
Character 6: Bastet



astet is a unique character in this story. She wants everything right now and wouldn’t take no for an answer. This stemmed from doing black magic and not healing from her past. It was arduous for her because of everything she went through while keeping it all inside. She would act as if nothing was wrong, and she did all this healing before. You can see it on her face that something was bothering her.

She tends to become desperate for a man and desires marriage. She would mess with guys for them to have a baby with her to make them stay around. In her eyes, if they had a baby with her, then they’ll have to marry her. She would tell them she doesn’t like using condoms. Those men easily agreed with the circumstance to have some fast sex but ended up getting her pregnant. She thinks of guys as a trial run. If that guy doesn’t stay, then she’ll find another one. That’s how some women act when having sex with men. This type of mindset and acting like she knows everything will affect her and her future relationships.

She tends to only see things from her point of view instead of others and how it’ll impact them. This started in childhood acting through her ego. This theorizes for Bastet since she now has multiple children with multiple baby daddies. Brian, Joe, Kevin, and Chantelle to be exact. Bastet lost a different child throughout the process. Even though this was making Bastet hopeless, Bastet wasn’t giving up on love.

Bastet was an only child just like Apollo. Her mom was named Victoria and her dad’s name was Vinny. Vinny was never really there for Bastet, and Victoria had a problem Bastet was young and she only knew her parents and a few friends from school. Bastet couldn’t comprehend at the time what was going on, but as a child, she was in tune. Children remember how someone made them feel and who was there for them throughout their life. If someone wasn’t presently there throughout their life, then they’ll remember that and be reminiscent of the fact. That’s what Bastet was realizing, but since Bastet was an alpha woman, she didn’t want to ask for help or appear weak.

The Universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts. It gives you what you demand with your actions. She wouldn’t share her true feelings with anyone or leave any situation without discussing it. She was strong and able to hold her own. Behind the smile and soul, there was still stuff that needed to be fixed. Anyone who recognized and shared the information with Bastet in a respectful manner made her enter fight or flight mode. She would assume everything was great, but then deny, deflect, and try to defend herself as much as she can. She would use small talk and sexual interactions to intrigue and entice men. She would think about negative situations using her ego instead of listening to her intuition. This was a hindrance for Bastet and the people who she interacts with.

Her father wasn’t there most of her life. This caused issues for Bastet in the worst way. Since she didn’t heal from that situation, it’s a recurring effect on her relationships. The Universe was showing and telling her what the root cause was, but she wasn’t fixing the predicament. Root causes let the names of all disorders be the limbs jointed together with the trees. Work on the root and that subdue, and all the limbs will bow to you. The limbs are cholic, pleurisy, worms, gravel, gout, and stone. Remove the cause and they’ll be gone. That’s how the Universe works. If they notice an issue you need to fix, you’ll experience the same situations throughout life until you fix, heal, and overcome the dilemma. That’s why all of her baby daddies left because it was a recurring effect.

Healing from the past can be difficult, but it’s necessary on your path. Without healing, how can you burgeon and elevate? That’s where shadow work comes into play. Most people try to avoid their shadows, their dark side, and their dark night of the soul. The four phases of a dark night of the soul are an identity crisis, shattered belief systems, withdrawal, and transformation. To do that isn’t by the mind, but by the heart and the ability to feel. Does this person’s energy feel right? Does this make me feel good? Something about this person’s energy is heavy. I don’t like how this makes me feel. Or something about this doesn’t sit right with me. If you have to think or question it, then that’s your red flag right there. People don’t learn their lessons; they just repeat the same mistakes. It’s like their inner computer system got a glitch and it keeps them repeating the same programs. They tend to live at bars drinking, smoking, doing drugs, pills, sex, masturbation, short-term pleasure, and other forms of temporary relief to take their pain away.

Wonder why pedowood or what people like to call Hollywood, always tries to promote sex and lust? Pediwood is full of mortala beings roaming around this whole planet. Hollywood is a child pedophile organization.

Some creators and directors of these kid shows have fetishes that they want the kids to perform. If they don’t then most of them won’t receive the role they were auditioning for.

Wonder why some webcam women use red LED lights? Red is a form of lust that some demons use in trying to steal your energy, light, and power. What’s your highest form of energy you may ask? Your sexual energy (which is your semen) helps power your kundalini energy. Your sexual energy is sacred and should be used sacredly instead of being wasted. People love having sex but having sex with the wrong person, you’re only gaining short-term pleasure which can last for a few minutes to an hour. Wonder why most men don’t last long in bed? They only look at sex as short-term pleasure through the physical reality. Some people who take care of their energies and use it wisely can go for hours. Making love and having sex are two different things.

People can have sex with anyone they want and not necessarily have a connection with that person. Making love with that person shows that you do have a connection with them, and you know how to control your sexual energy. Most people who do have a connection with a person but haven’t mastered their sacred energy can still fall under short-term pleasure. Especially if that person doesn’t have a connection to their three brains. The brain/mind, the heart/soul/spirit, and your genital area. If two people who are spiritually in tune with their mind, body, and soul have a deep connection with each other; then they can make love for eternity.

Love someone, even more, when they seem least deserving. At that very moment, they’re most in need of your love. Having sex can help speed up your manifestation as well because you’re entering each other’s portals to create something beautiful. This could mean a newborn child, manifesting powers, or diving deeper together. Most people don’t see sex in this way and only look at it through the physical. They look at sex as short-term or to create a baby instead of viewing it as a sacred energy exchange.

Yes, people have different paths, purposes, and missions from one another. The spiritual journey is like grade levels and people are operating on whatever grade level they’re currently in. The more you go deeper into the rabbit hole, the more knowledge you’ll obtain. The more you go deep into the ocean, the freer you’ll become. That’s why I said it’s important to save your energy and not waste your semen on anyone or anything that’s operating on a low frequency. Not to mention with these injections/implants; people now have aids, STDs, lower immune systems, blood clots, and infertility. STDs can transfer that injection to another person by transferring bodily fluids. If someone got the injection and has sex with someone who didn’t, then that person who didn’t get the injection will now have the particles of the injection. Nanotechnology particles eat the body alive and the mutation forms. If that person then has sex with another person who didn’t have that injection or test, then that person will have it as well. Watch who you sleep with and metal detox when necessary. The same goes for people who got the implants as well. A mandate isn’t a law.

There’s no healthy aspect to any drug that you put into your system whether by ingestion or injection. It’s all different levels of poison. Your body’s first reaction is to find a way to rid of that toxin. The more you feed your body with these poisons, the harder it becomes to remove the toxin through normal means. Once you reach a certain level of toxicity, your body has to find more desperate measures to remove them. If you hinder your body, this will lead to much more severe measures like chronic diseases, tumors, cancers, or worse.

When someone wants to commit suicide in a movie, they often head right to the medicine cabinet for medical poisons. No one is trying to kill themselves by heading to the fridge and eating four heads of organic cauliflower. If a whole bottle of medical poison can kill you, how can taking the same amount of poison, over a longer period, make you healthy? It’s time to start connecting the dots. Most people would rather blame germs and genes for their illnesses than accept that it’s mostly their diet, beliefs, mindset, and overall lifestyle to blame. Most people don’t have the stomach to deal with what’s really going on. So, they just disregard it and fall back into the illusion.

You shouldn’t take health advice from people who are unhealthy, from companies that profit off of the perpetual disease, and from corporations who accept money from fast-food chains. Fast-food chains are genetically modified and mind-altering food. You can’t catch a disease, the same way you can’t catch health. Understanding this fact alone can completely change your life.

If you go to a medical doctor just for a routine check-up, he or she would likely find something to put you on medications for, and create a problem. If you go to a medical doctor with a problem, they’ll certainly put you on medications, which won’t fix the problem, but ultimately create new ones. Sickness isn’t a physical symptom. Sickness is an ideology that makes you fear touching a doorknob or think that hugging your best friend can make you sick. The germ theory is a sickness that has infected your mind and distorts the way you experience reality. People don’t learn how the body really works. Rockefeller medicine taught you bs to shill their petroleum-based pharmaceuticals. Prescribing drugs isn’t health care. Look for something positive every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.

Growing your food is like printing your own money. Fasting (when done correctly and for the right reasons) does something to you that cannot be explained with human language. You become very aware of just how habitual the act of eating has become. Are we taking the nutrients of food and water if we just end up going to the bathroom? When you fast, you don’t feel the urge of going to the restroom, so what’s the value? Many of us don’t eat for hunger, we eat for pleasure. The absence of perpetual pleasure-seeking (in all forms) exposes you to the emotions you mask with your quixotic habits, and you’re finally exposed to who you truly are. This is where the healing starts physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

The individual has always struggled with being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you’ll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened, but no price’s too high for the privilege of owning yourself. If you feel lonely and have no friends; it’s okay. You came into this world alone and you’re careful about sharing your energy with people who serve you no purpose in life. Needing nothing brings you everything.

Every 90 days we have new blood. Every 11 months, every organ in our body is new. Every two years, every bone in our bodies is new. We are regenerating ourselves every minute of every day. We get rid of a billion dead cells an hour, and each one of those cells is replaced by a new cell. That cell will be replaced by what you eat.

There’s a theory that every 100 years a pandemic happens. At first glance, nothing seems strange, but the accuracy with which these events take place is outlandish to notice. 1720 Plague, 1820 Cholera Outbreak, 1920 Spanish Flu, and 2020 Coronavirus. There are about 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body that are billions of years old. At the deepest level, you’re the Universe in human form.

The real New Year starts when the cycle of life begins again with new blossoms and exponential growth. The new beginning is spring, called “Vernal Equinox” which happens on March 20th. So, the real New Year’s Eve is March 19th with New Year’s Day being March 20th.

The awakening has gone mainstream and there’s nothing to stop nor halt it. Not even the plandemic, fake alien invasion, NWO, Project Bluebeam, weather modifications, and climate cooling. The elders have strategically placed 144,000-star workers all over the world as beacons of the awakening. The beacons have connected, henceforth we’re all connected. Awakened star seeds are currently hearing a whirring sound and horns in their ears. Some are experiencing their ANKHCESTORS’ memories, pains, emotional imbalances, or feeling like everything’s falling apart. Some are experiencing and witnessing so much synchronicity through patterns and numbers. Some are experiencing vivid dreams, lucid dreams, in a trance, and astral projection. You’ll feel this rush of excitement after your euneirophrenia dream. Don’t worry it’s the Universe communicating this to you thus you’re aligning with its frequencies.

Watch out for the blue and artificial light that messes up your vision and brainwaves. It’s like a microwave trying to attack your brain, but this time you go to sleep with the lights on. That’s why most people need complete darkness to fall asleep. It’s time to beat the drums, invoke our ANKHCESTORS, honor the elders, and do the warrior boogaloo around the fire as we chant spells to cast NRTERU.

If you constantly lose your energy over what you view on your computer, television, or your phone screen, then it’ll make you fall at your lowest point. You were ascending high but then crashed and burned. That’s why they wouldn’t necessarily promote actual porn (in most cases) but will entice you with nudity, television sex, or the words they say to make you think about lust. Then once you think about lustful action, you go and do what you do on your phone screen. This lowers yourself and completely squanders your creative energy. You’ll feel no motivation, no inspiration, and no elevation because you’ll feel your lower self creep into the mix. This is a form of short-term pleasure because at the moment it feels good, but right after, you’ll most likely feel horrible. Just like anyone who experienced having bad sex. It’ll feel pretty good at the moment, but then afterward you wonder why you did what you did in the first place.

They don’t want you to pulsate your mind and think outside the box. When there’s no enemy within, the enemy outside can’t hurt you. They want you to stay in prison within your mental box imprisoning your mind so you can be controlled. Realize it or not, most people aren’t controlling their lives. They’re allowing outside forces to control the actions, behaviors, and thoughts that run through their bodies. All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force. All you can do is warn people to wake up. If they don’t listen, don’t waste your time or energy arguing with these people. All you can do is exulansis because people have so much envy, they’ll not understand. Move on so you can warn others.

Ask yourself all the time you masturbated before it occurs, was it your true thoughts going into your head, or was it some demons pushing out mind control tactics for you to lose your seed instantly? Instant gratification, right? Well, if it’s instant, then it’ll be a short-term stimulus. You’re focused on the short-term premeditation, and you’ll never have a clear head.

All in all, people would always try to have a quick escape by not feeling their true emotions or going through the dark night of the soul. People tend to lie to themselves and that’s why most people can’t look in the mirror (especially inside their eyes which is the beholder of the soul). They’re scared and their ego will kick in and say, “What am I doing, or this feels weird.” Hence, why most people cannot meditate for more than a couple of minutes.


Take your time and say your mantras, tantras, and your affirmations. It only takes a skillful person in meditation to not listen to anything, sit in silence, and be in a calm state. Most people need something external for them to feel that sensation or reach that point. Everyone’s path is different, so do whatever works best for you.


Staring into your soul in the mirror is called mirror gazing. Mirror gazing is most powerful when closing the door, turning off the lights, and having a staring contest with yourself while saying words of affirmation. There’s sun, nature, star, moon, or ship gazing as well, but for more information on that check brandonbass99 on YouTube ( for more details. You know I had to do it crowd *crowd laughs*.

Bastet was having problems with this because she was never the picture type. She likes to take pictures but tends to judge herself on her appearance. She would take multiple pictures and only keep one. Most women would take 25-100 pictures (for example) and only keep about two or three and only post one or two. Most women make small remarks or say degrading comments about themselves through the process. In hindsight, this will plummet your confidence and then they’ll make judgmental comments or gossip about other people. See how it all unfolds and comes back into play. This is why I said shadow work and getting to the root of the problem is essential in your personal and spiritual growth.


All situations are neutral until you place judgment and label them. You define the situation; the situation doesn’t define you. It’s not the situation that’s the problem; it’s your thoughts about the situation that is the problem. A problem isn’t a problem until you mentally decide that it’s a problem. Your thinking isn’t the problem, but instead, you’re thinking about your problems is what creates the problem and also redefines your thinking relating to the situation. Someone else’s thinking doesn’t matter without you thinking about their thinking. Your thoughts add value and it's not the other way around. Your thoughts possess all power; it takes the power within you to create the perception of power outside of you. Your thoughts about reality aren’t always true. Study, observe and question your thinking about your thinking, which is your judgment of your thinking. Also, known as meta-thinking and meta-cognition. Your thoughts and emotional projection can bend reality, “re-define” situations and reshape the reality of future events.

Be impeccable with your words by speaking with integrity and saying what you mean. Avoid using your words to speak against yourself or to jaw at others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. People would bad-mouth you for hours and they don’t realize what they’re truly doing to themselves in the process. Don’t take anything personally because what they do isn’t because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their reality and dreams. When you’re immune to the opinions and actions of others, you wouldn’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Pain is physical and suffering is mental. Beyond the mind, there’s no unscathed. Pain is essential for the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to clinging or resisting. It’s a sign of our unwillingness to move on and to flow with life. Don’t make assumptions, ask questions, and express what you want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and dramatic expression.

Always do your best because your best is going to change from moment to moment. For example, it’ll be different when you’re healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you’ll avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. You deserve the best, so only accept the best.

People can call you whatever, but you know who you are. People don’t have to show you love because you already know that you’re loved. They’re mad when they can’t distract you anymore. Discipline is the choice between what you want now and what you want most. You’re going to have these friends and past relationships coming knocking at your door. You’re going to have these thoughts of going back to your dated ways. You’re letting it come right back to you. Everything you did before is dead now. You’re moving to your new self, and don’t go back to your old self. Stop allowing people who do so little for you, to take up so much space in your mind. We cannot build our destiny by carrying rented thoughts in our minds. If they do care, they should be able to focus on your small fastidious because the little things count the most. The person who’s meant for you is going to listen, hear you out, and understand instead of blocking you. It’s all a game and a simulation. Don’t take it seriously and play it as if it’s a game. Nothing should surprise you anymore. You shouldn’t feel affected by anything that’s going on in this world. You’re just experiencing it. You feel the sadness of this rare lacuna for this person, but it’s a trick.

Anybody who’s eating that bs, smoking that bs, drinking that bs, or doing that bs, let them go. Learn how to say no and stop saying yes to people when it’s a no for yourself. Don’t submit to authority, step into your power, and reclaim what’s yours! Stop allowing people to take advantage of you. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing on the planet. You are your own free being outright. Take every chance you get in life because some things only happen once. Find something you enjoy. If you do something you don’t enjoy, then you won’t put your all into it. You won’t be consistent because you don’t enjoy it. The human brain knows what makes it happy and it’ll push you to do those things. It won’t push you into doing things you don’t want to do in life. Do or do not, there is no try.

Bastet always wondered why her dad and mom didn’t get along and why Vinny barely was there for her. It wasn’t like Vinny was in and out of jail like George, but he was always in the same state. Victoria was always present in her life, and she cared for and nurtured her. Victoria was trying to be her best friend than a mom. Victoria was doing it in such a way that seemed suspicious, or she was trying too hard to develop a connection with Bastet. Now I know what you’re thinking, she had to because Vinny wasn’t around. She had to become the mother and the father in Bastet’s life. Why wasn’t Vinny present in Bastet’s life when he lived in the same state as her?

A few years after Bastet was born (I would say around two or three years old), Vinny had a reason to leave Victoria. Victoria was the biggest part of Vinny’s absence because he was there for the first two to three years of Bastet’s life.

Victoria would go out at night and return home either late at night or early in the morning. Victoria would say, “Oh I was out with a couple of friends living the nightlife.” This wasn’t the case because Vinny would then check her phone when it was unlocked and he saw some messages. Now, I wouldn’t suggest going through another person’s phone because that’s an invasion of privacy, and they would lose trust in you. You don’t know the full story, details, or information, so don’t overthink to where you act out of rage and anger instead of calmness, and listen to what they have to say. He went to the group chat of her friends and noticed they didn’t talk about going to the club last night. He kept scrolling and he saw something astonishing.

Victoria had another person’s contact name as “Secret Admirer/Lover”. Vinny was so outraged with anger that he started to smash holes in the wall, break precious items, and destroy other stuff in the house. Victoria woke up in shock over Vinny’s tantrum. Victoria was concerned about the baby since Bastet was already crying. After Vinny settled down a bit, Victoria checked in on Bastet.

Vinny told her about the secret admirer she had on her phone. Victoria knew her secret was going to come out that night. All those times she went out to the club, she was seeing her secret lover. She didn’t sugarcoat anything since the deed had already been done. She got straight to the point and told him that she had a secret admirer which was her lover. Vinny and Victoria had been married for over 12 years. Vinny was shocked and told her that he wanted a divorce. He still loved her though because of how long they’ve been together and the family they built. He was a bit considerate with the information that was given to him and what she had expressed.

Victoria had this pale look on her face while listening to Vinny because she had to tell him something else. Audience you might need to cover your ears because viewers' discretion is advised.

She stated that she had a secret child with this secret lover of hers. Her secret child was born a year after Bastet. Vinny couldn’t believe what he just heard. He was devastated and Victoria had a rush of guilt that entered her body. Vinny was crying his eyes out. He was asking Victoria what’ll happen for Bastet. Surprisingly, Vinny was still trying to make light out of the situation. Not for Victoria because Victoria had more news to share with Vinny. Vinny was getting angry once more and started to ask who’s the father. She proceeded to let Vinny know that her secret lover was his best friend Pauly. *Crowd said “WTF!”*

Yes, it was his best friend Pauly, and she knew eventually he’ll start to ask questions about it. Victoria was smart and she knew what she was doing. She told Pauly to get another phone and have a secret number to communicate with her. This will make Vinny think she’s texting a random person, but all this time it was his best friend. Watch out for people who have boy best friends and girl best friends because it can cause some underlining issues. Victoria also put his new number as a secret admirer because she knew eventually, she couldn’t hide the truth from Vinny anymore. That’s why she purposely left her phone unlocked, so Vinny would see it firsthand instead of Victoria having to tell him. Victoria was a sneaky and conniving master at what she did. Love is love and that love would make you do some crazy things.

Once Vinny found out it was his best friend, he stormed out of the room and was about to exit the front door. Bastet would come out of her room and cry out the word “Dada.” Vinny looked back and stared into her eyes and left without even saying bye.

Vinny wanted to punish Victoria by having her take care of their responsibilities of Bastet way more frequently. He thought it was a form of her remembering the family dynamic they once shared. They got divorced and Victoria had most of the custody over Bastet. Vinny went MIA but was still able to be around her whenever he wanted to with Victoria’s approval. Victoria was still dating Pauly and was ready to build an everlasting life with him.

Victoria had a secret daughter that she kept secret from Bastet all her life. That’s why she tried to spend the most time with Bastet, so she wouldn’t pose a question or feel jealous of her not spending enough time with her. In Bastet’s eyes, she was her only child. Bastet had a sister-in-law which was around her same age. Would Bastet ever find out? How would Bastet’s childhood affect her life? Would she ever change, or will she always be in her suborned ways? Find out soon throughout the book, “How to Overcome Apocalyptic Events” continues.

Chapter One

Lucky 7’s