Sunshine broke through the clouds as Valerie, Hailey and Issy entered Timber Falls Community Church from the back entrance that cold January day. Valerie was wearing a simple white gown, long and sleek with tight sleeves and a scooped neckline. Hailey and Issy were wearing soft pink dresses with sparkling skirts. They had chosen them together, and their decision had been unanimous.
“We’re going to be sisters today,” Issy said to Hailey with a squeal of delight.
Liv Harris was there. As their wedding planner and Valerie’s friend. She was waiting at the door for Valerie and the girls.
“We’re ready to get started!” Liv said with an excited smile. “Wade and Brayden are in the sanctuary and all your guests have arrived.”
Valerie’s nerves were overshadowed by her happiness. She’d never known such joy as this day brought—and she hadn’t even seen Wade yet.
Issy had stayed the night at Valerie’s after the rehearsal and groom’s dinner, and they had spent the morning getting ready together. Valerie’s house was stacked with boxes that would be brought to Wade’s as soon as their honeymoon ended. They had decided to live in Wade’s house, since it was twice as big as Valerie’s. She would miss her home, but she was excited to begin a new life with Wade and the children in his house. The backyard and the Mississippi River were hard to resist, and the neighborhood was tucked away, near the golf course, which also made it more appealing to raise the children.
But those things were in the back of Valerie’s mind as she stood in the hallway and took a deep breath. The pictures of all the other couples that had been married at Timber Falls Community Church, or by Pastor Jake, hung on the wall. Valerie knew many of the recent couples. Chase and Joy Asher, Jake and Kate Dawson, Max and Piper Evans, Zane and Liv Harris, Knox and Merritt Taylor, Nate and Adley Marshall, Drew and Whitney Keelan, Clay and Emma Foster, and Will and Jessa Madden. She’d heard some of their stories and looked forward to hearing others. But it felt good to be among so many people who had such happy marriages—she hoped and prayed that it would be an indicator of her own happiness, though she knew that her marriage was up to her and Wade alone.
“Ready?” Liv asked.
“Almost.” Valerie turned when the door opened, and her mom entered. She was wearing a navy blue mother-of-the-bride gown, and she looked a little breathless as she handed Valerie her bouquet.
“Sorry,” Valerie said as she accepted the bouquet and turned back to Liv. “I forgot it in the car and my mom ran back for it.” She took a deep breath and grinned. “I’m ready now.”
She was more than ready to become Mrs. Griffin. She and Wade had planned a quick weekend getaway to Stillwater, Minnesota, a charming town near the Twin Cities, and would take the kids on an extended vacation that summer when they were off school. Wade’s parents had agreed to stay at Wade’s house for the weekend to keep an eye on them and Valerie’s mom and Lyle would stay at her house.
“Let’s go,” Liv said as she led them toward the sanctuary doors, which were closed.
Hailey and Issy stood in front of Valerie, while her mom stood at her side. She would give Valerie away.
Liv nodded at the two ushers who were standing at the ready, and when the doors opened, the music inside the sanctuary shifted to “Canon in D.”
The congregation, consisting mostly of friends and neighbors, stood to their feet. Valerie saw several of her students and their parents, as well as all the couples she’d noted in the hallway. Wade’s extended family had come and a few of Valerie’s friends from college and her other jobs.
But, most important, was Wade.
He stood at the front of the church and turned as the others rose to their feet.
Their gazes met as Valerie began to walk down the aisle with her mother at her side.
Tears gathered in her eyes as she smiled at her groom. Warmth and affection filled her as they watched one another.
Not for the first time, she marveled at God’s gift. She didn’t deserve Wade’s love, yet he had offered it to her. Just like Hailey’s love, Valerie would never take Wade’s love for granted. It was a gift, something to be treasured and cared for. She would nourish it and watch it grow, praying that it would be a blessing to them, to their children and to all their friends and family.
When she arrived at the front, Pastor Jake was there with Wade and Brayden.
Hailey and Issy stepped to the side and Pastor Jake said, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
At the same moment, Hailey, Issy, Brayden and Valerie’s mom said, “We do.”
The congregation chuckled, but several people became teary-eyed as her mom gave Valerie a hug and then stepped back to join Lyle in the front pew.
Valerie smiled at Wade as he took her hand and drew her to his side.
They faced Pastor Jake as he addressed the congregation, but all Valerie was aware of was Wade. His smell, the strength of his hand, holding hers, and the feel of his body as he pressed against her—as if he’d never let her go.
The kids stood close, their little family uniting as one for the rest of their lives. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, they would be a family. Sisters and brother, mother and father, son and daughters. Their roles and titles were changing, but in the most wonderful way possible. Valerie marveled at it all, holding it in her heart, pondering the meaning and beauty of it all.
And when the vows were spoken, the rings exchanged and the promises made, Pastor Jake said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has brought together, let no man put asunder. You may kiss your bride, Wade.”
Valerie turned to her husband, the weight of her new wedding band hugging her finger like a gentle embrace. She lifted her face to him, all the love and joy she felt reflected in his eyes.
He kissed her—and the audience cheered.
Hailey and Issy giggled, and Brayden rolled his eyes—but he smiled, too.
“You’re my wife,” Wade said to Valerie, for her ears alone.
“Forever and always,” she said.
“Promise?” he asked.
“With all my heart.”
Wade smiled at her and kissed her again. Then they faced their friends and family and they cheered.
Valerie didn’t know that such happiness existed—not until today.
If you liked this story from Gabrielle Meyer,
check out her previous Love Inspired books:
A Mother’s Secret
Unexpected Christmas Joy
A Home for Her Baby
Snowed in for Christmas
Fatherhood Lessons
The Soldier’s Baby Promise
The Baby Proposal
The Baby Secret
Her Summer Refuge
Available now from Love Inspired!
Keep reading for an excerpt from An Orphan’s Holiday Home by April Arrington.