The Awakening
ith all of these external apocalyptic events that were taking place, the characters had to deal with a lot of hardship. They barely had time to digest and analyze what was taking place. They just lost four of their castmates and now there were only three left. They started to speculate if this show was even a reality TV show anymore. They started to theorize the way how the show was built. What’s going on with their actual bodies? Was it supposed to be this way? Does someone suppose to leave the show in each episode? They still had a lot of built-up emotions about their past they haven’t dwelt with yet. This was built-up trauma just eating themselves alive. Most of them already had trauma from their past, but the show just added more on top of it. Will they ever get to the point of blissfulness? Let’s find out.
DAY EIGHT EPISODE EIGHT. Once the last cast members awakened, they were in a tightly confined box. Since this was an actual room instead of an area, they thought this was a real escape room. They spend a few hours trying to search for clues. After a few hours, the executive producer went on the teleprompter telling them they were in the next room. It’s time to face their internal apocalyptic events.
Bastet didn’t like enclosed spaces and as time progressed, the room got smaller and smaller. Only the people who did their shadow work got to proceed to the next round. They could either face their internal demons themselves or speak about them to the group. Bastet and Indiniya still had tension, so they didn’t want to relay their traumas to one another. Everyone went to their separate corner to process everything that happened throughout their lives. Only the executive producer will know if they truly did their inner work or not. Just saying you finished doesn’t mean you truly did the work. You have to be fully healed from the past, become your true authentic self in the present, and become energetic about your future. If you can pass these three steps, then you’ll make it to the next round. If not, then you won’t make the cut in going to the healed version of the new earth.
They had a total of 18 hours to do so. Bastet went back to sleep and decided to conduct her trauma later on. Indiniya was losing her mind at the moment because she wasn’t prepared or ready to overcome her past. Indiniya was talking under her breath and was making slick comments. Bastet yelled at her saying, “Shut your mouth! I’m trying to get some sleep over here!” While Bastet turned back around, Indiniya decided to kick her in the back. Bastet had enough of Indiniya’s bs, so she got up and threw her against the wall.
Indigo was trying to meditate and go through the problems that he’d experienced throughout his lifetime. He didn’t have time to babysit people who were older than him. He always had to cater, hold people’s hands, and show them the way to live their lives. He had enough and at a certain age and point in your life, people should’ve known those basic experiences or have knowledge of that information that should’ve been learned at a younger age. People will look at a person’s age and assume you aren’t experienced or mature enough. These people don’t know who you truly are or know what you’ve experienced in the past to get you to this point. Don’t allow people to make assumptions about your life or make pre-determined judgments about you. They’re missing out on a blessing that’s inside of you.
Indigo only yells through scream meditation, but this time he yelled at both of them. They now only had 15 hours left to go through their issues. All Indigo needed was time to himself with quietness to take this seriously. Indigo loves to socialize with people when the time was right. He doesn’t need a crowd of people to make him happy because he could make himself happy by being alone. All that love, peace, and abundance that people chase after others are already inside of you. You just have to know that for yourself. That’s why he loves spending time with himself by doing the things he loves. Without joy, there’s no meaning in life.
Indigo finally got them to be quiet, so he could be at peace once again.
Since he was already feeling non-human just like his real family, the extraterrestrials came down and helped Indigo gain his powers back. Indigo experienced a lot throughout his journey. He learned so much throughout his life, but people still questioned if he was conscious. People tend to continuously speak to sheep, so they automatically think everyone else is a sheep. Every day he had to prove people wrong. He now knows who he truly was and where’d he come from. He wasn’t of this world, this reality, this dimension, etc. That’s why he was an outcast and couldn’t fit in. He never fit inside their tiny boxes and was destined to do marvelous things. Now he has his spiritual team behind him and was achieving everything he once dreamt of. Indigo finally realized that everything in his life was for a higher purpose.
He accepted his flaws, his mistakes, his triggers, and the past. He now changed his old ways and healed from those experiences. He was now viewing life on a bigger scale and from a bird’s eye view. He used to get triggered by some comments people made about him, but now he knows himself. He doesn’t let people get under his skin because his skin is too priceless to allow people to do that to him.
After five hours went by, he was fully healed, accepted, and moved on from the past. He was now in full control over his mind, body, and soul. You can’t avoid people talking about you, so be in full control over your emotions and feelings, so people won’t take control or advantage of you.
There were 10 hours left on the timer and the only person who’d healed was Indigo. Indigo stayed in the room to help the others if they needed it but was just listening to music. Indiniya was still paranoid at the current moment and Bastet finally woke back up. The next person to finally take this seriously was Bastet.
Bastet was pretty much healed from a lot of her past and accepted the circumstances. She let go of her baby daddies and what they’ve done to her. The only thing that was holding her back was her issue with her family. The fact that her family kept this lie and was holding secrets from her for this long was devastating and hard to digest.
Bastet tried to envision what her sister may have looked like and her characteristics. After five hours of contemplating, Bastet had a vision of her sister. She remembered what Sara told her at her shop and what Victoria told her on the way to the airport. The name Sincere came up and she was starting to appear in her vision. She was about to see her sister through her vivid experience for the first time. With Sincere visiting Bastet at the hospital, it helped Bastet to envision Sincere using her third eye.
Bastet started to develop a panic disorder. This made her stomach enlarge in pain as well. Bastet’s stomach was still feeling pain from the water, the zombie cut, and now from the panic disorder. It felt like a slow death that has been taking over Bastet’s life. Indigo noticed that Bastet was in pain, and he went over to check on her. The more she tried to avoid seeing her sister, the more pain she was in. The casting directors helped by poisoning the food that she ate before this room started. Hence, she went right to sleep when they entered this new room.
Indigo held Bastet in his arms and Indiniya thought she was exaggerating for attention. Instead of worrying about herself, she placed drama on Bastet. Indigo heard Indiniya and it bothered him that she didn’t show much sympathy for Bastet.
Bastet’s whole body was in chills, and she started to become pale and numb. It was eating her from the inside out. Bastet still had five hours left and the only cure from this poison was to dive deeper and accept Sincere. She couldn’t handle it and made the executive decision in her mind that she wasn’t ready.
Bastet died in Indigo’s arms. Her last words were “I love you” and that was it for her.
Bastet never met her sister-in-law and that haunted her for the rest of her life.
Indigo started to cry out in sheer agony for Bastet. Indigo had tapped into his emotions and felt that empathy (as an empath) for Bastet. Indiniya didn’t care and said she deserved that pain because it wasn’t real. The death total randomly appeared, and it showed 177,002. Indigo asked her if it was real or fake now?
Four hours remained and Indigo wasn’t pissed off toward Indiniya but was disappointed in her. He thought more highly of Indiniya, but ever since then, he thought she was better than that.
Indigo told her that she overanalyzed everything and placed solutions upon a person without letting them speak for themselves. She was quick to place judgments on people and she was fixated on that belief she told herself. No matter what you tell her, if she believes differently, it’ll fly across her head.
All this time, Indiniya saw how passionate Indigo was about her. By the time she found out, it was already too late. Indigo gave Indiniya chance after chance, but he noticed that she wasn’t changing. Why go back to a toxic cycle when you’ve healed from that situation? That’ll just bring you back into the old toxic behaviors that you’ve once passed.
Now Indiniya was officially out of time, even though there were still three hours remaining.
Indigo got up and left the condensing building. As time started to trickle down, the condensed room started to slowly be confined. The fact that Indigo still stayed in this room just showed how much he cared for Indiniya and Bastet. Indigo was fed up and was over the disrespectful behavior of Indiniya. Indigo asked Indiniya if she wanted him to stay or not, and she said, “No. Just go.” Indigo got up and left the room abruptly.
Once, he left, Indiniya started to pour down a bucket of tears. She wanted him to stay and hold onto her tight.
Most women wouldn’t admit what they want until they asked you first. Or they’ll try and see if you care about them or are confident enough in giving your true answer first. For example, if a woman tells you that she’s going to delete your number, then asks you what would you do? If you said you’ll keep her number because you saw potential, she’ll agree and won’t delete your number. If you said you’re going to delete her number because she said she’ll delete your number first. She’ll deny that she was going to delete your number in the first place and then actually deletes your number.
Most women use that trick, or they’ll try to make you jealous by telling you how many guys be in her DMs, texting her, or how many guys come up to her asking for her number. If you don’t get jealous, then they’ll come back and try to find different ways to make you jealous to see if you care. If you do show signs of jealousy, then that tells them that you care. Sure, caring is fine, but in these scenarios, you shouldn’t care and have that confidence within yourself. You know your worth and you know what you bring to the table.
Without closure, Indigo was placed back inside the condensed structure. He now had to get over Indiniya and the ways she made him feel. Since he didn’t leave calmly, he left with some anger inside of him.
Indiniya would try and comfort Indigo, but he had one specific mission; to heal and move forward.
Indigo was in a meditative state even though he was being distracted. It took Indigo two hours to fully detach from her. He still had love for her, but he knew what needed to be done. She would try and distract him by kissing him, trying to have sex, and talking to him. After two hours, he fully healed once more. He got up slightly, turned to her, said “I have love for you,” turned back, and walked out the room.
Indiniya cried once more because she loves hard and that deteriorated her from doing her own work. She had trouble multitasking.
After 20 minutes had passed, she was ready to do the work. Since Indigo was a glitch in the system, he managed to gain an extra 20 minutes for Indiniya to do her shadow work. Now it’s one hour left before the timer runs out. Not to mention the room is getting smaller and smaller. Multiple things are running through her mind at this point. The room itself wasn’t her top priority, it was now herself.
Indiniya always felt unheard and mistreated because no one could understand her real intentions. Just like through texting. People can easily misread a message, type typos, or didn’t explain something in full detail. You can’t tell the person’s body language, tone of voice, or true intentions behind a text message. Speaking on the phone to express yourself feels different.
She was awkward whenever she tried to tell people about herself. When it came to relationships, she was nervous around them most of the time. She felt weird opening up to a person as well.
After her family died and now being adopted by her sister, it all took a toll on her. She became guarded for her heart due to her past. She tends to bring up the past multiple times because that’s all she ever experienced. She didn’t heal from her past, so that’s why she kept bringing it up. It was slowly tearing her up inside and she had a mental breakdown.
On the outside looking in, she was gold, treasure, and pleasant on the eyes. On the inside looking out, she’d been through some traumatic experiences. The only thing that was holding Indiniya back from her greatness was her past.
The past hindered Indiniya from evolving, elevating, and achieving what she desired. She tried to forget about it, run from it, and tried to hide from it, but it all kept coming back to her. Everyone she ever met triggered something in Indiniya’s past that she hasn’t healed from yet. She would then blame instances on the other person without looking at what she’d done. She would hold stuff against the other person if they haven’t met her high standards or expectation. Indiniya was single because she’s the hardest to love. She tends to find someone new to distract her from doing her work. Whenever they would bring up her issues, she would become defensive and put things off. She tries to end things fast and places the blame on them.
It was becoming too much for Indiniya that she couldn’t accept and fully let go of the past. It was hard for her to be in the present without despising the past or worrying about the future. The only real connection she had was with her sister who was her new mom. Indigo saw the time was running out, so he allowed her to get one last phone call. Indiniya showed her gratitude and love for Indigo and called Becky.
While the phone was ringing, the executive producer woke back up.
The casting directors and executive producer had awakened from their nap and saw the time was running out. Also, they saw Indiniya somehow had a phone. Someone must’ve hijacked the system, but they couldn’t think about that right now.
While the phone was ringing, the executive producer ended the call and eliminated the phone. The casting directors had enough of these silly games and decided to shrink the room completely while Indiniya’s body was still there. Indigo knew her time was coming, so he felt some emotion starting to boil, but he was calm in his own right.
The buzzer sounded and Indiniya didn’t face her demons yet. Even if she had more time, she already made that decision from the get-go.
The room englobed and the death total was now 177,003. Indiniya was pronounced dead.
That was the end of the day and Indigo just got some rest. He prepared his mind, body, and soul for anything that comes his way. Before going to bed, he received a download from Source stating that he was the messiah. That concluded DAY EIGHT EPISODE EIGHT, and this was the end of the awakening chapter. Indigo is now starting to feel like he’s the chosen one in this show.