Behold the Otherworldly Evidence

Let’s face it, there have been hundreds of thousands of UFOs captured on video—some more authentic than others, and some more famous than others. There are the Phoenix Lights from 1997, numerous video feeds from the International Space Station, the White Sands crash, the 2004 Mexico UFO Fleet recorded by an air patrol team searching for drug smugglers … whew! And others—the fascinating Graaff-Reinet video from 1998; the 2008 videos from Istanbul, Turkey, which are still causing controversy to this day; and one of the more recent viral videos—the 2011 Jerusalem “Dome of the Rock” UFO. It was initially debunked as a CGI hoax until a second video emerged from the same night, from a different angle, which made it harder to debunk.

We have some great videos of unidentified flying objects in Maine, as well. I invite you to take this book to your laptop or smartphone right now and check out these videos. Scrutinize them and decide for yourself what they could be. Some are more convincing than others, and I most certainly welcome your thoughts.

The Buxton Lights:
Buxton, Maine, December 19, 2016

YouTube, Video Titled
“Possible UFO over Buxton, Maine USA?”

James (pseydonym) was home in his bedroom one winter evening, just six days before Christmas of 2016. He saw a light in the sky in his peripheral vision and turned to see what it was. He saw one light, then another—that’s when he grabbed his cell phone to capture the lights on video. Radio station Q97.9 (WJBQ) reported James as stating, “I saw a second one a minute later, so I grabbed my phone and caught this. Winds at the time were blowing SSW. These were heading east, eliminating Chinese lanterns. It lasted just over a minute.”

What James captured is nothing short of amazing: a string of lights in the sky seemingly just switched on. It seems almost too good to be true. But that has not swayed James in any way. He stands by his video and says, “Skeptics welcome, we are all entitled to our opinions.” And boy, have they come forward, especially since he provided the video to the YouTube channel “SecureTeam10,” whose videos are often described as dubious in nature.

An anonymous source told me that James did not report the sighting to MUFON or NUFORC. This was due to the fact, as James explained to my source, that those agencies have been “compromised.” He also claimed that a sheriff in the area saw the lights that night but was afraid to come forward. According to MUFON’s State Director for Maine, Valerie Schultz, a couple of reports did come in that night, but she could not say if any were from James.

I contacted James at the end of December 2016 to discuss the matter and we agreed to talk after the holidays. Unfortunately, he never returned any of my follow-up messages. Regardless of the controversy, I urge you to check out his video (location and name given at top of this section). It’s fascinating, and I would love to know your thoughts. Do you think it’s genuine? Is it a possible hoax? Decide for yourself and let me know.

Viral Video: Cumberland, Maine, July 4, 2016

DailyMotion.com, Video Titled “Case 77585—
Cumberland County, Maine—July 4, 2016”

After dinner and fireworks, a family sat at home, happy with how the evening’s events had unfolded. While getting up to go to another room, a woman noticed an out-of-place light in the sky when they passed a window. She called for the rest of the family to see the oddity, and the husband described the encounter to MUFON as follows: “My wife looked out the window and saw an object with bright lights high in the sky. We thought the object could be a sophisticated large drone, possibly military. However, when we reviewed the video at the end, frame by frame, it appears to spin and then disappear.” (As a UFO researcher, I appreciate that the family did not immediately jump to conclusions and first considered their sighting as a possible drone.) The husband goes on to say, “The object hovered stationary for several minutes. Using my HD video camera zoomed in at 60x I could see an A frame shape for each structure, a red and green light in the middle, and three bright white lights on top. It began spinning and then disappeared as shown frame by frame on the video.” The video was submitted to MUFON for analysis.

Another Viral Video:
Rockland, Maine, June 14, 2015

YouTube, Video Titled “UFO Triangle, Coastal Maine”

Tyler Pendleton, a resident of Rockland, recorded a peculiar video one evening in June of 2015. At around 9:00 p.m., Tyler noticed some odd lights grouped together in the sky. They were in a triangle formation, and when he approached the window, he could not hear any sound emanating from them. He pulled out his cell phone and recorded the peculiar sight, a photo of which appeared in the PenBay Pilot. He told the newspaper, “I even called local airports at Owls Head and Bangor, asked if they had any record of anything flying in that formation and they said they didn’t.”

The video of Tyler’s encounter soon went viral on social media. WCSH Channel 6 reported that the director of the Astronomy Center at the University of Maine, Scott Mitchell, said that “there could be any number of explanations, just the weather here on Earth can get kinda crazy, so it could be any number of things … ”

In my opinion, after watching this video, there is absolutely no way to confuse the lights with a weather phenomenon.

Bigfoot and UFOs—
The Michael Merchant Tapes

YouTube, Video Titled “Shocking UFO
eye witness account Wytopitlock Maine”

Michael Merchant is a Maine native and biologist who made appearances on cable television shows such as The $10 Million Bigfoot Bounty and Discovery Channel’s Out of the Wild: Venezuela. He also has a YouTube channel called “SnowWalkerPrime,” where he posts videos dedicated to the pursuit of Bigfoot, albeit humorously. He categorizes his videos as entertainment, yet he does share some intriguing tales about Bigfoot, UFO sightings, and other creatures.

One video tells the story of him and someone identified as “Lady K” being out in the Haynesville Woods conducting wildlife survey work. Night fell fast, and the couple decided to camp in a gravel pit on the logging road in the area. They lay there watching the sky for quite some time. They noticed airplanes, shooting stars, meteors, and satellites. Then, as Michael explained, an odd meteor entered his field of view: “It was substantially large, it was just a ball of flames. It then just goes into slow motion.” Lady K added, “It slowed down to the speeds, pretty much what the satellites look like, just gently going.”

They observed the light change directions as it began following a plane that was in the area. It made no sound, though they could hear the airplane quite easily. They beamed their flashlight in the direction of the object, after which it increased its speed and left the area. Later that same night, they were disturbed by something hiding in the woods. Michael explained, “It was as if something was up there patrolling the edge of that gravel pit all night long, when we’re not looking, and when we’d get up to look, it stopped.”

If you would like to check out some fun (mostly meant for entertainment purposes), do a search on YouTube for SnowWalkerPrime.

Bright Light: Bangor, Maine, August 25, 2013

DailyMotion.com, Video Titled “UFO flying
over Bangor, Maine 25 August 2013”

Sky-watching has become a normal part of life for some residents in Maine. From the northern lights to meteor showers to shooting stars, the pristine sky in this area of the world could be considered unmatched.

One such sky-watcher had his eyes and camera pointed up as he recorded something he could not quite explain. When he reported it to MUFON, the witness explained, “I looked up and saw a close, low-flying, intense, bright lighted object and notice there was no sound. It was moving from S to N-NW. I began recording with the camera and was eventually able to stabilize it on a tripod and record it moving low across the sky.”

He eventually lost sight of the object as it disappeared behind a tree line. He walked his land to a spot where he had an open view of the night sky, and found it! He continued recording as it hovered over the Kenduskeag River: “It flew low and hovered silently and steadily in the sky at approx. 30 degrees, just over the power lines, trees, and eventually hovered over the river for approx. two minutes.”

While the video is of low quality, the object is, in my opinion, quite obviously not an airplane.

The Star Wars UFO:
Bangor, Maine, October 1, 2013

YouTube, Video Titled “Strange UFO hovered over
Bangor ME, USA on 10/01/2013 (Close Up)”

Okay, this is one of those too-good-to-be-true UFO sightings that one only dreams of capturing on video. This is a daytime sighting, great quality, and looks as though it could be straight out of a Star Wars movie. The story goes that a young gentleman is out taking his dog for a walk. He noticed at one point that the dog had become agitated, and that’s when something in the sky caught his attention. He fumbled for his cell phone and caught something quite phenomenal. Give it a watch—several, if you will. This may be just too good to be true (definitely).

Comparing the Videos

Did you watch all the viral videos? What did you think? The first one looked to me like a drone. Valerie Schultz at MUFON submitted the video for analysis, and it has come back as “authentic.” Authentic in this case means that there was no tampering done to the video, including CGI. However, that still does not discount the drone theory. The second viral video is much more convincing to me, and what’s odd is how the lights kept their distance perfectly from one another.

I encourage you to seek out more UFO videos—they are out there. I equally encourage you to take your own! You never know what you might find. If you catch something, look me up on Facebook at “Nomar Slevik Author” and send me a message. I’d love to talk to you about it!
