouncing points in a conventional distributor. Remember that the transistor can be found in the ICM/igniter, internal to the PCM or COP coil.
A change in dwell does not affect EI systems, since coil on time is controlled electronically by a module, not a mechanical connection. On any ignition system, if there is too little dwell, the coil won’t have enough time to charge fully, reducing its voltage output. If there’s too much dwell, the coil can overheat and short out internally. Misfires, a lack of power, hesitation on acceleration, and pinging are all symptoms of reduced dwell.
Dwell can be measured on a breaker-point system by using a DMM in degrees or a percentage and is adjustable. Dwell affects only ignition timing in a breaker-point system. A 1-degree dwell change results in a 2-degree ignition timing change.
A coil can produce only a set amount of voltage. If more energy is needed to start the burning process (kV demand), less is available to maintain the burn (duration) that burns the air-fuel mixture thoroughly. Sources of high resistance include worn spark plugs; high-resistance or open spark plug wires or high-voltage springs; worn distributor cap terminals or rotor tip, which increases the air gap; and a lean or improperly atomized air-fuel mixture. Too much oxygen spreads the hydrocarbon molecules farther apart, making them less conductive, requiring more voltage to start the burning process.
Conversely, if conditions in the cylinder require less initial voltage (low resistance), there is more energy available to keep the spark burning. Possible causes of low resistance include a rich air-fuel mixture, carbon- or fuel-fouled spark plugs, or spark occurring external to the combustion chamber from a spark plug boot or coil boot that is arcing the cylinder head. Carbon is an electrical conductor and bridges the plug’s gap, so less voltage is required to jump the plug’s gap. Firing to ground under atmospheric pressure is easier than overcoming in-cylinder combustion pressures. This leaves more leftover energy to maintain the spark longer. The excess fuel in a rich air-fuel mixture acts as a conductor, reducing the voltage demands, up to a point. Too much fuel, however, can quench the spark altogether, resulting in a misfire.
To illustrate this concept, think of a piece of rope or wire that simulates a coil’s potential energy with a set length of 6 feet (1.8 meters). Now place the rope on a board that replicates the scope’s screen with a vertical and horizontal run. In the middle of the board, pound a nail into the wood and loop the rope around the nail to act as a pivot point. Begin with an equal amount of rope running in both directions. This represents a “normal” in-cylinder condition. Pull the rope up vertically to simulate high resistance. As the rope moves up, the vertical line becomes longer and the horizontal line shortens. Likewise, if the horizontal line lengthens (less resistance), then at the same time, the vertical line shortens. Let’s take this one step further. To simulate a failing coil, low battery voltage to the coil, or a poor ground, remove two feet from the rope, leaving only 4 feet (1.2 m). Now there is less available rope (voltage), and both the vertical and horizontal planes will be affected equally, a result of less usable energy in the coil.
Normal burn time or spark duration varies slightly by the type of ignition system. Coils used in a breaker-point system do not build the energy of modern coils. Therefore, 0.9 to 1.2 ms is considered normal for spark duration. DIS and COP systems with high-energy coils typically run between 1.2 and 2.0 ms.
For diagnostic purposes, compare a coil’s oscillations to other coils on the vehicle or a waveform library of a like vehicle. During analysis, pay close attention to the “nose.” The nose is the first peak at the end of the firing line, and it marks the end of the plug firing event and is enormously informative for diagnosis. No nose and no oscillations signal that the coil’s energy is being sapped to ground instead of firing the spark plug. A missing nose, or missing oscillations, is generally a result of an oil- or fuel-fouled spark plug. Although highly infrequent, a shorted spark plug will also completely deplete the coil’s energy and can also lead to a missing nose and oscillations.
A lean condition will result in a high nose, sloping upward as voltage demand increases due to the lack of hydrocarbons. Conversely, a cylinder running near stoichiometric will have a small number of oscillations and a modest nose. Comparative analysis between cylinders is the best point of reference for finding these issues.
Analyzing a coil’s strength by counting the number of oscillations as once taught is not useful on modern ignition systems that use an ICM or PCM to control dwell electronically. For example, many modern COP systems operate ideally with just one or two coil oscillations, well below the “standard” specification of four or five oscillations for early ignition systems. When diagnosing these non-computer controlled systems, use the number of oscillations to determine a coil’s strength. Anything less than four or five indicates a weak coil in most systems, but high-energy ignition (HEI) systems require a minimum of three oscillations.
FIGURE 16-7 This waveform is a non-current-limiting primary waveform. Measure the primary ignition voltage at the negative side of the coil. The voltage peak can reach over 350 volts, depending on the system, easily sufficient to cause the secondary to activate a high-voltage spark. The voltage peak at the spark plug can reach 20 kilovolts or more before the spark plug ignites the air-fuel mixture. The buildup of energy is due to the increase in the turn ratio between the primary and secondary windings. Immediately after the high-voltage pulse, both the primary and secondary voltages collapse to a much lower voltage (the spark line) than the firing pulse, where they remain for the spark burning event.