Light It Up

Who needs glow sticks with clothes like these? If your characters’ garments are self-lighting, create a glow effect with a soft gradient and a brighter, nearly white area in the middle. Make the outline the darkest shade of your desired color.


Neon hues are the most effective for lighting like this. Don’t outline the light strip with black; instead, use the color of the light itself to make it seem less like a solid object. Pay attention to the surrounding garment; the light casts a faint glow on the cloth.


Use high contrast to show self-lighting clothes without color. The suit is black, and the lit areas of the suit are bright white. The lit strips and circles have a softer edge to create the impression of a faint glow. They also cast light on the suit, like the lines on her forearm creating a glow against the side of her torso.


Try out self-lighting clothes in a variety of forms and on a variety of poses. Here are a few ideas to get you started.