Don’t you just love experiments you can taste? This project uses dry ice and a few simple ingredients to get a delicious treat with an experimental twist!
+ Do not swallow dry ice
1 hour
+ Dry ice
+ 2 cups half and half
+ Mixing bowl
+ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
+ ½ cup powdered sugar
1. To make carbonated ice cream you will start by pouring 2 cups of half and half into a large mixing bowl.
2. Next pour 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract into that bowl.
3. Then add half a cup of powdered sugar and stir until it is evenly mixed.
1. Add ¼ cup of dry ice.
2. You will need to mix that around gently to cool down the liquid.
SCIENCE TIP: The great thing about dry ice is that when it sublimates, it does not water down the mixture, it just vaporizes right out.
3. When you notice the fog stops flowing out of the bowl you will need to add more dry ice.
4. You will want to crush up the ice as much as possible. If you notice any chunks while stirring, pull them out with protective gloves or a ladle and crush them in a plastic bag.
It is extremely dangerous to accidently swallow a piece of dry ice. This ice is −78 degrees Celsius and can leave you with internal frostbite and fill you up with carbon dioxide gas.
5. When your cream has the consistency of soft-serve ice cream, it is just about done.
PRO TIP: Inspect it one more time for hidden chunks and keep stirring until the vapor dissipates completely.
6. Once the vapor dissipates and there are no more dry ice chunks, it’s time to scoop out your ice cream for a tingly treat!
While it looks like ice cream, there’s a twist: It is fizzy. And now you know how to make a delicious-tasting homemade carbonated ice cream from four simple ingredients. Fizzy and delectable!
FUN FACT: A cow gives enough milk to make two gallons of ice cream a day.