Time to Play the Game
veryone was excited about this substantial event that was taking place in Los Angeles. This new change in scenery will bring more opportunities either good or bad. The new location, new people, and new blessings could be on their way. For a few, it might be the best decision in their lives, but for some, it might be the worst decision of their life. Find out who because you’ll never know what’s coming next. For right now, let’s go through each character starting with Indigo.
Indigo was a brave soul going to a whole new state by himself right out of high school. Since he just graduated, he was preparing to go to college. For the summer, he wanted to go on a trip, and to his surprise, here was his trip. Indigo used some of his graduation money to make this trip come into reality. He didn’t want to use his savings because he was a good saver.
Indigo was excited to audition for the escape room television show because he was started to get into modeling and acting. This could be the big break he needed to make his dreams come into reality. He knew he wanted to be a model and actor because he always had that type of skill and talent. He knew it only took confidence because anyone could be a model if they took care of themselves and had that self-confidence.
On the plane ride, he kept overplaying and practicing what he’ll say in front of the casting directors. They didn’t give him a script, so he knew it’ll be based on his energy and personality. For practice, he turns to ask the person next to him some questions to spark up a conversation. Once he turned over, he saw that person sleeping.
On the plane ride, he would practice talking to himself and the flight attendant. The flight attendant was so amazed by his personality that she told him to meet her in the back where they held the snacks next to their bathroom. There were three bathrooms in total and two snack stands where the flight attendants were at. So, you have one bathroom for first-class, one for commercial use, and one specifically used for flight attendants. She was talking about the bathroom where flight attendants would hang out around. Once Indigo got up, he was confused about where it was because he didn’t know what to expect. He finally found it and was surprised at what happened next.
The flight attendant threw him in the bathroom, started to undress, and undressed Indigo. Indigo was shocked over the fact that this was happening because this type of stuff only happens on screen in movies or TV shows. This told Indigo that anything was possible, and he could achieve his goal of becoming a movie or television star.
After they got physical for a bit, the flight attendant was about to have sex with him. Indigo was currently on his semen retention journey, and he was a virgin. Even though Indigo had the nerve to be physical with women, he never went to the extreme of actually having sex with them. From the outside looking in, people would assume he wasn’t a virgin based on all the experiences he had with women. All of those instances never went into having sex, but it was quite close.
As she tried having sex with Indigo, he examined and sensed her energy. What energy could it be? Indigo wasn’t in full-on spiritual mode at the time, but remember, he had the power of reading people’s energies. Every time he was about to have sex with people, there was this pull of his Higher Self that came into the picture, and decided to not have sex with them. It could’ve been because they weren’t valuable enough to gain his energy, could’ve been their energy level, weren’t established enough, or their status wasn’t up to par with his. This was devastating to the women and lowered their self-esteem. Some of them ghosted Indigo after this fact alone.
Indigo knew some people weren’t valuable enough to gain his energy because it’s like entering a portal. Would you rather enter a pure, divine, and clean portal or a not secure, uneven energies, and a dirty portal? With Indigo being a virgin, he’s fully cleaned, and no one has entered his portal. Most people who have sex allow other entities to enter through their portals, so it’s dirty. When I say dirty, I don’t mean not washed or cleaned via soap and water. I mean, dirty by the energies and demons attached to it. They’ll surround them since they have entered through their portal. It’s so important to watch who you have sex with because it can become toxic, but your mind would only assume it’s for pleasure. That’s the duality between pleasure and what associates them as well.
The reason their energy level isn’t up to par with his was that when you’re vibrating on a higher playing field and the other person isn’t; then they’ll drain your energy. When you think about it, if you’re on a 432hz frequency for instance (which is a healing frequency) and the other person is operating on a 440hz frequency (which can cause more harm than good), they’ll essentially be stealing your healing energy. If their energy is low, say if they ate a cheeseburger beforehand. All that energy from that cheeseburger and the demons, fears, and flaws from that cow (even if it’s really from a cow or not) will be entered through their mouth portal. Which then will be entered throughout their system. Then when you exchange bodily fluids with that person, that same energy will be transferred into your system as well.
From the established or not point of view, since having sex is exchanging energy, then all your worth and establishments rub off on them as well. If one isn’t established, has nothing going for them, or hasn’t experienced certain things in life at an age where these experiences are crucial to have under their belt. Why lose your energy to someone with who you’ll have to teach basic everyday knowledge? Some people don’t have that experience, so why waste your time babysitting when you could find someone on your level or who could raise you to the next level?
Indigo was in his head thinking about all of this since his Higher Self took over in this situation. He was more conscious than subconscious in this scenario. Indigo was hard in the midst of this situation but then became soft after he realized this information. The flight attendant felt a type of way toward Indigo and felt like he bashed her image and character. Indigo left the bathroom and went back to his seat.
The aftermath for Indigo was to not let anyone steal his precious energy no matter how they look, what they say, or what they do. Who’s the real person on the inside? Most people put a mask on to convey an image of what they want to be portrayed to people. Get to know a person to the fullest extent before diving deeper with them because they could be darker instead of being pure light as they say they are.
Indigo didn’t care as much because he was more focused on his audition than getting women. Indigo was now focusing on himself than putting others before him. This was the start of his awakening journey of true power and self-love that he once dreamt of having.
For the rest of the plane ride, he went over his self-tapes, looked out the window as they flew by, and started to connect with the sleeping passenger next to him. He finally woke back up and Indigo started to have a schmooze with him. Come to find out that he was going to see the wall of fame. It shocked Indigo because he was going there as well. Indigo knew that one day he’ll be on the wall of fame.
They continued to chat for the rest of the plane ride. Once they landed, since this was Indigo’s first time flying by himself, he had no clue where anything was. Good thing Indigo made this connection on the plane with his passenger because he then asked where they could find their bags. Indigo followed him and found where the bags were supposed to be. The bags didn’t come till 20 minutes after the plane landed.
During this time, Indigo turned his phone back online (off airplane mode). He received two missed calls and multiple text messages from his family members checking in on him. He then responded and began to watch parts of the escape room. He wanted to get in the zone even though his audition was the next day. Indigo likes to skip through movies if they’re not talking about anything or just skips to the good parts (sometimes). He wanted to rewatch and relive the memories and the rooms of the escape room.
Once he received his bags, he then waited for his Uber to arrive. Since he hasn’t been to an escape room before, it made him more ecstatic to join. He got dropped off at the hotel and gathered his stuff into the hotel room. Indigo was a good organizer because he wanted to become a minimalist but hasn’t achieved that goal yet. Indigo was ready to have some fun.
Indigo’s first location was the wall of fame as he stated before. The funny part was that he saw the guy he flew a plane with there in real-time. The guy’s name was Frank. Frank and Indigo connected once again and shared some fun memories once more. This was so destined to happen, that they exchanged numbers and they are now travel buddies. Frank had a condo in LA and let Indigo stay in his condo for today and tomorrow. This was due to California being an expensive place to live.
Indigo told him about his audition and all the other destinations he had to go to. Frank was willing to take him. Indigo and Frank were practically best friends. They made sure to look out for one another and spent time with each other. Frank was leaving LA after tomorrow, so he lends Indigo a stashed key just in case he needed to stay longer.
Indigo and Frank explored LA by going to the mountains, hitting some nature spots, fine-dined, going to the club, and going to the strip club. After they traveled to a few clubs that night, Indigo was tired and beat from the whole day. Plus, he wanted some sleep because of his busy schedule tomorrow. Frank wanted to go to the strip club, but Indigo didn’t want to go.
One thing about Indigo was that, if he doesn’t want to do something, he won’t do it. If Indigo wants to do something, he’ll find a way to do it. Since he didn’t want to go to the strip club, Indigo took an Uber to Frank’s crib and crashed on the bed. Frank came home at midnight PST time with two strippers. Indigo automatically woke up when they entered because of his marvelous hearing skills.
Indigo thought to himself, poor Frank because these strippers only want him for his money. So, he grabbed his pair of headphones, listened to some vibrational frequencies, and went back to bed.
Indigo woke up around 2:00 AM because he had a modeling fashion show (which he was a part of), that started at 4:00 AM. He got dressed, prepared himself, and was about to leave for the event. The only person who wasn’t ready was Frank.
Indigo tried to wake him up by dumping water on his face and even slapped him. The strippers stole all of his energy that he wasn’t getting out of bed. Frank then pointed at his wallet and said, “Take as much money as you need.” Indigo grabbed most of the money to call an Uber. Even though Frank couldn’t take him, he was still excited about the modeling event he was going to be in.
How did Indigo find out and become a part of this modeling runway show? Indigo watched an ad during his time streaming the movies from yesterday about this modeling event to cast a premium model. It was open to the public and he was excited to go and show off his talent.
Indigo arrived and was ready to conquer his first modeling event. Indigo signed in, gave him a number, and then took some pictures and videos of him. This was his chance to practice his skills on camera to get ready for his real audition later on.
It was a sunny bright day and Indigo was waiting in line for his turn to go on stage. Once he got up on stage, that man Indigo killed it. He showed off his personality with flair and style. Indigo did so well that once he got off stage, people were still clapping and cheering for him. Indigo had five different women come up to him and gave him their phone numbers.
The event was getting ready to end and they were about to announce the winner. The winner was Indigo and he got to sign with a major modeling/acting agency, won a cash prize, and was going to be on the cover of their newly issued magazine. Indigo was about to embark on a new journey of modeling and acting, which he always wanted to do. Just imagine, after two days of being in LA, you win a model runway showcase, won a cash prize, sign with an agency, and be on the cover of a future magazine. He had so much momentum that it boosted Indigo’s confidence tenfold for his audition to be on TV. This was a huge moment for Indigo as a small-town boy acting like he was country all the time. Now he was outliving his dreams of becoming a model and actor. After he signed some paperwork, took some pictures for the magazine, and exchanged information with the modeling agency, it was time to go to his audition.
He got dropped off at his audition and the building was massive. It had 14 different studios and people drove golf carts to get around. The audition took place in studio seven and Indigo saw so many people auditioning to be on the show. This made Indigo a bit impatient, but he remembered he was an official model and actor now, so he gained some courage in his time of need.
He saw some drunk people, nervous people, and people who flashed designer clothing. The demographic was at its highest. There were teenagers, young adults, males, females, and adults presently there.
The casting directors came out and explained if they saw something in you, you’ll then proceed to meet with the executive producer. If they made it past the executive producer, then they’ll meet the creator/CEO of the show.
They gave them an introduction to the show, what it’ll be about, and what they’ll have to do. Indigo and the other participants were still interested in the show. They were only casting seven people, but that doesn’t mean they won’t put you through to the next round if they already chose seven. The executive producer was the one to choose between the rest that’ll make it through. In the final round, the creator of the show will boil it down to seven candidates.
The casting directors watched the energy in the room, felt the vibration they were giving off, and if they were interesting characters. You cannot have a show with non-interesting characters. The casting directors were looking for fun, unique, and different characters for the show. They didn’t want people with the same personalities to be on the show because it’ll become boring and too much of the same.
It was Indigo’s turn and the casting directors saw something special in him. They viewed him as the brains of the escape room since he loved the actual escape room game. The show needed a smart person to keep the show on track with its goal to win.
They loved the story he told when he was on the airplane coming to LA and everything that transpired till now. Indigo went raw, uncut, and told them about everything. The casting directors cracked up laughing and saw Indigo being a comedian as well. They would never believe any of that happened, but it was indeed the truth. One of the casting directors said he was a comedic expert. He was a comedic genuine since he was originally a funny person who loves to crack jokes. The casting directors chose him to move on to the next round.
Once he got into the next round, he was then faced with the executive producer of the show. The executive producer had all the candidates that made it to the next round. The casting directors did thousands of phone interviews with people who were initially interested in the show. They then trickled it down in the hundreds for a casting call event. Then it trickled down in the fifties once it reached the executive producer. They weren’t playing around and were set on picking seven unique characters for the show.
The producer was mainly looking at how different they were and what stood out for them. They want to develop a character, but also have that rooted unique feature that makes them stand out. Since the show mainly wasn’t scripted, they’ll have to go through different parts of the show where they’ll have to act on the fly.
The producer was testing their acting skills and seeing if they were a good fit for the show. Also, if they’ve had modeling or acting experience (which was a plus). Since Indigo was a model and actor now, he was already stoked that he met those requirements as well. The producer, for example, randomly threw something at them and saw how they responded. Indigo instantly caught it and threw it back without the producer saying anything. The executive producer thought Indigo was bold by catching and throwing it back in an instant. The executive producer progressed Indigo to the last and final round with the creator of the show.
Now it’s time for the last round with the CEO. We’ll keep the names of these characters unknown for right now.
As we stated, the executive producer interviewed around fifty aspiring cast members for this show. The executive producer placed 15 characters in the next and final round.
For the final round, the CEO would interview all the participants and then have a chitchat with the casting directors and executive producer to see which of these 15 candidates can be cast down to seven. Making the first impression on the CEO was a huge deal because the CEO had the last say on who’ll get casted.
The CEO would say it’s a different form of an escape room because they’ll do it in virtual reality. The CEO would ask the remaining 15 competitors if anyone wasn’t interested anymore. Two people weren’t interested in the concept, and they left. The CEO noticed two more people who were faltered about the idea and the CEO threw them out. Now it’s down to the last 11 participants.
Since this was a game of escape room, the remaining auditioners would play a real-life escape room to show off their knowledge, skills, and teamwork. This wasn’t an original escape room; it was a haunted house full of terror.
One person was scared of haunted houses, so that person was out. Now it was down to ten.
Once they got in the house, the CEO locked the door and the timer appeared. They had 20 minutes to find a way out and collect all the clues. An unassigned door suddenly opened, and it was a clown sitting on a rocking chair letting out one of his red balloons. Most people were freaking out, but some suddenly enjoyed the experience.
The red balloon popped and out came a rattlesnake. One person who was afraid of snakes yanked the door to come out. Noticing the door was locked, they sat in the corner and said, “I quit.” The creator came and unlocked the door to get the contestant out. Now it was down to nine.
After going through most of the clues, the CEO witnessed someone who was barely participating in the game. The CEO then took that person out of the game and now it was down to eight.
The show only needs exactly seven in total for production purposes. After they completed the game, everyone else succeeded. The CEO couldn’t decide, so he told them to sit tight, and they’ll call them in one by one. After discussing it further with the casting directors and executive producer, they told the participants if they had made it or not. It was Indigo’s turn and he got cast for the show. He was then placed to go to studio 13 for further instructions.
Indigo felt a rush of relief and blissfulness for being cast on the show. Since studio 13 was in a different building, they brought him via golf cart to the next building. He then waited with the other six cast members of the show to await further instructions.
Indigo was thinking about how this trip had transformed his life for the better. He couldn’t wait to participate in this exciting new show (which everyone was excited about). This will skyrocket Indigo’s modeling and acting career since he’ll be performing in front of millions of people weekly. This show was gaining so much buzz that it was available on all streaming platforms while still being available on cable television.
For Apollo, he had a unique experience going to LA. Apollo took his private jet (well his family’s private jet) to LA. Before boarding the plane, he took some flicks for the gram and then allowed people to board the plane. He invited his crew of yes men and some women on the plane. Apollo recorded a music video while the plane was in hyperdrive.
Most people think Apollo’s dumb and just flexes money, but there’s more than meets the eye. Apollo was smart, but all of his decisions aren’t necessarily the best decisions. Will Apollo ever learn from his mistakes? We shall see.
During the music video, they were popping champagne, and he was wearing a gold, black, and red robe with red bottom shoes, since their jet was gold and black. Since Apollo was gaining more recognition, he became famous in the public eye. Apollo was getting recognized for his music, acting career, and being a fashion designer.
Right after they finished the music video and it met his standards, he went to a fashion designer modeling event that he was performing in. Since this was LAFW (which means Los Angeles Fashion Week), he was one of the influential fashion designers to perform. The event will be held during the evening, so once they land, they’ll have to set up. He had his team there to help along the way and the models started to pile in. These high-end fashion models used to work with Gucci, Victoria’s Secret, and much more.
Apollo scheduled a three-day trip. On the first day, it was the fashion show, the second day was his other business ventures, and the last day was for the show’s audition.
The models recognized Apollo and were asking for pictures and autographs. Apollo turned it down and said that he was working. Yes, don’t forget Apollo’s still a savage. Apollo then chose the models he wanted to use, and the event was about to start.
After hair, makeup, and them getting dressed, the event was ready to begin. Apollo loves to multitask while performing multiple tasks simultaneously. Apollo let his team handle the models because he knew the crowd was going to enjoy his clothing anyways. Apollo had the final say, but he was mostly focused on editing the music video he just did to be uploaded by tomorrow.
The show, either way, was a success for Apollo and he was named the designer of the year. Apollo went on stage and gave a marvelous speech that he found on Google, and he received a standing ovation. That just goes to show if you have confidence in the words, you say or the things you do, then you can easily influence people to believe the same things or the words that are coming out of your mouth.
Apollo went home and his team finished editing his music video for him to post it at midnight. Everything was all set and ready to be published. Once the music video went live, Apollo went to bed. That was after day one.
Day two arrived and it was indefinitely a timeless moment, and you’ll see why.
Apollo had a busy schedule for today due to all the events he has to attend. Apollo checked his music video, and it was already number one on trending. That was the only thing he needed to see for that day to become a successful day.
The first event he had to go to was the music award show where he was being honored as the most legendary music artist in history. It was surprising because Apollo only started making music a few years ago and was already getting an award of that magnitude. Apollo was performing at the event as well. This was a morning event leading into the afternoon. Apollo gathered his team together and got dressed. He wore one of his new designs from his clothing line to perform. Apollo hopped out of his limousine and stepped right onto the gold carpet.
Apollo loved the lights and cameras, but sometimes it became too much for him. Apollo loves to do it all, but ultimately, he’s a chill person. Once the cameras are rolling, he became a different person. Apollo likes to portray different images of himself in different situations. When Apollo is working on his multiple businesses, he gets serious. When he’s by himself, he’s chill. When he’s around people, he’s social. In different instances, you wouldn’t know which Apollo you’ll get unless you see what he’s doing. That‘ll determine the Apollo you’ll get in that situation or scenario. Some people don’t want you to win, so they’ll lie saying something you put out was trash when it was fire.
With all the fame and success, sometimes Apollo questions why he goes to these events. If he could be at multiple places at the same time, he would. The fame, fortune, and celebrity status made him numb. This made him not feel emotion towards things or people. He’ll only show emotion and feelings when he succeeds. When he succeeded so much, he was losing that touch of feeling once more.
While on the gold carpet, he was starting to give his model face to the camera, and the photographers loved it. One interviewer tried to kiss Apollo on the lips, but he told her to kiss him on the cheek. The cameras loved Apollo, but does Apollo still love the cameras as he once did? Or was he just used to them now?
The music event started, and they passed out awards and had some people perform. It was time for Apollo to perform for the crowd and he was never nervous when he performs. No man, woman, thing, animal, place, or item could bring a phobic upon Apollo. Apollo performed all of his gold and platinum hits for the fans. When Apollo performed, most would compare him to the greats. He never compared himself to another person and just viewed himself as being himself. Apollo’s performance was by far the best performance of the night. He introduced fire, the mist of water, dancing, and nature in his performance. Right after his performance, his longtime friend (who he mostly collaborated with) gave him the award. Apollo gave a similar speech as before, but this time it was different since he found it on Bing. Right after he received the award, he left because he was going to the next award show.
The next event was held in the afternoon which was a television award show. Apollo was getting an award as the best new actor of the year. Now you’re probably asking yourself how does he know he’ll win already? All these award shows are scripted, and they already know who’ll win regardless of the fan’s vote. The fans could all easily vote for one person, but then another person wins. The fans will go and listen to their music, watch that TV show, or watch the movie that just won the award. Even though they give people the chance to vote, their vote doesn’t matter. They portray your vote as like it matters to make you think you helped generate who’s in power or who’ll win an award. They already know who they want to win or be elected no matter what the ballet says. Election fraud is real, and it happened by them throwing away most of the ballots. Fairytales don’t always begin with ‘Once upon a time.’ Many of them begin with, ‘If I’m elected, I promise...”
So, Apollo proceeded to get out of his limo, but this time it was a long black rug. Artistes would come out up to Apollo wanting to collab, but he will direct them to his assistant. Apollo just wanted to receive his award and get up out of there. Most men have a woman assistant because they’re like a motherly figure, they’re more organized, and they make sure everything’s in order. His assistant was very precise, and his team helped him a lot. His team was like family because Apollo’s parents weren’t always present for the majority of his life.
Apollo would then receive his award and gave an acting speech that he found on Yahoo. He left the event early because, in his eyes, there wasn’t a point in staying when you received all your awards and performed your songs. Unless you wanted to chat with another actor, actress, director, producer, or artist about collaboration. Apollo was busy throughout the whole day, so this was just the beginning.
The next event he had to rush to be a part of was the red-carpet premiere for his upcoming movie called Apollo. Yes, it was essentially a biopic of Apollo, played by Apollo. Apollo wanted to create a documentary for himself and his journey through life. He was going to walk through all of his experiences till this point in his career. He plans on making Apollo 2 when he gets older. Part one was about his life from ages 0-25 and then the next one would be from the medieval ages of 26-50. Apollo wasn’t even 25 yet, but he added it in for good measure.
The event took place during the evening and ran through its course into the night. All of Apollo’s friends, supporters, and family were present at the event. He was happy that he saw his family because he thought they wouldn’t care as much. His family came to show their support and proof to Apollo that they loved him. They all got together, took some pictures, and headed right inside the theater. After the movie was done, his assistant reminded him about the birthday bash he was throwing for his long-term friend named Kevin. This was the same friend who gave him the award earlier. That was where he was going next.
Apollo went to the Airbnb house that he reserved under another email address since the last one got banned. Kevin had helped Apollo with his music career tremendously. Last year, they made a collab album together and it went number one on the Billboard Hot 100 charts for 52 consecutive weeks in a row. All Apollo had to do was send him an address and he was going to be there.
Once Kevin went to the Airbnb spot, they surprised him. He already knew after driving down the street and seeing how many cars, people, and loud music that was playing, that it was all for him. People were drinking, fighting, smoking, having sex, and doing drugs. Random people came over and tried to enter, but security stopped them from entering. Once again, good thing Apollo has an assistant and a team that helps him with all of this. Plus, it was good that they chose a remote location, so people wouldn’t call the cops about the disturbance of the party.
Apollo and Kevin partied all night and everyone began to leave around 1:00 AM. By 11:00 PM Apollo and Kevin were already inside with a bunch of women having a good time. Apollo’s assistant and his team went to a hotel to get some rest instead of parting like wild animals.
Apollo’s team went back to the house in the morning because Apollo had to be at his audition by 5:00 sharp. Apollo’s assistant got him to wake up even though he had crashed for the night. He couldn’t remember what happened, but his assistant didn’t care as long as he was ready for his audition. Apollo was still practically drunk due to what happened last night.
His team went and called the cleaning services, so Airbnb wouldn’t ban his new account. His assistant got him prepared and since he was becoming more conscious, he remembered his audition was today. He got himself together was he was still off the Henny and whiskey.
His assistant finally brought him over to the building and all these fans were screaming because they saw Apollo. His security had to back people away, so he could enter the building. They thought he was a producer of the show or the host of it, but it was the executive producer who did that.
Apollo was still hungover from last night, so he had this fun interactive spirit with everyone. When you’re drunk you let other entities enter your body, so you wouldn’t act like yourself. For Apollo, you couldn’t tell the difference because that was his acting persona. The casting directors called him in first to get all the attention off of Apollo.
Once Apollo went inside to meet with the casting directors, they told him that he bypassed the first two levels of the casting call. The casting directors knew of him and the big following he could bring to the show. They advanced him to the final round after calling the executive producer in confirming his spot. This is what fame can bring you.
He waited until the final round started. During this time, Apollo drank water to overthrow his drunkenness. Once they entered the haunted house, Apollo went on go mode since acting was his cup of tea. He knows how to capture an audience’s attention and entertain them.
After they had gone through the haunted house, the CEO automatically cast Apollo for the show. Apollo was the best actor in the building. The CEO brought him and the remaining cast members to await further instructions.
After all the success Aleemic gained worldwide, he was ready to spread that same message to a broader network of people. That’s the goal, right? Spread the truth to see if it sticks with the person, so they can change their obsolete ways for the better. If it doesn’t stick with a person, then at least you tried, so move on to the next person. You don’t want to waste your time, energy, or vibration on trying to convince someone who doesn’t want to receive it. We shouldn’t force anyone in believing or knowing anything because that’s just like religion. Spirituality is a lifestyle. People get motivated by seeing your lifestyle and how pure, positive, loving, and calm-hearted you are in every situation. What you do daily can help change people if they see your progress. That’ll motivate them in knowing more or giving spirituality a try. Don’t judge a person on where they’re at because they’re just starting and getting their feet wet first.
That’s what Aleemic did for his brands. He didn’t need to individually text people or generate ads saying you need them to join his webinar. He wants pure and organic traffic coming his way from people who genuinely wanted to support his endeavors. He gained more success this way instead of forcing people to attend his webinar.
Aleemic doesn’t care about social media tactics but uses social media strategies in getting the word out there. He doesn’t want to force someone to listen to his music or join one of his services. Instead, he focuses on having genuine people checking out his services who are interested. That was how Aleemic became a massive success.
His love for teaching came back after his huge event in Dubai. Aleemic was a jack of all trades because he offered and provided various services through his buildings and on his private island. Aleemic was doing great for himself, and he knew he was going to reach this point eventually. He received constant downloads through meditation, sungazing, and his dreams to confirm this statement. No matter how many people he helped, how big his business was at the time, or what business ventures he went into next. As long as he was doing it through his authentic self, that was all that mattered. The Universe will reward you ten-fold if you do your mission or purpose while being your authentic self. It doesn’t matter about trying to wake up millions of people, not about the attention, not about the followers, and it’s not about the fame or fortune you’ll receive from it. Of course, that’ll come through abundance from the Universe, but that shouldn’t be the main focus at hand. The main focus should be on helping people through the skills and talents you obtain that tell a powerful story.
The Universe did indeed bless him in marvelous ways. He became the youngest billionaire in the world, and he retired at a young age. Aleemic still worked because the work that he does was fun for him. You should have fun doing the work that you do instead of dreading it. If you’re not having fun doing the work that you do, then why are you doing it in the first place? Don’t say it’s about money because money doesn’t bring happiness. Don’t say it’s about bills because most people will be in debt for the rest of their lives. That’s why people are always waiting for the weekend to get a break from their current jobs. Then you have some people who continue to work every day because they enjoy the work that they do.
That’s why you have to know your purposes, missions, and the things that bring value or joy in your life. Life isn’t all about paying bills, working multiple jobs you hate just for money, and living stagnated. Then when you go on a vacation barely once per year, for a couple of days just to relax. Then you’ll head right back into your “normal” routine. That’s why vacations are subjective because you just escape from your current reality and then go back to that reality once you’re done. Find ways in which you could take multiple trips per year or try and live a vacation lifestyle for the rest of your life. Vacations could be boring after a week or two, so be an entrepreneur, so you could do fun work on the side that you love. If you’re leaning towards multiple trips per year instead of living that vacation lifestyle, then do it that way.
Do what you need to do: no trips, excessive spending, and budget correctly for a couple of years to pay off all your bills, debt, and payments, so you can achieve multiple trips per year while still working. You’ll then just be working just to do something instead of working because you have to. Aleemic knew this, so that’s why he became a billionaire and got to retire early. Once you retire after 65 years old, you’ll be too old, and your body would be worn out to go on multiple trips per year. Depends on the person because some 65-year-olds are in great shape. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
After his break from helping others, he focused on his brand’s image and did things that’ll uplift his career path. As we stated before, he focused on himself instead of focusing on others. This made Aleemic lose people through the process, but after his retreat, everyone wanted to be in his life once again. He didn’t pay attention to these distractions because he was ready to build himself back up and help others through the process. Spirit knew he needed time for himself to find himself. Once he figured that out, he was full of overflown energy and abundance, that he could share with others without feeling drained or losing any of his energy.
Everything should be flowing just like the Universe, animals, the ocean, the waves, and nature just to name a few. That’s how to not overthink a situation, not focus on the past or the future, and not be present in the present moment. Life goes fast, so enjoy each moment in your life. You don’t want to look back at your life and say you never really enjoyed every moment because you were doing too much. When you try and do so much, you wouldn’t be as present, wouldn’t be able to remember much about that experience, or wouldn’t enjoy that moment to the fullest extent. You can do multiple things or achieve multiple achievements at the same time because we all have 24 hours in a day. Spend your time wisely and make sure you enjoy every moment in life. Life is like a video game and a simulation, so treat it as such, a video game.
When the kid gave him the flyer, Aleemic was ready to spread more of the truth to a broader audience.
Celebrities have to be ringed in and controlled or they don’t get the platform or voice that they have. They want them to distract the public and coax the population to do something without questioning. That’s why sports entertainers receive millions of dollars per year while police officers, firefighters, or EMTs only get paid in the thousands. Why aren’t we questioning these things and asking for more money? People put their livelihoods on the line for the work that they do but have celebrities who get paid millions of dollars to essentially distract people from themselves.
The government is in trillions of dollars in debt due to the inflation rate bubble that’s about to burst. They still find a way to send more money to other countries in crisis but give the American people per se less money. That’s why prices on everything are skyrocketing. Not to mention these controlled corporations that the elite runs, receive more money and benefits than smaller companies, especially black-owned businesses.
These non-profit organizations don’t have to pay taxes if they remain in the right spending and saving ranges. If they went below the margins, then they’ll have to pay taxes. So, these non-profit organizations like the NBA or NFL can collect money from people and all they need to do is not reach a lower saving amount in the bank for example. That’s how they can pass out millions of dollars because it’s not always just based on talent, but it’s merely focused on the persuasion you have on people. Not to mention they rig the games for bidding and gambling purposes.
Aleemic got prepared to fly back to America. Aleemic could’ve taken his private jet, but he decided to go first class to Dubai just because he wanted a different experience. This time flying back to America, he was going to fly commercial just for the heck of it. Aleemic wasn’t always too flashy and try to prove that he had money and/or abundance. That’s the difference between millionaires and billionaires because while millionaires go out and buy designer clothes, billionaires go and buy a button t-shirt. They would rather spend money on buildings and investing in other companies instead of wasting their money on materialistic items that wouldn’t make them more money. That’s the difference between smart shoppers and people who just waste their money. For example, why does someone need seven cars? Now someone might say, a car per day, but let’s be realistic though. Buying seven cars that are worth thousands of dollars will easily add up in the million-dollar range.
Just because someone has enough money to buy anything they want; doesn’t mean they need to spend it recklessly. It’s the 1985 effect. These rappers are falling off because they placed their focus and attention on clout chasing, flashing what they had, and acting recklessly. They focus more on gaining followers on social media than producing quality music that’ll last a lifetime. Trap music and talking about sex, guns, killing, and doing drugs isn’t legendary. That might be cool at the moment because it’s hot right now, but it wouldn’t be in the next five years. Change and adapt to newer technologies and what’s relevant at that current moment. Or just make quality lifelong music. That’s why some people fall off and can’t retain their audience because they gained those followers by doing dumb stuff that made them pop at the time. Their young audience got older, and they’re not feeling that type of music anymore. Pass the truth to the next generation and teach them early on what you’ve learned. Fame and money don’t bring talent and skill, it just brings a following and attention.
So, Aleemic got ready to board his flight, but it got delayed. Why are so many flights getting canceled and postponed nowadays? You could spend lesser time driving instead of traveling by plane sometimes due to these delays. It gets delayed and canceled because of 5G. We saw once they put out 5G, how it affected people, the motor vehicles, and nature. 5G causes the plane to malfunction and it does something to the atmosphere while the plane goes towards the dome. So, to keep people “safe”, they’ll procrastinate on why it got delayed or they’ll cancel it until the 5G goes down in radiation. Safe means control in their eyes. 5G won’t only read your thoughts, but it’ll also insert thoughts and feelings. They make sure it reaches every home across the country. There’s a threat to our world that none of us could ever imagine. It’s real, it’s being activated worldwide, and because of how far advanced they are with their plans, they no longer hide it.
Aleemic should’ve taken his private jet because he wouldn’t have to wait. Good thing Aleemic booked his flight to LA a couple of days before his audition. The delay of the plane cost him a day in LA. The delay was around 14 hours, so that was already practically a day. Traveling from Dubai to LA takes 15 hours, so when Aleemic finally lands, it’ll be the night before his audition.
That’s why Mother Nature and Mother Gaia are fighting back against these dark entities. Since the dome has been cracked, we are now seeing ships, angelic figures, and the radiation pouring out from the suns. Yes, we have multiple suns and there’ll be another one called the destroyer. 2022 the return of the Gods (the Anunnaki), 2023 blue comet will rise in the air, and in 2024, the biggest solar alignment ever. The conjunction of the big four: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury. This will eliminate the rest of these toxic beings who are still down here. This will cause these dark entities to go to their underground caves where they’ve been taking children, celebrities who spread the truth, and where they record their news broadcastings. They love to do their crimes near Halloween, so they won’t show their true identity while performing MKUltra. There’ll be a lot more celebrity deaths and people will start to vanish or die. They’ll try and come back in 2028, but it’ll be far too late.
Remember the ascension takes place in the mind first. It already happened in the spiritual for their demise, but it’s now manifesting in the physical. They’re delaying their Judgement Day because they created time to delay manifestations. That’s why they’re scrambling because their time is up. It’s like an hourglass and they’re operating on their last grains of sand. Let them have the season finale of their TV series, but don’t ask for a reboot or stick around after the show. None of these preplanned objectives will be accomplished because the truth is coming out. There’s no more running, no more hiding, and their judgment and karma will be something to behold. This wouldn’t matter anyway for the chosen ones because this will be their reality, not ours. Even the phrase, “The Chosen One” has been brought to the mainstream and is now played out. There’s a difference between wokeness and consciousness.
Due to the delay, he wanted to expose some corporations as the frauds they are. His first stop was at the biggest corporate grocery stores in LA. Having people buy food and water when it comes naturally from nature is ridiculous. Having people eat all these processed, GMO, and unhealthy foods that are tarnishing their immune systems. Pretty insane that 90% of foods in grocery stores didn’t even exist 100 years ago, and neither did 90% of the diseases.
They called the cops on Aleemic and he was banned for a year from that corporate grocery store. Aleemic then secretly made it into a UFC fight.
Aleemic was smart at sneaking into places without getting noticed or questioned. He used to act like a construction worker to get into movie theaters. He used to use AirTag to get into festivals, but this time Aleemic climbed into the cage, went on stage, and grabbed a microphone. He exposed the government for what and who they truly are. Security grabbed him and brought him to the back. Aleemic was arrested and got placed in jail for speaking about the government. It wasn’t so much tailgating the event because they could’ve just banned him just like how the grocery store did. This time, they threw him in jail because he was awakening people’s minds that it caused a riot. Most people looked at him as crazy, but the information was sticking with some people. They started to leave the event and riot outside. He was in the back of the police car laughing at how much chaos he started.
Aleemic was supposed to be in jail for eight hours, but if he spends eight hours in jail, then he’ll miss his audition. While the police officer was walking back and forth, Aleemic was planning to escape. They could easily find the hotel that he was staying at, but he was planning on going to his beach house. The police officer was sleeping in his chair while the keys were right on the table. The prison cell was close to the table but wasn’t close enough.
Aleemic used his telekinetic powers to levitate the keys into his hands. He was in a shalom state while activating his powers. He escaped the prison cell and was about to exit through the backdoor with the officer’s badge. The other officer was on sight roaming around the premise, so to not get caught, he swapped clothes with the officer who was sleeping. Aleemic knocked him out, so he wouldn’t be conscious during the act. After Aleemic changed clothes, he grabbed some markers and made a joker face on the officer’s face. Then, Aleemic unbuttoned his shirt, and he put the words, “Good riddance, I’m Vengeance...” Aleemic left the building and ran into the woods.
Aleemic wanted to spend time in nature, so this was perfect timing. After a while, Aleemic finally found a road after walking through the woods. Aleemic called for a Lyft and surprisingly they were still operating at this time.
While Aleemic was waiting for his ride, he looked over and saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. He flashed his phone’s flashlight on the figure, and it was a creepy older man who looked sick. He told Aleemic that “He’ll float too.” After that statement, it got quiet.
Aleemic noticed an abandoned house where he probably lives. A few seconds passed and another figure appeared and grabbed Aleemic’s ankle. Aleemic ran into the woods as he’d never run before. These beings were chasing after him, but even though he was shocked at what was happening, he was still conscious. All of that adrenaline came up and he tricked these beings, so they won’t be able to find him. Aleemic’s ride finally came, and he went to his beach house.
Before going to bed, Aleemic called Esoteric for some help in erasing the camera data, the minds of the police officers, and what he’s done. He didn’t want to be on the wanted list because that could affect his image and opportunity to be on the show. Esoteric answered immediately and aided Aleemic in his situation. After a powerful ritual, the deed has been done and he thanked his mom and got some rest.
While he was sleeping, he forgot to turn off the location after getting a ride back to his beach house. There was a figure that tracked his location and was secretly watching him through the window menacingly.
Aleemic woke up and got prepared for his audition. He noticed he still had his location on, but he didn’t care since he now took a Lyft to the audition. They brought him to studio seven and he was now in front of the casting directors. Aleemic told them the story of what he’d experienced last night. No one believed him since it wasn’t on the mainstream media. The casting directors thought he was acting or portraying a story as a storyteller. Even though all these events were true, the casting directors thought of him as a conspiracy theorist and the thinker of the show. They were so impressed with his audition that he bypassed the next round and went right to studio 13 with the CEO.
During the roleplay, they saw Aleemic thinking outside the box and going against the norm. After the game, the CEO told Aleemic that he was being cast to be a part of the show. He placed Aleemic in the next room to go over further details of the show.
Bastet was now leaving the doctor’s office after she got called to do an audition. Victoria was the one to pick her up to go to the airport. During the car ride, the fact that Bastet might have a long-lost sister was slowly eating her alive. Bastet couldn’t wait any longer and told her mom that she knew about her sister. Victoria knew this moment was coming and confirmed that she does have a sister. Before Victoria could say anything else about Sincere, Bastet stopped her from talking.
Bastet wasn’t ready to face the facts. The fact that a random intuitive reader had to tell her first instead of her own family was dreading.
Bastet stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. They said their goodbyes and Bastet was on her flight.
When Bastet was on the plane, she got air sickness. She wasn’t used to flying and her stomach was still hurting from earlier. The pain started before boarding the plane, but it got worse when the plane took off. Was it the thought of being in the air that caused the pain? Was it from the water again? I’ll let you determine what you think the outcome was based on.
Bastet was taking a two-day trip to LA. Saturday was the first day of her vacation, and Sunday was the audition. Since she had an extra day before her audition, she went on a dating app and started to match with random people from the city. Before she landed, she matched with a guy, got to know him, and set up a date right after she landed. The power of the internet, right? Right before the plane landed, she had to turn airplane mode on, but they both agreed to have a date.
When Bastet landed, she turned her phone off airplane mode and grabbed her stuff. By the time she got herself together, the mystery guy was five minutes away. Bastet was excited to see him because they genuinely connected, and she had a free ride with a free date. Bastet went outside as she waits for the mystery guy.
She saw the guy from the profile picture, and they locked eyes. The mystery guy wasn’t a catfish. Once Bastet got in the car, he introduced himself as Cameron. Cameron was a genuine guy who was passionate about love. He wanted to share that love with his new fling Bastet. Cameron and Bastet connected better in person than over the dating site because it was love at first sight. Bastet was relieved that he wasn’t a catfish, it was daytime, and it was around a public area. Just in case something goes wrong, she’ll have witnesses.
Cameron showed her the love and care she searched for. Bastet wanted to have someone that listens to her with zero judgment about her past or her flaws. Bastet knew she wasn’t perfect, but she acted as such. During these times people called her a hypocrite or being hypocritical by the way she acted. If Bastet didn’t get her way, then she’ll throw a fit and a tantrum. This made people view her as a kid and they didn’t take her seriously. Bastet would use sarcasm to crack jokes on people, but most people didn’t get the jokes and thought it was pretty offensive. Some people can’t take a joke and that’s how Bastet operated.
Bastet freely opened up and told Cameron that she loved him. She felt this feeling internally that she couldn’t resist or describe. Cameron was weirded out at first but remembered the reason why he was there. What were his motives?
Cameron brought Bastet to a five Michelin star restaurant. Bastet loved seafood, and this place had the best seafood in the state. Once they arrived at the restaurant, they got early access to a table because Cameron knew the owner. Bastet drinks as well, but she knew how to control it. Food was flying, drinks were flowing, and they were having a fun time. Bastet went to the bathroom, and she was conscious enough to bring all of her stuff with her.
While Bastet was in the bathroom, Cameron got her another drink and placed drugs in that cup. Cameron knew she might question what happened when she was gone, but their connection was so strong that she trusted him. If Bastet let a random person pick her up from the airport, then she must trust him a bit.
Bastet felt this intuitive spirit rise feeling like something just happened. As she came back from the bathroom, she was happy that the waitress brought her another drink because she was questioning if she wanted to drink the rest of her current cup. Not knowing that Cameron put the drugs in her new drink instead of her current drink.
She continued to drink and have a good time with him. Bastet felt her stomach getting wobbly and uneasy. She was losing her vision and became dazed. The one who was most concerned was Cameron. As people started to look over and ask if she was alright, Cameron told them it must’ve been something she ate. He painted a picture of Bastet trying some of his food which caused the reaction. Cameron paid for the meal and brought her back to the car. He told the restaurant that he’ll bring her to the emergency room, but that wasn’t the case.
By this time, it was getting dark, and he brought her to his house. Once inside, Bastet was gaining back some of her consciousness. She was asking him what had happened because they were having so much fun. He explained that she ate some of his food and became sickly. She became unconscious and he took her to the doctor’s office. He told the doctor what happened, and he prescribed some pills for you. Cameron grabbed the pills and gave her some water (that was already drugged) to take with the pills. Bastet believed his story because Cameron was highly believable, and he used this power for manipulation. Once she took the pills and water, she passed out once again. Cameron decided to rape her while she was senseless.
After Cameron was done, he took her to this secret location where auctions are held. He brought her to the basement of the building, and everyone was excited to see Cameron with a female. Cameron ducked taped her mouth, stripped down her clothes, and tied her to the pole (on stage) alongside the other women. The group of guys was on the floor ready to bet on them. The host of this toxic horrendous scene would begin the program.
The fellow women were conscious, but as Bastet was awakening, she was shocked. The event began and they were auctioning off these women based on who had the highest bid. It was finally Bastet’s turn to be auctioned off to these men. Cameron didn’t pick her because he stated that her sex was useless. Cameron had already chosen another woman and as he walked out, he winked at Bastet.
No one was choosing Bastet and the host noticed, so he went lower in price. This gay couple who already had two other women, choose Bastet as well. They wanted Bastet in the mix to perform an orgy upstairs. There was a security guard positioned at every station if any of the women tried to fight or run away.
As they headed upstairs, the women knew how to perform sign language. While they were tired up, they used their fingers to communicate with each other. The plan was to have the security guard join in and catch them off-guard.
Once they got inside the room, the couple untied their arms, took off their duct tape, and demanded a show. One of the women started showing off her body in front of the couple. Bastet and the other woman started to entice the security guard. The security guard fell for the bait and Bastet grabbed a weapon from his belt while the other woman distracted him. They started to hit the men with all the weapons they grabbed. Music was playing in the background, so no one heard the banging sounds of the weapon. The men were trying to fight back, but the three women hold their own. The men became unconscious, and they took their clothes, keys, and money. They jumped out the window and drove the security officer’s car to the nearest gas station.
They told the owner of the gas station what happened. The owner called the police, and they were on their way. The men back at the house awakened and couldn’t find the women. The women left the gas station right in time because they knew the men would be out to get them. They grabbed some materials and headed to a hotel that was far away from that building.
Bastet let the two women fight over who’ll keep the car because all Bastet needed was the extra money. She didn’t want to drive around in a stolen car anymore. Bastet decided to get some rest to prepare for her audition in the morning.
That’s why you can’t trust everyone you meet because you don’t know their true intentions. Watch your drinks, go to the bathroom before you leave somewhere, and make sure you have pepper spray or some sort of defense weapon or tactic handy. Before rushing into something, think before you do.
Bastet had to go to bed reliving everything that just played out. Not to mention, she was still grieving about her family and her so-called new sister. Each woman had nightmares and the other women comforted each other. This was another traumatic experience for Bastet, but how could she get over all these situations?
Bastet got up early to ask the women if they could bring her to her audition.
This group of women made a bond over this traumatic experience. When you have a traumatic experience with another person, you instantly create a bond between each other that can’t be broken.
They brought Bastet to her audition and waited for her to get out. It was Bastet’s turn to meet with the casting directors and she shared her story. The casting directors appreciated her creativity and the imagination she had. Bastet was telling the truth, but the casting directors didn’t believe her because she didn’t have any bruises. The only bruise she had was on her leg from jumping out of the window. The casting directors put her through the next round without hesitation.
Bastet then namaste with the executive producer, and she told the producer the story as well. The executive producer saw how passionate she was about her story and all the details she brought forth. He thought the story came out of a movie. The executive producer put her through to the final round because she had the vision of coming up with unique ideas for the show.
Bastet was getting angry and when the CEO placed her in the escape room, she broke down. She started to cry, scream, and break objects. The CEO needed a character who’ll go beast mode and be dramatic in the show to boost ratings. The CEO saw that in Bastet and she was cast as the newest cast member. Bastet made the executive decision to go through with it to share her story and spread light on the issues she faced.
Indiniya experienced a tough life and now she was on her way to Los Angeles. Becky and her family had two days to experience LA.
On the first day, they went to multiple parks around town. They created life-lasting memories through the pictures they took.
As they stumbled upon the last park, Indiniya told her family she was going to follow this mockingbird she heard. Becky told her to stay close. Indiniya looked straight up following the sound of the mockingbird as she wandered off into the woods. These woods weren’t a part of the trail. The day was turning into night and by the time she realized it, she couldn’t find her family.
Someone randomly grabbed her from behind and started to cover her mouth. This guy stalks the woods and tries to find people who were alone. He saw Indiniya in the shadows and flung his way upon her. Becky heard Indiniya’s scream, and she ran after her. Becky did cross country while she was in high school, so she knew how to run in tough terrane.
The guy brought her to the basement of his house. Becky’s husband called the police as he and the kids were catching up. Becky didn’t want to wait for the police. Since Becky was a runner, she made it in time to find his shack. Becky did mix martial arts growing up, so she wasn’t afraid to fight this man. She was living her life with zero fear.
Becky’s husband asked her to wait for the police, but something could happen in that short amount of time. Without hesitation, Becky barged into the house and the guy knew someone had entered. He was about to torture Indiniya and cut her hair off to glue it on a manikin’s head. Her husband was watching the kids and supported Becky. Becky didn’t need a man to fight her battles, so she wanted to do this for all the women out there. If all women were to come together, they’ll cause some real reckoning.
The guy locked the door that they were in, but with built-up aggression, Becky kicked down the door. The guy ran upstairs to attack Becky, but she dodged his attacks and threw him down the stairs. He fumbled down the steps and crashed to the floor with a thump. Becky saw Indiniya being tied up against a dentist-looking chair.
Becky called her husband to make sure the guy didn’t wake up while she was untying Indiniya. She released her in time before the guy awakened. Becky’s husband was about to punch him in the face, but Indiniya took a steel chair and cracked it against his skull.
As they proceeded to leave, Becky had an idea. She tied the guy in the same chair he tied Indiniya in and left him there. The police were calling Becky’s husband to find the location, but they hung up because they’ll rather have him suffer instead of going to prison.
Once that was all said and done, they packed up their things and went back to the hotel. After that crazy experienced, they sat, prayed, and gave thanks for surviving. During the prayer, Indiniya prayed for something miraculously to happen in her life tomorrow. As she went to bed, she didn’t feel like eating or drinking. Becky still hasn’t told Indiniya about her audition that started at 5:00 AM.
In the morning, Becky woke her up and told her she had a surprise for her after all the courage and bravery she had shown. Indiniya was tired, but for a free surprise, she was down. Becky took Indiniya to a casting studio and Indiniya questioned why they were there. Becky said it was a surprise.
As they left the car, two people came up to Becky and recognized her. Becky turned around and it was Joey and Aqua. We’ll get to Joey’s and Aqua’s trip soon. You won’t believe what I’ll tell you.
Becky didn’t know that Aqua and Joey knew each other. Joey and Aqua went up to her and had a confab with them both. Joey spilled the beans to Indiniya about the casting call. He ruined the surprise for Indiniya, but as Becky looked over at her, she didn’t look disappointed. Becky showed a sigh of relief.
As they got into studio seven, Becky trusted Indiniya and let her be free. Indiniya didn’t feel comfortable leaving Becky yet, but Becky told her the casting shouldn’t take that long. This could help her overcome what she was going through. Becky asked Joey and Aqua to look out for her because she was nervous and didn’t have a lot of friends. They agreed and become friends with Indiniya. As Indiniya went on set, the casting directors took her in.
The casting directors asked her to slate her name, tell them what she does, and answer some open-ended questions. The casting directors asked Indiniya for a monologue to see if she could capture an audience. Indiniya spoke openly about what happened to her previously. Of course, the casting directors thought it was a fictional story, but the story was nonfiction. This happened to Indiniya in the last 24 hours. They loved the storytelling and all the details she put into it. She made it to the next round and the executive producer was testing her reflex skills. Becky was already a black belt in karate, so she taught Indiniya some of her moves. She was quick on her feet and had balance like no other. She passed and went to the final round with the CEO.
The creator placed them all in a trial run of the escape room and Indiniya brought the fun side out of the game. She enjoyed puzzles and she debunked what was true and what wasn’t. The creator noticed how good she was at puzzles, and they needed a person like that to be on the show. After the game ended, the CEO brought Indiniya to the side to congratulate her for being selected. She waited for further instructions in the room over.
Now let’s talk about this dynamic duo of Joey and Aqua. I’ll explain their journeys separately, so let’s talk about Joey first.
Joey felt a range of emotions after knowing that his family and Aqua threw him a surprise party. He wanted to make things work with Aqua even though Johnny was still in the picture. He knew their connection and bond were stronger. Joey was hopeful for the future, but he still wanted to go to LA. Not for the audition per se, but to have a getaway.
As he took off for his flight, he was prepared to kick back and relax. It was a smooth transition from Joey’s state to Los Angeles because he didn’t live too far from California. As he left the plane, he had that night to enjoy LA. Joey already experienced LA with Aqua and he didn’t like going to the same place multiple times. Joey loved trying new things and traveling to newer destinations. LA only brought him joy or value if it was for an art show or networking event. Joey still wanted to enjoy himself because this was his vacation.
Joey went to the nearest bowling alley to play bowling and shoot some pool. As he pulled up to the bowling alley, it wasn’t crowded at all. So, he parked the car and proceeded to walk to the front of the bowling alley. All of a sudden, a car thrust itself in front of Joey. It was Johnny and Aqua.
Aqua put a tracker on Joey’s tablet when he wasn’t home for the party. Aqua remembered his password and Joey previously connected his tablet with his phone. Joey didn’t have anything to hide, so he would type his password right in front of Aqua.
Before Aqua could speak, Johnny rolled down the window. He told Joey that Aqua was his and he’ll never have her again. He proceeded to downgrade Joey, put dirt on his name, and humiliate him. By that time, it was already getting dark, and Joey had enough. He walked up to the car, grabbed Johnny, and threw him out the window. When you have that built-up aggression inside you, you’ll burst at any given second. Not to mention seeing Aqua and Johnny together after she told Joey that they’ll spend more time together brought him jealousy.
Joey pulled Johnny out of the car (through the window) and proceeded to beat him down. After a few punches and stomps, he realized that he was beating him up in public. Joey threw him in the backseat and drove them to an alleyway to finish what he started. Aqua told Joey to stop since she was still in the front seat. Joey looked over at Aqua and gave her a subtle evil look with a conniving grin. After that look, Aqua looked straight and stayed silent. Someone could be so mad that you don’t know what they’ll do next. Being cautious and treating them with care is necessary before they attack you as well. That’s why some police officers would rather speak to you when you’re full of emotions. They use calmness to get your guard down and then you’ll either surrender, or people will come from behind to sustain you.
They show people getting killed by police officers to get your emotions high. They know how touchy the subjects are when a police officer kills a black person and how it’ll affect the black community. They’re playing with people’s emotions to make you hate instead of love. They know what they’re doing. They use the same tactics to get the same result. How many times do we have to march, protest, and say we need to come together? We’ve been marching and protesting for centuries, and they keep doing the same thing. How many open conversations do we need for people to start making that change? We always say we need to come together, but we’re not moving forward with that plan. So many people want to do it themselves, not ask for help, or try and save humanity by themselves. Can people put aside their differences and toxic behaviors to come together? We’ve been saying these things for years now, but people still don’t see the bigger picture.
They show us these shootings on the news to make us feel a certain way about gun violence. Even though they never show us the real footage. How true can it be if we don’t see the proof? How will we know if it wasn’t from the same articles, titles, pictures, or videos used years ago? How can we know what’s happening in another country if we don’t see it for ourselves? Is what they’re showing us real or fake? Open your mind and start questioning things that we automatically assume to be real.
They’re trying to take away gun laws, so they can barge into your door and force you to do something you don’t want to do. They see no one is taking what their offering to continue with their agendas. They can’t necessarily do it now since people still have guns and other weapons in their households. If they pass to revoke gun laws, then America and the whole world would be the next dictatorship.
It’s like a sticky ball. They have plans A-Z, and whatever they throw at us, they’ll see how long it’ll stick. Once people wake up to the truth about that current plan (sticky ball falls from the wall onto the floor) they’re on to the next plan (next sticky ball). Then they’ll see how long that new plan sticks due to people’s ignorance and gullibility in believing anything they say. Sometimes, they go back to an old plan using a newer story to see if that sticks again. It's like they’re the auto body shop instead of being the mechanic. The mechanic fixes the issue, while the auto body shop makes things look pretty.
Everything’s a stage and they’re performing right in front of us. It’s all an illusion. Don’t fear, we’re always protected. Due to Universal law, they cannot force us to do anything without our will or consent. They’ll be punished to the highest degree over all the misery they placed upon the people, the planet, the animals, and nature as a whole. Everyone who follows the system, who is operating as a sheep or a bot, or tries to mess with the chosen ones, you’ll be dwelt with.
As they went to the back alley, Johnny punched him on the side of his face. Joey lost control of the car and it went off the cliff and proceeded down a hill. The car did multiple flips causing damage to the car and those who were inside. The car ended up in a pile of woods. There were no cars, no people, and no police officers at the scene. The people from the bowling alley did hear an erupt sound coming from the back alleyway. By the time they came outside, the fence was already broken with a pile of rubbish left behind. As they looked down in the wooded area, they didn’t see a car or what caused the damage to the fence. The woods where they landed was surrounded by tall trees.
As the car was tilted over, someone proceeded to exit the car and it was Joey.
Somehow Joey was still alive. He then cracked the door open to save Aqua and in doing so, she was still pretty conscious. He performed first aid and CPR on Aqua with the tools he could gather in the woods. Aqua was alive. They hugged and began to have an open colloquy about what had happened. Before diving deep into their tete-a-tete, Johnny moaned and sighed. Johnny saw Aqua and Joey having a moment together, but Johnny told Joey, “Is that all you got?” Joey was shocked that he was still alive because he didn’t hold onto any car pieces, didn’t have his seatbelt on, and there weren’t airbags in the backseat. Joey was furious that he was still alive and interrupted his moment with Aqua. Joey walked over to Johnny and Aqua knew what was coming next. Aqua asked Joey to stop, but it was tunnel vision for Joey. He didn’t hear any noises as he had his eyes set on Johnny. Joey went up to him and started beating him with the tools he found. He didn’t stop and after five minutes, Joey killed Johnny.
With tears in her eyes, Aqua cried out because that was the father of Elias. Joey told Aqua to pick herself up and help him bury Johnny. They found a specific spot where they could bury him. After they buried Johnny, Aqua decided to become that toxic figure she once was. She had to have that evil intent to cover up the evidence. They decided to grab their stuff and leave the scene.
Now how did Aqua get to this point?
Aqua was tepid over the fact that Johnny was going to LA with her. She wanted to spend time with Joey exclusively. Once Johnny confirmed he was going, she knew it’ll cause problems. Johnny drove his car to California since it was pretty close.
Joey wanted to take a plane to physically removed himself from his hometown. That’s why he didn’t drive his car because it reminded him of his hometown, and he’ll be tempted to drive back.
Aqua thought if Johnny dropped her off at the bowling alley, he’ll go back to the hotel and drop off his items. Since Aqua was tracking Joey, she knew he was going to the bowling alley. She thought by the time they got there, he’ll be inside, but that wasn’t the case. Then the rest followed as such.
Once they left the crime scene, Aqua played some music on her phone and started to slow dance with Joey. Their relationship had the Bonnie and Clyde effect.
They wanted to go bowling since they had never gone in the first place, but the bowling alley was closed. They started to become hungry, so they searched for the nearest restaurant. They found a restaurant that was a couple of miles away. After traveling through the woods for a couple of miles, they found the restaurant.
It was a diner that consistently stayed open for 24 hours per day. Joey ordered chicken and waffles while Aqua got some pancakes and fruit. They were so hungry that during their meal they didn’t speak to one another. They finished eating and then called a taxi. The taxi driver asked why they smelt so bad, and Joey looked at him with a sinister look. Aqua communicated to Joey with extrasensory perception to stop. The taxi driver decided to shut his mouth and just drive to the destination. Once at the hotel, they unpacked their things and went straight to bed.
Sunday came around and it was time for their audition. Joey got up first because he knew he had his audition, but Aqua did as well. Joey asked why she was up so early, and she asked the same thing about him. They never told each other they had an audition in Los Angeles and that was the reason why they traveled to LA. This was a funny moment for them both and that made Joey more interested in the possibility of doing the show with Aqua. They both got ready for the event, and they wore the same colors and aesthetics.
Once they arrived, Joey noticed Becky who treated him, and he went right over. Aqua knew Becky as well, but she didn’t want to bring up Johnny’s name. They had their interaction with Becky, and they went inside with Indiniya
As they waited for their turn, they talked to their new friend Indiniya. It was Indiniya’s turn to go and when she came back, she told them that they needed to tell a story. The casting directors didn’t believe in Indiniya’s truthful story, so how would they believe in Aqua’s and Joey’s story?
It was Joey’s turn soon after, but Aqua decided to walk into the room with him. After going through what they’ve experienced, they needed to stick together. The casting directors wondered why Aqua came in and asked her to wait her turn. Aqua said, “No.” The casting directors were about to throw her out but decided to let them both perform together for the heck of it.
They told the story about what had happened yesterday, and the casting directors saw the chemistry they had with one another. They did need romance in the show, so they thought this was perfect. They issued a bypass for them to go to the final round with the CEO.
The CEO not only saw how much they worked together as a couple but as a unit as well. Even if they weren’t a couple, the CEO was going to make them be in a relationship on the show.
After a few discussions with the casting directors and executive producer, they decided to hire both of them for the show.
After all the trials and tribulations, Joey and Aqua achieved what they set out to do; rekindle their relationship and spend more time with one another through this show. Now that Johnny was out of the picture, they had no distractions. The creator brought them to the other room to wait for further instructions.
Now with all seven cast members, all in the same area, the CEO, executive producer, and casting directors all gathered around to congratulate them on being hired. A few didn’t know what to expect, some were nervous, some didn’t care, and a few were excited.
The casting directors handed them some papers for them to sign. Aqua and Joey automatically signed while the rest were going to look it over. The executive producer was telling them that they came so far, and might as well sign the papers. Once the executive producer said that statement, Apollo and Bastet signed as well. The last three people who didn’t sign yet were Indigo, Indiniya, and Aleemic.
Aqua and Joey influenced Indiniya to sign, so they could hang out with each other and make her mom proud. Indiniya fell for the trick of having other people make decisions in her life. People can easily peer-pressure you into doing something in an instant. Don’t let anyone control your life. Take control over your life because you’re all you have.
In the beginning, while the casting directors were passing out the papers, the executive producer gave a different set of papers for Indigo and Aleemic. Since Indigo and Aleemic had high IQs, they didn’t want them to question anything about the show. They knew the others wouldn’t read the fine print, so they just gave them the basic versions. For Indigo and Aleemic, they gave them similar paperwork, but used advanced wordplay and didn’t state the truth about the show. You’ll see why throughout this story.
Before you sign anything read the fine print because you never know what they might hide inside those long documents. The creator thanked everyone for signing and told them to call their parents. With excitement, they all called their family members and told them they made it on the show.
The casting directors and the CEO brought them on a tour of the building without showing them any of the escape rooms. They showed them where they would eat, sleep, play, and where they’ll do their confessionals. During the tour, the executive producer started the process of creating the first game. Indiniya was skeptical because she had a feeling that caused her attention to be elsewhere. Once again, Joey and Aqua told her to continue with the show.
After the tour, they told them to eat some food and get some rest because the first day of the first episode was completed. They had an all-day audition, so they decided to get some rest and start fresh in the morning. They didn’t tell them that the show already started from the beginning of the auditions. As they went to bed, that concluded the first episode of the series called: DAY ONE EPISODE ONE. I’ll let you ponder on why I capitalized the days and episodes.
DAY TWO EPISODE TWO. The casting directors woke them up and brought them to their first escape room. It was a room filled with VR headsets and headphones. One of the casting directors said, “Welcome to the future.” The room looked mystical and futuristic. It looked just like the room where they controlled The Hunger Games arenas.
As the executive producer registered and locked each of the cast members into the system, the casting directors locked their headphones and headsets in place. Once they put the equipment on, they noticed how real it all felt. There was a giant screen in the room to let the executive producer see and hear what they see and hear.
People are so attached to living in an artificial world like the metaverse that they’ll give up living their actual lives.
Once everyone was ready to play, the executive producer said, “The purge has begun! May the odds be ever in your favor.” It was surely enough time to play the game because they weren’t prepared for what was going to happen next.
They told the cast members that they were able to eat, sleep, and do other things while participating in this game. This will transform into their actual physical selves as well. If they went to sleep in the virtual world, then they’ll feel rested in their physical bodies. This made them feel more comfortable playing the game and it was an interesting concept. Instead of using their actual hands to pick something up, the system automatically knows their next move. This seems creepy and scary, but at the moment, it felt cool and exciting. The executive producer hooked them up to the system where they wouldn’t have control over their physical bodies. They’ll only have control over their virtual bodies. This sounds like they were being plugged into the matrix.
The show televised them operating physically and virtually while going through each escape room. It was interesting because it looked so real. They could be themselves and look the same.
After being situated, the CEO and casting directors left. All the casting directors stayed in their cars while the CEO left the studio. The casting directors came back inside to help format the show with the executive producer. The executive producer went to the bathroom while the casting directors were in the room. The casting directors knew that some of the cast members were either the chosen ones or had the potential of becoming one. They wanted to stop them in their tracks, so they advanced them to the final round. They had a bigger agenda in place and the cast members were locked and loaded to participate in their experiment. The casting directors all whispered, “It’s time to play our game.” Then they laughed right after. The executive producer came back and confirmed everything was set to play the game. Let the apocalyptic events occur.