cathode ray tube (CRT) A high-vacuum tube in which cathode rays produce a luminous image on a fluorescent screen, which are used chiefly in televisions and computer terminals.
coupling A direct connection to the circuit that allows all frequencies to pass.
cursor A function that enables the user to measure quantity, time, and frequency between two points on the trace.
digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) A scope that displays voltage over a time, allowing the technician to see the signal. The DSO has a very fast refresh rate and is able to catch even the smallest signal error or fault. A DSO connects to a circuit in the same manner as using a DMM to measure available voltage. Technicians become skittish around the DSO because it requires setting the voltage and time scales to display the signal correctly. There are many other features, including data recording and setting a trigger to start or stop recording.
oscilloscope (scope) A test instrument used to display a waveform of voltage over time on a screen. These offer much higher resolutions and sample rates than GMMs.
scope channel The ability to measure different waveforms at the same time so that comparisons can be made between each channel.
trigger A setting on a DMM, GMM, or DSO that starts or stops a recording or signal display event. The trigger usually has several options that allow one-time or repeat functions.