
Character 5: Indiniya



ndiniya is a kind beautiful spirit, but she usually puts a guard up to protect her heart over the past. What she had to go through in her childhood has hindered her connections and family member. She let those issues be at the forefront of her life. Through all of this, she still was a genuine soul, even though she carried some baggage that was holding her back. Let’s dive deeper into the soul of Indiniya.

Indiniya had a sister named Becky, a brother named George, her dad was named Wayne, and her mom’s name was Becca. Becky was the oldest and she wanted to be a doctor and a dentist. She had a lot going for her and that made her distant from her family. Indiniya had a deep disconsolate feeling in her heart towards that. It felt like she was moving on and experiencing life without them. Being the only daughters in the family, they used to be close growing up. It all changed once she started focusing more on her goals than on her family. Becky was starting a family, about to have a child, and recently got married. Indiniya didn’t want to compare herself to her sister, but she did. She wanted that lifestyle for herself, and she would fantasize about the fairytales that she grew up seeing. Not by her own family, but through cartoons, television, and the idea of marriage. On top of that, Becky moved to a new state, so now they barely have time to chinwag, conversate, and interact with one another. Indiniya was scared to call because she could see how busy Becky was. This made their connection more distant and that affected Indiniya. Indiniya loves to connect deeply and freely, but since she didn’t have a deep relationship with her family, it got tucked away and buried inside her. The only true connection she had within her family was her sister because she was always there. Once Becky started to move on, she didn’t know how this affected Indiniya internally for the remainder of her life.

George was a trapper who sold cocaine, meth, marijuana, LSD, and some other drugs as well. He worked for the cartel and in doing so, he was in and out of prison most of his life. When George was out of jail, he would sell drugs, rob stores, and rap. He was a rapper who was rapping about what he was doing. This didn’t end up well for George. People called George the “One Night Standard”. You probably ask yourself, why do they call him that? Great question. They call him One Night Standard because he would rap about what he just did the day before. For instance, if he just sold some crack on the streets, made some money, went to the strip club, and had sex with a prostitute; he would rap about that. So, the police caught on after he was in and out of court. They used his lyrics for their gain and his downfall. George would smoke constantly and drink inside the house. His parents didn’t say anything because he was old enough to make his own decisions, but they were ready to kick him out. Since he was in and out of prison, they welcomed him back into their house which was a bad idea. His lifestyle affected Indiniya because she thought in connecting with him, she’ll have to do the same thing. So, she started to smoke with him, do drugs, and drink alcohol.

George showed her all the ins and outs of the business, but she didn’t want to get involved in selling because that can be an eluding game to play. So, when George came back home, he’ll bring the remaining goods to her sister to “connect”.

People can feel peer pressure in doing something that they don’t want to do. People would reject or think less of you if you’re not doing what they’re doing. Behind closed doors, peer pressure is just a form of competition for that person. They want to see how far you would let them control you. It’s a toxic way of living and that’s why so many people get peered pressured into doing something they know is wrong.

Indiniya kept experiencing toxic relationships because of her past. Her past wasn’t the best and that has shaped her future.

Once Becky left, George came back from jail. Since Indiniya’s parents were working, the only person she could connect with was George. Even though most of the time he’ll steal money from his parent’s savings account to have sex with sex workers. The only person who knew about this was Indiniya. George told her to not tell their parents. Scared tactics to the fullest extent because he was older than her and she didn’t know any better.

No matter where you’re from, everyone’s buying or selling. If you can find out what a person wants, they’ll buy anything you’re selling. Most people base their choices on five emotions: greed, lust, compassion, humanity, and desperation. Customers are your target, the salespeople are your thrifters, and your coworkers are your shields. Step one is the bait; find out what they want. Step two is your hook; to attach what they want with what you’re selling. Step three is the reels; gain their trust and seal the deal. Most people do stuff for power or pleasure.

One night, Indiniya overheard her parents talk about money and that they were struggling in keeping up with the house. Indiniya went up to her parents and told them the truth. Wayne busted into George’s room and gave him a whooping like no tomorrow. He then proceeded to call the police to turn his son in. Indiniya was witnessing this horrifying event occur while her family was being dismantled by the inch. After the whooping, Indiniya would come out and creep outside the door. Wayne was already calling the police, so George barged into Indiniya’s room and told her that she would regret this decision. George had this evil look in his eyes which were full of darkness. He called one of his friends while he was packing up to tell him what Indiniya did. She didn’t hear what they were saying.

The eyes are the beholder of the soul and if your eyes are pitch black, then you might not be as organic as it seems. People who get burned by the sun, turn red fast, have issues with the sun, or need suntan lotion, you might need to find out where you came from. Having a connection with the sun is one of the most powerful things you can do in letting yourself know you’re chosen. Not only do other races experience these symptoms, but even some melanated beings do as well. Everything’s not what it seems because we live in the Maya through the illusion. You have to see who people truly are instead of automatically messing with them if the energy isn’t pure from the start.

George tried to leave, but Wayne grabbed him to make him wait for the police. Becca was crying, but also supporting Wayne. Indiniya was in her closet crying over what’s been taking place within her family. Wayne slammed him to the ground and tried to restrain him. George was from the streets, so he knew how to fight because he fought almost every week. One of George’s hands was free, and he punched Wayne right in the face. George went on top of Wayne and started punching him. He was punching him so hard that Becca didn’t know if Wayne would still be alive. He legitimately smashed his skill in about 15 times. Right before the 16th punch, Becca attempted to pull George away from Wayne. As she was doing that, George didn’t know it was his mother and he pulled out his pocketknife and slashed his mom. Now you probably wondering if he slashed his mom on the leg or thigh. Since George was tall, as he turned around with the knife, it reached his mom’s throat.

Crying can be a very healing and spiritual experience. It’s a wonderful way to release stagnant and unpleasant energy, especially if you’re empathic. We’ve been conditioned to view crying as a weakness but in other cultures, crying is collectively seen as a very enlightening experience. In Japan, they have classes (called “rui-katsu” which translates to “tear seeking”) dedicated to regular sessions of crying to provide people a safe space to process and grieve their more difficult emotions. Don’t grieve when people fail to recognize your ability; grieve for your lack of ability instead. Even tears of joy can be very energetically, purifying, and uplifting for the spirit. Remember this, the next time you need to cry... you’re not weak. Sometimes we’re tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths. It truly takes a strong person to be vulnerable in today’s world.

When George saw his mom gasping for air it brought this rush of emotion over him, but he still was furious because the cops were on their way. Indiniya was currently 14 years old when all of this was happening. George was on the way out of the door when a random car pulled up. It was George’s drug dealer.

George didn’t pay his dealer for three months straight and he was expecting the money today. Of course, George didn’t have it at the moment, and he was scrambling since the police were almost there. The dealer and his gang kicked down the door and demanded the money. George could take the money from his parents, but with everything that was happening, he wasn’t thinking straight. The gang came in and saw all the carnage of what had just taken place. The dealer was about to call the police on George over what he did and then leave the premise. The police were already on their way, but the gang didn’t know. George attacked the dealer, and they went into a tussle. The gang was there to help the drug dealer. They decided to torture George because he didn’t have the money. They knew they weren’t going to receive the money and the police should be on their way over the damage that’s already been done. The dealer took out his gun and shot George right in the face.

Cold blood rushed upon George’s face. Indiniya was scared of the sound of the gunshot that she let out a scream. The dealer told the gang to find whoever else was in the house, so there won’t be any witnesses. The gang followed the sound of the screaming noise and found Indiniya in the closet. They took her hostage and put her in the trunk. The police sirens were coming closer and closer. The gang had a self-driving car believe it or not. As they pulled off, it ran over an elderly woman who was trying to walk her dog during the night. It was a hit-and-run assault. Watch out for those self-driving cars because they can easily take over and do something we didn’t want them to do. The police saw them run over the lady and leave the crime scene. The assistant police officer had enough and decided to take out his gun and shoot the driver. The gang came out of the car and started a heavy fire shootout with the police under the streetlights. Multiple police cars came, and it was too much for the gang to handle. They all died during the shootout.

They inspected the car and were shocked in seeing Indiniya in the trunk. Indiniya had a busted lip because she screamed out for help as they were taking her hostage. So, one of the gang members punched her right in the mouth to shut her up. As they covered her mouth, Indiniya was experiencing lots of torment. Not only with her family in the past, but also with what just transpired. She told the police that her family was inside the house. They saw George with a gunshot wound in his temple dead; they saw Wayne not moving at all, and they saw Becca with her slashed throat and her eyes closed.

George’s friend Woody finally came after George made the phone call to tell him what happened. He knew the police were already there, so Woody dressed up for the occasion.

Woody told the police that he was Indiniya’s uncle and that he can take her. Woody said that it’ll be best for her to get clearer evidence of what happened tomorrow since it was already midnight. The policemen agreed and told him that they’ll have to be at the police station in the morning. They took down Woody’s information including his address. Indiniya barely knew Woody, but she saw him periodically when he hanged out with George. Indiniya used to smoke, drink, and do drugs with not only George but Woody as well.

Woody took her to his trap house and instantaneously it smelt like smoke. Woody would try to make her comfortable by offering her a drink or two. Indiniya just wanted to go to bed and try to process everything that just happened. It’s important to go to bed earlier and get enough rest. When Indiniya fell asleep, the worst had yet to appear for her that night.

The times when Indiniya and Woody would smoke together when George would go to the bathroom or get more alcohol, Woody would enticingly look at Indiniya. He would then subtlety flirt with her a little bit, but not too much where she would feel uncomfortable. Mind you, she already had alcohol and drugs in her system, so she didn’t care as much or realized it. Now that she was sober today, she got to feel her emotions.

George could tell that George had something with her sister by the way he looked at her when he looked through the bathroom mirror. Since Woody was his ride or die, he didn’t pay any mind to it, but once George got crossed by Indiniya, he told Woody to do what he wanted to her.

As Indiniya was sleeping, Woody would then tie her up against the bed and put duct tape over her mouth. Woody would rape Indiniya senselessly as the true rapist and pedophile he was.

By the time Indiniya woke up and realized what was going on, he was already inside her and it was too late to try and fight it. After hours upon hours of seemingly endless rape, he finally went to bed beside Indiniya. This traumatized her in a way that should never happen to anyone ever. What she had to go through shouldn’t be cast down upon anyone on this planet.

Woody slept in because he didn’t get enough sleep last night. Indiniya didn’t sleep and was up all night paralyzed, shattered, and emotionally and physically scarred. Remember they had to be at the police department in the morning and if not, then there’ll be a problem. An hour went by, and there was a knock on the door. The police slammed into the door with a crew of swat members looking for Woody and Indiniya. A smoke bomb and a smoke grenade entered the room and he started to cough. Woody finally awakened to see what was going on. By that time, they already put a gas mask over Indiniya’s face, and she told them what happened. It was pretty suspect as he was over-aged, in nothing but boxers, and in the same bed as an underage teenager. They brought Woody into prison for life and started to question Indiniya about everything that transpired over the last 24 hours.

If a cop tells you, you better talk, that means they have nothing on you, and you better keep your mouth shut. Police officials love to do scare tactics and try to manipulate the situation. Saying your friend ratted you out or someone already confess when they didn’t. Stay true to yourself and don’t back down from the fight. If any of them or any security guard starts to pressure you, just speak another language.

Indiniya told them everything she could remember or comprehend. Indiniya stated that she did some drugs with Woody in the past, but she regretted it. She was too young at the time to throw her in jail, but they did keep it on file. She also had to do community service, go to rehab, and go through a jail initiative program. She accepted the charges and went to the rehab center. Four years went by, and she became clean by the age of 18. She stepped away from drugs and only used alcohol when parting or on special occasions. *Crowd asked, “What happened to the parents? Where’s the sister?”* I thought you’ll never ask, but let’s look at the relationship between Indiniya and her parents first.

Becca was a hard-working middle-class woman who was truly a boss in her own right. She tends to make sure other people were good before herself. She was there for Indiniya, making sure she had food, clothes, etc. Once Indiniya was old enough to get a job, Becca did less for her and Indiniya had to start doing it all by herself. It became a roommate type of vibe instead of a mother-daughter connection. The only time she would connect with her mom was if they had a deep conversation about something.

For Wayne, he was more like a roommate of Indiniya. They would say wassup to each other, do stuff for one another, but not connect deeply. They both didn’t see the need to connect deeply with each other, but they always had love for one another. In life, there are people you easily gravitate and connect with. Then there are people who it’ll happen over time. Then there are people you don’t need to connect deeply with, or who you don’t mess with.

After the shootout, the ambulance arrived on the scene. Indiniya didn’t see her family before Woody took her away. Once the ambulance went inside the murder scene, the gang members were already dead outside due to multiple gun wounds. They took Becca and Wayne to the emergency room. For George, it was too late for him and died because of the bullet in his temple. During the car ride, they noticed that Becca was dead. The slashed wound on her neck was an instant kill and they didn’t find out until they got inside the ambulance. The only person who had hope of surviving was Wayne.

They rushed Wayne into the surgery room and let a robot surgeon operate on him. Doctors wanted to try out and see how robots would operate on patients. Since Wayne couldn’t sign the waiver and the consent form, the doctor said, “F it” and let the robot operate on Wayne. After the robot performed surgery on Wayne for a few hours, the doctors all went on their lunch break, letting the robot handle it. The robot had malware and rebooted the wrong system, so it lost the code and programs in doing the operation correctly. The warning signs popped up on all the cameras, but all the doctors and nurses took the same lunch break. By the time they finally arrived back in the operating room, Wayne already had passed away.

This just shows you how society puts so much trust in robots and technology that they want them to control our everyday lives. Jobs are getting taken over by robots, cars are getting replaced by self-driving cars, and robots are now knowing how to feel emotions and have babies. You can power a car with just water, but people wouldn’t try it because it’s outside the norm. Electric power cars are better than fueled power cars as well.

There are stereotypes based on discrimination. No matter your race, age, gender, veteran status, disability, etc. People try to find employment with an employer, but the company might base your hiring status on one of these options. For example, if someone just came out of college looking to jumpstart their career, they get turned down based on not having enough experience. How can youth have work experience when they spend all their time getting a degree that they needed? They’re already in debt from all the money they had to pay; so now looking for a position, they barely get their foot in the door. Why do an internship when you already developed those skills personally or in school? The same goes for the elderly. Someone thinks they’re too primitive to work for that company. The whole system is made for you to fail and to slave your life away. They give you small benefits to make you think it’s all okay and that you’re doing something in this world.

Indiniya never said bye to her family and the next time she saw them was at their funeral. They didn’t know the spiritual meaning behind cremation, so they just buried them. Cremation would help you to remember all the knowledge from your current life if you needed to reincarnate into another being. We’re not going for reincarnating anymore because this is my last lifetime, am I right crowd *Yessir*.

Your heart has to be lighter than a feather. It’ll be in an inquisition of purgatory amongst the Gods for Armageddon, doomsday, and judgment day. You take this time to look back at your life and see everything you’ve done. You feel every emotion you may have caused someone in the past and if you can’t accept it or move on, then you’ll be stuck there until you learn. Unless you automatically want to reincarnate and go through the process all over again.

How many grudges did you take to your grave? When you weren’t liked or followed, how did you behave? Look back on the things you thought you owned; do you even remember them well? Would you ever live through and accept your regret and pain? Heaven is for those who let go of regret and when you’re not ready to let it all go, you’ll have to wait until you come into acceptance. Heaven is in this moment in your mind, body, and soul. You don’t reach for bliss, you are bliss. All you have to do is unwind your mind and train your soul to align. You have to be Heaven to see Heaven.

With no family, Indiniya had to go into foster care. This was the start of her feeling abandoned and abused by friends, family, and boyfriends while feeling worthless. Indiniya had to process everything while she was seeing the other children get picked by families over her. She was asking the Universe, why me? Why was this all happening to me? Why do I have to go through this? As you may know, we shouldn’t question why anything is happening to us, but instead, ask what this is teaching us.

Being curious even in the worst situations will be beneficial for any person. Being openly curious about “I don’t know” and sitting in the “I don’t know” is a good position to be in because it allows you to continue to be open, to learn, and to hear perspectives on all sides of the spectrum. It’s when you become so dogmatic and entrenched in one position and you start self-identifying with it. This will make you defensive with anything that comes against that position. Everything’s temporary and it’s all based on your perspective. Bad is a made-up concept, so being spontaneous is key to everything. Follow your intuition based on your perspective and cognizance. Why do you react to this type of criticism? Go in the back of your mind and analyze everything.

Who you think you are or want to become, you have to say that a thousand times per day. Not only do you have to truly believe in that manifestation, but you also have to truly feel that manifestation for it to work. Your subconscious mind would make you see the reality you’re currently in, but your conscious mind sees past it. Don’t let a memory mess up your life. Accept it and move on because life’s too fast for you to keep thinking about the past. So, you went through a little breakup, a minor setback, but let’s be honest. You don’t need this right now. You’re strong and independent, you look great, and now you have all this extra time to focus on yourself. Keep changing, elevating, and gaining abundance in your life. Everything happens for a reason and the Universe wouldn’t place any challenge in front of you that you won’t be able to handle. When it felt like all hope was lost for Indiniya, guess who showed up? Becky.

Becky found out her little sister was in foster care and no families were adopting her. Becky knew about her family and was actually in the waiting room during the operation on Wayne. Of course, she couldn’t be in the actual lab where the robot did the surgery on Wayne. She had to wait in the waiting room and Woody sent a text to Becky that he had Indiniya. She was actually at the police station waiting for Indiniya to arrive and she never showed. By the time, Indiniya came to the station, Becky had to go pick up her child from school. The police station told Becky everything that Indiniya told them. She knew that Indiniya was going through a lot, so she just went MIA as she went to rehab.

Once Becky knew where she was, Becky and her family came to visit her. They had a long three-hour heart-to-heart with each other about everything that they’ve gone through and how Indiniya truly felt. After the head-to-head, Becky already predetermined that she and her family were going to adopt her. Indiniya was so passionate about spending more time with her new mom (who’s her sister). Even though she spoke about what she had gone through with her sister, that doesn’t truly mean that she properly did the shadow work to fully get past those situations. Would Indiniya keep all of her past issues to herself and let them get in the way of the group? Would she make predetermined judgments about people without fully knowing them? How would she view relationships now? Would her past affect her future? I’ll answer all your dying questions throughout the book, “How to Overcome Apocalyptic Events”.

Chapter One

Lucky 7’s