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elcome to “How to Overcome Apocalyptic Events” with your host and illustrator, Smooth Doubleb. I want to give my introduction in the beginning before we dive deep into these various rabbit holes and characters. How about we get started. Before we start with our first character, I’ll give my poem from Smooth Doubleb: how does that sound? *Audience cheers.* Yes, I have my live studio audience right here.
Love. Where do I start, where do I begin? Is it real? Is it fake? Is it even true now? It’s up to you to decide. Just like life, love is, what it is. If it’s all of a sudden, then that person is weighing two options: you and someone else. Then when you take that mentality, just to protect yourself, now there’s going to be an innocent person who you might get with and do them the same way because of naïve. Then the cycle continues and that’s why it never stops. I like how people change, but memories don’t. You could be with someone and feel like it’s the closest you’ve ever been with a person. Or they can feel a million miles away, as we lay wide awake. Now you drive by like a car with a strap in it. Every time I think of you, you bring ice to my veins just like D’Angelo Russell. Every time I see you, you bring heat to the brain, call it a fever. I have now taken my focus and care about people off and put my focus and care on people who are going to help me in my future. If you want to take something out of this poem, take it and leave with this: You don’t even need a gun, you don’t even need a pill, if you ever want to die, fall in enamoring and you’ll get kilt, pow.
I’m not choosing death, it’s just if I don’t go, I wouldn’t know what it’s like to be alive.
It's not hard to convince someone that you love them if you know what they want to hear. How can I judge anything you’ve done when it’s not so different from the things I’ve done? If I let myself forgive and just be happy with you, with all the light and good that comes with your bad, what kind of boyfriend would that make me?
Real love doesn’t evaporate when things get hard. Sometimes a man gets exactly what he wishes for and that can be the perfect punishment of all. Some men say they pick up women but let them walk past without saying a word. Talk a lot of game in your head but won’t say it out loud. Then have the nerve to look back at it and stare when they walk by.
Some women spend all this time in the mirror getting dressed just to go out and curve men all night. Then go back home lonely and complain about men again.
Isn’t it crazy how the ones that don’t want us, we want them? Then the ones that want us, we don’t give them any look. The craziest thing is that looks can only go so far. Looks and this glob of meat fades out, so make that time to get to know the ones who want to get to know you. Hey, maybe they’ll change your life. After all, the most beautiful gift can come in the plainest box. Thank you. So, let’s dive into one of the main characters named Indigo.
What a beautiful divine soul Indigo truly is. At the beginning of his life, he had to go through a lot of hardship and pain to be here today. Let’s start from the beginning, right out of his mother’s womb.
While his mother (named Sherly) was pregnant with Indigo, she already knew what it’ll be like to have a newborn. His mom gave birth to his future sister named Sandy. Indigo’s father (named Jerry) is used to being a dad since he already had a son named Barry. Barry had a different mother because Jerry had a kid when he was only 16 years old. We’ll get to all these characters eventually.
It was a long nine months for Indigo’s mother and the whole family was excited about the big reveal. At this moment in time, his parents were already married for three years now, and Sandy was currently four years old.
His parents were preparing to have another daughter because of all the stuff they already had for Sandy. Sherly was manifesting to have a son because she never had a son before. It’s always a 50/50 chance of having a son or daughter. At the baby shower, his future aunt got it right. They were going to have a baby boy.
In the external world, it was a special time as people were rebelling because they thought the world was going to end that year. Sherly didn’t pay attention to it because she was waiting for her child to be born. As any woman knows while being pregnant, there are things you can and cannot do. You can keep exercising, eat healthier, and speak to your future baby. Things you shouldn’t execute are doing drugs, alcohol, and negative actions that’ll affect the child as a whole. Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and nicotine are all proven, pain killers. By sedating your pain, instead of dealing with it, people continue to go down a negative path on their journey.
People use drugs, pills from the big pharma, drink alcohol (which are dark spirits entering your body), and smoke just to cope. You can tell when someone’s mad or doesn’t want to talk about something when they drink from a glass and pour up some more shots.
People tend to pop a pill, snort, and do different types of drugs because it seems “cool” and everyone famous does it. Most of these rappers and celebrities aren’t killing, robbing, and doing drugs like how they say they are. They want to push the narrative of your auspicious celebrities doing them, so you can do them too. That’s why all these so-called celebrities call themselves “influencers” because they influence their viewers. You never really see these celebrities getting in trouble while you’re the one who goes to jail. Celebrities go to celebrity jails which are underground caves to perform different rituals, sacrifices, and cloning.
Keep robbing, stealing, and killing people and see what happens. When you’re in court, you can’t say a rapper made you do it. It doesn’t work like that because you’re in control over your mind and body. I didn’t add the word soul because people have sold their souls.
People tend to listen to everything their doctors tell them to do just like how the mainstream media tells sheep what to believe. They tell them what to do, feel, or act. A lot of people are just sheep in wolf’s clothing. They use regular hardworking people as their pets, test dummies, and robots. If you keep taking these artificial, useless, and poisonous big pharma pills, then you’ll never heal from your rooted problem. That’s why people use various amounts of pills as they grow older. They need so much because none of them work. The more they take, the more temporary feeling they receive. They say to take two every four-six hours (for example) because you need to keep taking them to be in a state of comfortability.
Pharmaceutical drugs are witchcraft. The word pharmacy comes from the Greek work pharmika, which means magic, sorcery, and enchantment. Your doctor got through medical school not because they were smart, but because they could memorize and repeat huge amounts of raw data. Memorizing that much info left little time for actual critical thought. It created the perfect credible drone army to regurgitate corporate pharmaceutical propaganda with zero critical thinking. Doctors are big pharma sales reps. People are reluctant to bear the pain, to suffer the discomfort, to wait patiently upon the processes of life, while these correct the situation. Instead, people reach for a pain killer, a tranquilizer, a cathartic, an antipyretic, or some other poison to smother the discomforts and add to their troubles.
Hence people drink, smoke, and take pills every day. It’s just a way to hide and pull down their true problems, so they won’t deal with them at that moment. Drinking spirits will allow these dark entities to have control over your body. That’s why most people black out, faint, can’t remember what they did last night or have a massive crash in the morning. This can lead to putting your health and life in jeopardy. This could cause you to drink while driving which can cause an accident. Or this can mean someone bringing a male or female back home and forcing sexual assault or rape. This can lead to passing aids and STDs (which stand for sexually transmitted demons). The demons can be the spirits after drinking or the person’s demons.
If a person is still healing from something, still has major issues, and their DNA and RNA aren’t divine, then you’ll have to watch out for those people as well. Watch who you have sex with because those demons can be passed on to you.
People are slowly turning into zombies as they keep taking these toxic big pharma items into their system. They’re losing brain cells and lowering their consciousness level.
As melanated beings, we have the strongest, most powerful, and divine DNA and RNA out there. That’s why they do all their main tactics on the black community because they view them as being the devil or evil. They see us as satanic and a disgrace in this world. That’s why people talk about white privilege because some people still think we’re in slavery.
That’s why people sag their pants. Sagging started in slavery when the homosexual slave master would rape young black slaves. It’s called buck breaking. You were forced to wear your pants below your waist so other homosexual slave owners would know you were already buck broken. They did this by actively and sexually abusing black slaves publicly and in front of other slaves to assert dominance.
Most African American or “black” people are afraid of water or don’t know how to swim because of our history. Slave masters dumped our ancestors in water, drowned them, and traveled to newer slave trades across the sea.
When slavery is mentioned, too many people automatically think of whites enslaving blacks. That’s not even one-tenth of the story of slavery (which existed on every inhabited continent). The very word ‘slave’ derives from the word for some white people who were enslaved on a mass scale. The Slavs had slaves for more centuries than moors who were enslaved in the Western Hemisphere.
Every other earthly race is just collateral damage for them. Even though the race agenda is an illusion; DNA and RNA are different. You couldn’t teach them how to connect with the stars because their skin isn’t made out of stardust. You cannot teach them how to connect with the solar system because they don’t have a soul. You cannot teach them how to connect with nature because they’re not natural. Only purebloods will survive because of the radiation that’s being unleashed right at this moment. People are becoming sick due to the high UV radiation, gamma rays, and not having a connection with the sun.
Melanin is worth more than gold. Melatonin is the fundamental unit of the Universe and exists in four forms: cosmic, planetary, plant kingdom (chlorophyll), and animal kingdom melanin. Melatonin is made out of the triple layers of darkness which is based on the laws of physics and metaphysical anatomy. Once we let go of the programs, we’ll become chaotic beings that generate electricity that the sovereign draconians are scared of since that’ll unlock our powers. Melanin is black because its chemical structure allows no energy to escape making black melanin the super absorber of energy and light. Melanin is ubiquitous in almost every organ of the body and is necessary for the brain and nerves to operate, the eyes to see, and cells to reproduce. Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb all energy across the radiant energy spectrum (i.e., sunlight, x-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves, etc.). The “black” human can charge up his or her melanin just by being in the sun, around the right type of musical sounds, or other energy sources. Melanin itself (on a philosophical plane), is a black biological door that the life force of African spirituality passes through in moving from the spirit to the material realm. Even though some melanin people can easily change their divine DNA and RNA as well. You’re only limited by your philosophies.
Only the black African woman has all the genetic DNA variations to produce every skin tone, different eye colors, and different hair texture. No other race can do that except duplicate their kind. Every scientist has admitted that all of us come from Africa, so that means the black woman is the mother of the human race. That’s why they speak negatively about black women in general because they know their true beauty. They want to lower their self-esteem and view other people as the beauty standard. That’s why for many years, it’s been other races being publicized while black people were condemned.
The Gods are electrical beings composed of six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons at our core. The Gods are made up of dark matter energy which manifests in this material realm as carbon. Carbon used to vibrate green, blue, or red in the ancient days of the planet Klin. In current times, God’s pigmentations now vibrate brown or copper due to the electromagnetic field PF. The planet beings were knocked out of balance ever since the great invasion of 1492. Being electrical, the Gods require electricity to properly function. The avatars of the Gods are highly advanced, being able to perform things that completely defy the laws of physics. The avatars of the Gods can still operate without electricity but will have access to only 10% of their body. The avatar they’re leading will perform in a zombie-like state. The other 90% is being disconnected from the God race and hidden in hue which is known as junk DNA.
Sherly felt this tug and pull, then her water broke, and it was finally time for Indigo to come out of his mother’s womb. Jerry rushed to bring Sherly to the hospital, and he got pulled over by the police. His speed was 75 miles per hour and when cars got in the way or someone cuts Jerry off, he’ll have road rage. He would start talking under his breath at first and if the driver looks at him wrong, he’ll flip them off. If the driver talks back to Jerry, he’ll roll down the window and start cussing at the person. Luckily for Jerry, no one was furious enough to pull out a gun or fight him.
So, Jerry told the officer that his wife was pregnant and had to rush to the hospital. The police officer understood the hindrance and gave them a police escort. I feel like people are the kindest when someone’s about to give birth, when someone’s about to die, and when someone wants something from someone.
So, they made it to the hospital and Sherly was checked in. After a few days of being in the hospital, Sherly was getting nervous because of all the what-ifs caused by overthinking. Not knowing those what-ifs could enter her reality and cause a negative manifestation. This is a perfect example of regular human tendencies of not living in the now. People tend to be in their heads and let their minds take over their bodies. That’s why logic and emotions are different.
Have you ever seen a Ying Yan symbol? Ask someone who wears it, do they know the meaning of it? Most people would either say it’s for fashion or balance. It’s more than just balance. As you notice that on the white side, it has a black dot, and on the black side, it has a white dot. In this representation, without one side, you still have to notice the other side. You can’t be or stay on one side or the other. Doing that will make you unbalanced and unaligned with life. Nikola Tesla 369 shows proof of it Let me give you an example; there must be a balance between the two. Do you focus on pleasing other people’s feelings instead of your true feelings? That’s putting other people above you and making yourself second. Then your ego would say, “Oh I love myself, I already know this,” but your Higher Self knows something’s wrong. Even though your ego likes to stay stagnant and act like everything’s okay when in reality, you’re burying your true self. You don’t want to grieve or hold onto anything as we keep ascending. This will hinder your spiritual growth and you won’t learn your lesson until you properly do your inner work. You must dethrone the issue at hand to step back into your truest power to become decisive.
The doctors knew it was time for Indigo to come out. The doctors thought it was just a regular baby popping out of the womb, but this situation was devastating. The doctors were ready to pull Indigo out, but they noticed every time they tried to pull him out, it wasn’t working. They looked at the X-Ray and saw that his umbilical cord was wrapped around Indigo’s neck. For anyone that doesn’t know, the umbilical cord provides oxygen and is connected to the placenta. Also, the umbilical cord connects the newborn child to their past lives, spiritual roots, and the highest of realms. See why doctors cut the umbilical cords of newborn babies?
Having a water birth for a child is much more sustainable and efficient. Since these doctors get paid basically to inject you with poisonous toxins throughout your body. They do this because when you’re born, you’re closest to the Divine Spirit and fully awakened. That’s why kids have imaginary friends who are their Task Guides. Say if a child sees or hears something under their bed or in their closet. It’s because their senses are heightened, and their first eye is completely opened. They’re tapping into those frequencies where they can hear, see, and experience other lifeforms around them. Inner experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to. Each step of their journey is made by following the heart instead of the crowd. By choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
That’s why they want you to eat fast food, baby food, and other measures that’ll make you unaware of your awakening. Dairy products are the most mucus-forming foods and refined sugar is the second most. Both of these products and ingredients will cause excessive congestion build-up through your tissues. Yeast, fungi, and worms love to feed and thrive in these congestions without decay.
How to decalcify the pineal gland? Eliminate certain foods and environmental factors that are causing additional calcification. Ditch your nonstick cookware and other PFCs. Most non-stick coatings are fluoride-based substances that are both toxic and calcifying just like fluoride toothpaste and tap water. Don’t trust all these so-called vegan items because some brands aren’t who they say they are. It’s there to differentiate people into thinking they’re eating vegan when they aren’t. Avoid chemicals in processed foods, especially synthetic calcium phosphate.
Everyone’s awakened, but a lot of people haven’t recognized or realized it yet. When you’re born, they offer you something called vitamin k, which isn’t a vitamin at all. It’s presumed to stop immerging. You don’t give blood tests for respiratory issues. Most people nowadays need vitamin d because they no longer have a connection with the sun. Fortunately, some babies are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin to sense something is amiss and will start looking for answers. In reality, there’s no “immune” system. Rather, there’s a continuous concerted effort on the part of all systems to maintain the body in a state of health.
Whatever you focus on grows. Whatever you allow into your senses will enter your reality. Some people work on alchemy which can turn something negative into a positive. It’s all about setting intentions, being pure, and finding what brings you the most joy. The alchemist is the one who transforms all energies into higher frequencies of light and love. They’re the bringers of a new dawn, transmuting the old paradigms into higher intelligence and order. Love is the only master they answer to. To love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Everything’s happening for you, not to you. Everything happens for a reason and a season. The greatest challenge in life is being yourself in a world trying to make you like everyone else. Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else. There’s no giving up; you’ll always come out on the other side.
If you believe something’s happening to you and you’re affected by that, then that’s being a victim with a slave mentality. Don’t ask why this is happening but ask what lessons you’re learning. Stop playing the victim card and take ownership and accountability for yourself. Don’t play the blame game either. Stop allowing your old self to creep in and don’t allow people to bring you back to that mindset. Don’t let other people’s words affect you while you’re trying to kill your old self to renew your true self. You can only achieve what you put your mind to. Now decide whether you want to be a loser or you want to conquer the world.
Your sensitivity is an asset. You’re not isolated from this world, and your soul tribe said they’ll meet you on earth. It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. Walk your path and align with the right people. If you expect the world to be fair with you because you’re fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him. We didn’t come here with anything, so leave here with nothing.
Owning your feelings, rather than blaming them on someone else is the mark of a person who has moved from contracted to expanded awareness. Your mind is a magnet and what you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. If you think of blessings in your life, you’ll attract blessings. If you think of problems, you’ll attract problems.
What comes, let it come. What goes, let it go. What stays, let it stay. Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain positive, hopeful, and optimistic. Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habit. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
You’ll lose a lot of friends when you get serious about your life. That’s why the Bugatti has two seats, and a bus has 30. Stay focused with no distractions to achieve your goals. Even though goals are seemingly endpoints, there are never endpoints. So instead of setting goals, set achievements and keep working towards greatness.
Desiderata go placidly amid the noise and the haste but remember what placid there is in being silent. It’s better to be silent than to dispute with the ignorant. As much as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly. Listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant since they too have their own story. Avoid loud and aggressive people; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there’ll be a greater and lesser person than yourself. You have no right to compare yourself to anyone for you don’t know their whole story.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep yourself interested in your career, however, humbleness is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. Let this not blind you to how much virtue there is. Many people strive for high ideals, and everywhere in life, there’s heroism. Be yourself and don’t feign affection. Create your path and live your life unapologetically. Neither be cynical about love in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it’s as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune, but don’t distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You’re a child of the Universe no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. Whether or not it’s clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at serenity with God, whatever you conceive them to be. Whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it’s still a beautiful world. Be cheerful and strive to be happy. You’re growing in a direction that makes you thrive.
When you die don’t go to the light because that would be reincarnation. They promote and exploit it to people for them to translucent when they either die or are about to die. They want to place that program inside your mind to have everyone go to the light.
In this case, Indigo’s cord was wrapped around his neck, so every time they pulled, he loses oxygen. The doctors needed to get him out because Indigo could die if he stayed in his mother’s womb. It was a lose-lose situation, but desperate times equal desperate measures. As the doctors contemplated what to do next, Jerry proceeded to go to an empty closet within the hospital and started to pray. Miracles happen when you’re at the lowest moments of your life as you call out for help.
Indigo didn’t want to come down to this earth even though he had to for humanity, face his karma, and learn his lessons. God kicked Indigo down upon the earth. Everyone who comes down to this earth plane has karma and certain lessons you’ll have to face while experiencing this earth realm. In this case, the dark entities tried to stop Indigo from entering this earth dome because of what he’ll achieve. Everything in your life is already preplanned before birth. There was a contract between your guides and yourself in seeing what you’ll experience. Even through hardship and trouble, you shall prevail because the Universe wouldn’t put you through a situation that you cannot overcome. Since everything’s preplanned, you’ll have to comprehend why you made those decisions before birth and how it impacts your life. You know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Don’t dwell on the past and don’t worry about the future because what Zen has taught me is to be in the here and now. Be at one with your past, accept it, but don’t run away from it. The here and now vs. the present moment is two different ideologies. The biggest difference between the two is that in the here and now you’ll become one with the activity you’re doing. For the present moment, you’re just presently there, but your mind and soul could be elsewhere. Whereas your mind, body, and soul are focused on the activities you’re doing in the here and now.
Earth is an experience and we as spiritual beings have to come down here to have a temporary human experience. We’re the volunteers who have to help those who are still trapped in this chaotic system. On earth, we wouldn’t be able to remember anything from before. It was designed that way in such ignorance and darkness. Remembering who you truly are takes real mastery.
Earth has its own set of laws that everyone agreed to experience. For example, gravity; whatever goes up must come down, nuclear time, and days followed by night. If gravity cannot sink an egg in salt water, then it’s not gravity that makes things fall, but density does. Proving that gravity is a lie.
For manifesting we could instantly manifest in the spiritual realm, but here on earth, it was a delay. The delay made the earth so difficult
Before going to earth, you would choose your family, whether you wanted to be male or female, what race you wanted to be, your location on the planet, and things of that nature. It’s like choosing your character or creating an avatar in a videogame. You would enter the earth as a baby and be solely dependent on others to teach you the moral code. Since no one could remember the rules, they made up their own rules by instilling fear to give up our power. It wasn’t fun for most people. Gatekeepers get to watch people on earth go about this life wrong and it was funny for them. Here are these magnificent beings playing the most unique cutting-edge experience the Universe had to offer, and they were clueless. Atavism Gods and Goddesses would try to guide people in the right direction as much as they can. We’re more than just Gods and Goddesses because we were the ones that created everything; even them. Hence, they made us come down to earth to help ascend the planet.
Your spiritual team can communicate with you, but sometimes you cannot hear them. They would impulsively pose synchronicities to help guide you, but some people don’t recognize the signs. People didn’t trust themselves and that’s why we sent out a call for help.
The first volunteers who came down had it worst because they killed them. Those on earth cannot comprehend what the volunteers were telling them. The idea of them being equal scared them. Everything the volunteers were telling them was commonsense. All the answers you seek are within you and everything they can do, you can do, plus more. Once they killed them, they would twist the volunteer’s message and create an even more fearful state in humanity. For example, the saying, “God is inside you” got twisted into “You’re separate from God.” The message, “All the answers you seek is within you” got twisted into “You cannot trust yourself.” People believed that they were the only intelligent species in the Universe. It was out of control because people bought into that narrative without realizing the real truth.
God is consciousness...not a creator. God is the source of creation itself. It (not he or she) isn’t independent of you. It’s the totality of everything. So, when someone calls themselves a God, they’re not talking about the expression of the God itself, but the God that rests inside them. The verb, the energy, but not the noun. Once you think God is a noun (person, place, thing, or animal), you separate yourself from it and immediately become a limited being. That’s what separates the believers (religious) from the knowers (spiritual).
The designers knew the earth was going to enter a new section of the galaxy that humans have never experienced before. This section is filled with a frequency that might be able to reconnect human DNA. Our DNA didn’t work anymore, and that’s how we connected with our Higher Self. That’s why the incarnations couldn’t hear their spiritual team rhetorically speaking to them. To pull this off, they would need millions of volunteers in the physical form wired and ready to tune into these frequencies. These are the 21st-century humans that all the stories were about.
They volunteered from every corner of the Universe to help humanity to wake up. Once they appeared on earth, they had to wake themselves up, attune to these frequencies and spread them throughout the rest of the planet. Most people thought we couldn’t pull it off. Once they got to earth, they were taught the same fear-based beliefs that have been handed down for eons. They lived like everyone else (totally clueless about who they were and what was going to happen). As soon as the earth entered these clouds of higher frequencies, the volunteers started to question everything. There are things we were taught to accept without question. Those are the things that need to be questioned the most. One by one they started to wake up. The plan was working by trusting themselves more, the quicker we reconnected and the faster we remembered what was taking place. Since they were spread out evenly all around the planet, the planet frequency began to rise quickly.
Once the planet frequency arose, the human’s experience of time began to speed up. They started to manifest their beliefs swiftly. Those consumed with fear created even more trepidation and eventually, the earth just spun out of control. These low-frequency beliefs that had controlled the human experience for eons no longer exist. So, they began to self-destruct, and the world fell into complete chaos and anarchy. It was terrifying for those who were in fear, but for the volunteers, they all knew it was the end of the old energy and the beginning of the new.
A tipping point was then reached in their awakening, and they created new earth without dread. The old earth continued for those who couldn’t let go of their frightfulness and they had to play out their lessons. For the volunteers, they created new earth that matched their higher frequencies and all the fear-based beliefs simply fell apart. In an instant, we remembered who we were, and how connected we are. We stopped hurting each other, started respecting each other, and started to love one another.
Just because you care for someone doesn’t mean you have to be attached to them. Being attached is an earthly thing and we shouldn’t be of this world. Don’t conform to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. They’ll test you and it may bring discernment but bring that discern within yourself to know truly what’s right and wrong in any given situation.
So, in this case, these dark entities didn’t want Indigo to come into this realm because of his light, soul, and the impact he’ll bring upon humanity. Remember everything’s already scripted out in your life, you just haven’t realized it yet. The evil deities will try to attack you at your highest moments. Will this be the highest moment for Indigo, or will it be his lowest insignificance?
As Jerry came back into the room, the doctors tried to pull Indigo one last time before Indigo gave his last breath. He finally came out and the doctors took him right to NICU. Indigo couldn’t be in his mother’s arms or even in an incubator. After some tests, cutting of the umbilical cord, and injections; the doctors went back to the room and stated that Indigo couldn’t go home. That crushed the spirits of the family who came to see their little man. Everyone went home sad, crushed, and in a dark mood. Most families hold the baby right after it comes out of the womb, name them, and so on. This wasn’t the case for this family. With grief, anxiety, depressed feelings, and raised emotions, time felt like it stood still.
Three days passed by, and the phone ranged. It was the hospital informing them that Indigo is all set to come home. With excitement, Sherly and Jerry went to check in on him. Indigo wasn’t little though, because he was 14 pounds. Regular male babies are on average seven pounds, but indigo was a massive 14 pounds. Now audience, I can work out holding this baby and that’s some facts, *audience laughs and claps!*
Indigo had to wear some protective gear to make him safe and healthy. Sherly and Jerry finally got to hold their little boy. They finally took him home and introduced them to the family. Since Indigo had to go through so much pain and complications at birth, he developed a disability through the process. Not only that, but he had to wear glasses as well.
Growing up for Indigo was tough for him because he was shy, had learning problems, and needed someone to speak for him due to his disability. His parents had to get him an advocate for extra support throughout the school.
Schools, universities, colleges, churches, prisons, and courts are government indoctrination camps to program our minds. The similarities between school and prison are the school buses, the food, uniforms, walking in straight lines, teaching you about western societies and a false history, and much more. Children don’t learn in school; they’re babysat. It takes maybe 50 hours to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. After that, students can teach themselves. Once you sign your birth certificate, you’re signing your children to the corporation, and they’ll become government property. In consequence, they give you a social security number to be a number within the system. They psychoanalyze us like animals, and they see us below animals. That’s why they want robots to take over the world and wipe out humanity. That’s why having children in this polarized civilization we call western society patronize will be bad.
A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the police state dictatorship it’s going to get. Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does.
Banks don’t loan money, governments aren’t empowered to protect you, the police department isn’t there to serve you, and institutions of higher learning (colleges and educational institutions), aren’t there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world was brilliantly well-planned and put together. Scheming the direction of people’s minds in such a way to serve their masters. Western cultures believe we must be alive for a purpose, to work, and to make money. Some indigenous cultures believe we’re alive just like how nature is alive. We don’t need to achieve anything to be valid in our humanness.
Church tries to send you to hell and the court tries to send you to jail. Don’t think hell is a place, it’s a mental mindset of constantly giving up your power. Living in a state of suffering internally plays out externally as well. Your body is the house of God. The temple is the architecture of men, but inside you’re the craftmanship of the Most High God. Never violate the house of God by eating improper or uncleaned foods that clog up your system.
In this case, schools didn’t care for Indigo and just looked at him as another kid with a disability. Luckily for Indigo, he had an advocate and his mother to demand what he deserved.
Indigo was innocent, so most people took advantage of him and didn’t care for him as much. Fast forward a few years, Indigo had problems expressing himself to connect with people. He used to doubt himself and overthink how he’ll be perceived by others. This made Indigo even shyer, so he never raised his hand at school. This was the start of Indigo burying his true self. Sandy could tell that Indigo was going through something because of all the impediments that were constantly occurring in his life.
Barry wasn’t always there because he was out on the road doing shows. His other family members barely checked in on him. He started to notice and feel that most of his family members didn’t truly care for him. As people tend to gravitate toward Sandy more, he knew Sandy was their favorite child, and all the other family members would always feel happy connecting with her. This was the opposite of Indigo. He knew people would only connect with him because he was “the other child.” He started to gain a competitive lifestyle, was ambitious, and tried his hardest to succeed and show his potential. Even though he kept trying and trying, still Sandy’s achievements ranked higher than his.
People can do stuff for you, buy things for you, and all these other materialistic items, but do they truly have a deep relationship with you? Do you feel comfortable enough in telling them what you’re going through? Do they really care, or do they just act like a roommate? As Indigo grew older, he noticed that and started to realize that most people don’t care for him truthfully. Through people’s actions and words that are spells and the English language is fake. You can say anything to anyone, but the body language, the tone of voice, and everything’s taken into par. Once he figured that out, Indigo was going through dark depressing times. That’s why his love language is acts of service to see if anyone truly deeply cares for him or if it’s all a fluke.
Indigo didn’t realize that his parents and family were just trying their best. They were taught by their family, and they passed on what they’ve learned to their kids. There’s no manual on how to be a great parent or family member. Even though it was his physical family (the Bloodkin), Indigo learned and knew how to treat and connect to his future kids when he was craving it all from his family.
Middle school is tough for anyone. Nowadays, it seems like elementary schoolers act like middle schoolers, middle schoolers act like high schoolers, and high schoolers act like typically high schoolers. You have some elementary schoolers who are already above 5’8”, middle schoolers are already on social media platforms, and high schools look older than some older people. Now audience, what type of genes do these young folk have? Like geez *the crowd laughs.*
Middle school is full of puberty, acting wild, and bullies. Indigo had his fair share of bullies and people who like to pick on him. They knew he wouldn’t say anything because he wouldn’t stand up for himself. This lowered his confidence level, and it impacted his life.
During middle school his parents brought him into this military school and just like any other kid, he didn’t want to go. He wouldn’t know how much that program will elevate him to the next level. He ranked up, received ribbons, went on trips, learned the 14 leadership traits, and learned a lot about himself.
As the years went by, he learned a lot about himself, became a leader, and he gained more confidence through the various programs he was in. He had all this built-up pain within himself for years, but could he overcome them? He keeps burying his pain inside him. Will it get in the way of his success? We’ll see how it’ll play out throughout this book.
Chapter One
Lucky 7’s